High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1075: Evil King

However, even though Kiyoji Kashiwagi was shocked by the changes in Ayukawa, it didn't mean that Ayukawa was also shocked by others.

So the next moment, only hearing the sound of a dull concrete cracking sound, two dark brown sturdy vines suddenly shot out from under Kiyoshi Kashiwagi's feet, like a bolt of lightning, wrapped around Kiyoshi Kashiwagi's body.

Suddenly, Kiyoji Kashiwagi's expression changed, and he thought of what he had overlooked——

Forget the Shishen around Qin Heqing, it's not just Ayukawa! There is also an elf named Yue'er and a monster named Yu Nv.

But before he was reminded, the attack of the sanctified Ayukawa once again fell on him.


Suddenly, Kiyoshi Kashiwagi opened his pupils, and blood spewed out of his mouth uncontrollably.

Obviously, he suffered a serious internal injury.

Then Yue'er appeared behind the injured Kiyoshi Kashiwagi with the technique of wood escape, and shot continuously with both hands, and applied the technique of banning that he had mastered to Kiyoshi Kashiwagi as if he didn't need money, completing his suppression.

"I see where you are going this time." After a while, Yue'er clapped his hands triumphantly after finishing all this.

Kiyoshi Kashiwagi did not answer, but the blue veins on his forehead glared at Ayukawa who also appeared in front of him, seeming to want to see from her, what method did she use to get rid of the essence of ghosts and complete the evolutionary sublimation. , Become the strange Holy Spirit.

"He, leave it to you, I will help Heqing." Yue'er said to Ayukawa.


After that, Yue'er stopped talking, her figure flashed, and disappeared into the air just like she did when she appeared.

Then a fine light rain came, silently closing the space for the Evil Ghost King and the Oda Remnant Army, closing the intersection and the area hundreds of meters around.

In order to avoid irrelevant people from running into this battlefield because of ignorance and need——

And this is also the task Qin Heqing gave to Yu Nu. Otherwise, as the main force in the clearing, how could Qin Heqing not let her take action?

It's not that Kashiwagi Kiyoshi has scruples, fearing that fighting in the rain will make him think of Yumai's power, and let him run away from his hands again.

Qin Heqing had no idea of ​​letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

At the same time, correspondingly, with the release of Amame’s power, the Oda forces, who were killed and injured by Kagura’s indiscriminate attack, became worse and worse, even if they were not cut and swept by Kagura’s wind blades or hurricanes. Under the rain girl’s demon rain attack, the ghost gradually dissipated, turning into a relatively pure cloud and dissipating in the air...

"My lord, it seems that this man didn't intend to keep his hands on our people." Because it was an internal response, Jindalo, who was a bit of a paddling during the battle, approached Oda Nobunaga and watched it gradually. The downsizing team whispered with a heavy face.

"It's not as good as people, and who can't be blamed." Oda Nobunaga sighed, his eyes inevitably whispered with distress.

"Or..." Jindaluo hesitated.

"To whom? Qin Heqing, or the evil ghost king?" Oda Nobunaga, who understood his thoughts almost instantly, asked, "And have you ever thought about our end if the action fails?"

"Do you just look at it like that?" Zhendaluo said unwillingly.

"if not?"


After that, the two of them stopped talking about this horrible thing, and continued to pretend to paddle the water, by the way, paying attention to the battle between Qin Heqing and the evil ghost king, waiting for the final result of the two.


Now come back to Qin Heqing and the evil ghost king.

A flame dragon made with fire spells flew in front of the evil ghost king, and was slapped by him into sparks in the sky, like a firework showing the brightest light, and shot out towards the surroundings.

"But so." The evil ghost king said arrogantly with a scornful smile.

"It's just a trial technique. I didn't infuse much power into it. If you can't handle even spells of this level, then you really have to be prepared to stay here." Qin Heqingqing Laughing, with a pinch of the hand art, the sky's energy quickly converged and turned into a Han-style long sword, filling the sky.

"Huh, you are not ashamed! I just hope that you will have the confidence and face to say this to me." Then the vigorous evil erupted, like pollution, rendering the whole world into a strange color in an instant .

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah……"

Then a miserable scream came out, and a remnant of the Oda Army seemed to have a headache, holding his head and wailing in pain.

Not only the soldiers, but even Qin Heqing himself felt a strange power from the Evil Ghost King! Inexplicable whispers sounded in the ear, as if the whisper of a mental patient, constantly interfering with Qin Heqing's will, leading him to the abyss.

"Sure enough!" Qin Heqing secretly said in his heart with brows slightly tufted.

Then without hesitation, as soon as he stretched his arms, the Han swords all over the sky shot towards the Evil Ghost King like a shower of stars.

When the evil ghost king saw this, his expression remained unchanged, and he grinned, and several huge scratches that seemed to cut open space suddenly appeared in mid-air, like a troll claw standing up on the ground, flying with the energy released by Qin Heqing. The sword struck together.


The huge energy exploded, and the water vapor was transpired, turning into a large white mist, blocking the eyes of the Evil Ghost King and Qin Heqing.

But it was only a moment, the next second, with a strong wind hitting it, the Evil Ghost King's tall body was like a city rail high-speed rail in a rush, rushing towards Qin Heqing with shocking power and speed.

Qin Heqing flashed his body, seeming to move instantaneously, but in fact, the transposition technique used in the earth escape appeared behind the Evil Ghost King, and one point-Nine Heavens Aid Lei Sheng Puhua Tianzun.


The thunder shot and fell on the Evil Ghost King.

But the evil ghost king was not knocked to the ground under the bombardment of thunder~www.ltnovel.com~. Instead, after taking two steps forward under the impetus of huge inertia, he turned around and slapped it sharply. With a radius of more than ten meters, the palms of the huge energy like three or four evil ghost kings combined horizontally came back, like a dark cloud, covering all the retreats on Qin He Qingming's face, and everyone else was frightened.

But Qin Heqing didn’t. He was still indifferent. He even smiled and looked at the Evil Ghost King who was two tall enough to him. With his palm moved, a three-footed Han sword condensed by gold energy appeared again. In his palm, he gently lifted upwards, and a brilliant sword light that seemed to be able to cut the sky and the earth cut through the void, cut open the big hand made by the Evil Ghost King, and continued to fly towards the Evil Ghost King. .

Suddenly, the Evil Ghost King frowned, clenched a fist with one hand, and rushed towards the Heaven Slashing Sword Mang with full strength.


An ear-splitting sound spread, and the surrounding areas, whether they were monsters or the original buildings on the street, were all lifted off by the shock wave formed in this wave of attack and hedge. Stopped.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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