High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1077: Reward and punishment

When all the others came back, Qin Heqing didn’t say a word, and threw the gloomy Kiyoshi Kashiwagi into the pot world, using the banning power of the pot world to cut off the possibility of his final escape, and then turned his attention to Zhi Zhi. Tian Nobunaga and Zhendaro who came with him.

"Don't you have anything to say?" Qin Heqing asked quietly, looking at the two of them in leisure.

"Say what?" Oda Nobunaga asked back, "How can we become the subordinates of the evil ghost king? This was already explained when Jindalo passed the news to you before, so what else do you want us to say?"

"Yes, when Zhendaluo gave me the news, he did explain that it was the Evil Ghost King forcing you to obey each other. But is it really just because of this?" Qin Heqing asked with a smile.

"What else can I do if I don't." Oda Nobunaga asked as if this is what I really think.

"For example, murder with a knife." Yue'er sneered from the side.

"Killing someone with a knife? Why do you really want to add to the crime? If that's the case, why should I ask Jindalo to send you a message beforehand to tell you about the attack of the evil ghost king?" Oda Nobunaga Putting out that I am very wronged, but I just didn't show the stubborn appearance, and asked with my head held high.

"Why? Of course it is because you have no way of knowing whether the plan to kill with a knife will succeed, so you have to add a layer of insurance to your own life, so that even if the evil ghost king is truly defeated, you can still send the message. He saved his life for his contribution, and got rid of the suppression of the evil ghost king with one stone, and regained relative freedom." After a meal, before Oda Nobunaga or Jindalo spoke to retort, he continued to say "No loss is The overlord who was able to stir up the situation of the Warring States Period, even if you become a ghost, your cunning and treacherousness has not changed much. I have to say that your plan has succeeded."

Oda Nobunaga didn't speak, even his expression didn't change a bit, just staring at Qin Heqing as he did before, waiting for his next words.

"I am a person with clear grievances and grievances. No matter what purpose you assigned Jindaluo to pass the news to me, gong is gong. I will not obliterate your merits because of your ulterior intentions. Not only will you spare your life, but you will also be rewarded——" With that, Qin Heqing flashed his figure and appeared behind Zhen Daluo, pressing one hand on his shoulder, and a ball The soft energy light group was extracted from Zhendaluo's body.

"From now on, you are free." Qin Heqing then grabbed the light ball in his hand with his hand and said quietly as he looked at Zhendaluo with a little doubt and hesitation in his expression.

"...Then you should reward Oda Talent, why is it me who gets the benefit in the end?" Zhendaluo was silent for a moment, looking at Qin Heqing in a puzzled way.

At the same time Oda Nobunaga still did not speak, looking at Qin Heqing with inexplicable eyes.

"Because you are the direct sender of the news." Qin Heqing explained.

"Then I was also instructed by Lord Oda." Jindaluo fought.

"So, I spared his men and didn't kill all of his remaining soldiers." Qin Heqing looked at the Oda Remnant Road not far away under the command of Sandiro.

Suddenly, Oda Nobunaga's expression moved again, completely speechless.

"Are there any questions?" Qin Heqing looked back, and Oda Nobunaga and Jindalo asked.

"No, the adult's handling is fair." Oda Nobunaga looked at Qin Heqing deeply for a while, and said quietly.

"Then disband."


Then Oda Nobunaga did not talk nonsense, or said that he did not want to see Qin Heqing’s boring face, and left with a few soldiers, even fewer than a hundred soldiers. This changed because of Qin Heqing’s battle with the evil ghost king. At the dilapidated intersection, he rushed back towards his foothold.

"Let's go back too." Qin Heqing, who watched them for a moment, turned his head and said to the people around him.

Then everyone said nothing, leaving the crossroads and returning to the hotel.


"Ayukawa, give you a task." Qin and Qingchong Ayukawa said after returning to the hotel.

"What are you doing?" Ayukawa asked curiously.

"Swallow Kashiwagi Kiyoji's soul, and dig out all the information and secrets hidden in his mind." Qin Heqing stared at Ayukawa's eyes, which were particularly bright and bright because of his strong mental power.

"Yes." Ayukawa did not refuse, and nodded after thinking about it.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Then Qin Heqing didn’t say anything any more. With a thought, he sent Ayukawa, Yue'er, Yunv and Kagura into the pot world, leaving only the poison island Kongzi by his side and accompany him to continue this fullness. Rainy weekend.

"What's the matter?" After Qin Heqing hugged him and sent everyone into the world of the pot, he leaned forward to sit on his lap and asked Poison Island Kongzi who wrapped his hands around his neck in doubt.

"Kiss me." Toxic Island Suiko did not explain, but ordered in a whispered tone.

And without waiting for Qin Heqing's reaction, he proactively bowed his head and kissed Qin Heqing.

Qin Heqing was stunned, and then responded with interest.


Until a long time later.

"What happened to you just now, you were so active." On the bed, Qin Heqing, who was half leaning against the head of the bed, looked at the **** hair in his arms, and asked a pair of poison island Kongzi who had just performed heavy manual labor.

"There are too few enemies. The battle is over too early." Dudao Kongzi moved her head lazily and replied.

"It's not cool?" Qin Heqing said suddenly.

He finally forgot, I don’t know whether it is a metamorphosis or a special physique of the stress response of the island of the island-the more kills, the more intense the battle, the more enjoyable, the more her emotions and certain desires will be. Stronger, more sensitive, and even directly let her achieve the most ideal state.

So if you encounter a battle but can’t have fun~www.ltnovel.com~, you will also play games with ordinary people when you are happiest, but the game console suddenly breaks down. I feel very upset and depressed. I want to find Give vent to other things.

There was also the performance of Dudao Kongzi this time.


"Then how did you solve this situation before?" Qin Heqing was silent for a while, then asked with a weird expression.

"Take a bath, fight, or find a solution by yourself." Dudao Kongzi gave Qin Heqing a deep look and replied.

"Fight? With the person who cursed the forbidden road?" Qin Heqing laughed dryly, half changed the subject, half gossiping and continued to ask.

"The people outside are too weak, and they all practice competitive martial arts, so if you want to vent, you can only practice against the fighters in the curse forbidden that belong to a special person, so even if you kill someone, you don’t have to worry. It will get in too much trouble." Dudao Yuzi replied.

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