High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1087: Go away

"As far as I am concerned, I do not recommend that you enter Miryang." Qin Heqing glanced at several people in the countermeasures bureau including Machito, and said in deep thought. "Of course, I also know that this is impossible, after all. Your task here is to understand the conditions of Miryang and find out the method for the Miryang virus that is pervading the territory of Miryang. So I have only one suggestion here, that is, to do security protection."

"For example?" Taketa Ito asked in a somewhat uncomprehending way.

Safety protection is not something that will be ignored. Why did Qin Heqing take it out alone and remind it again?

Is there any special purpose?

"If you really need to enter Miyang, first of all, you have to wear the kind of fully enclosed protective clothing used to enter the nuclear zone or the biochemical impact zone. Because according to my investigation, within Miyang There is a terrible force now. You need to isolate and defend it when you are not sure whether it will be spread through contact." After a while, his face changed slightly, and some wanted to dodge and escape. Several people from the Countermeasures Bureau added.

"Of course, I have used other methods to sterilize it before I come back, so you don't have to worry that I will bring it back and infect you."

"Well, there is no such thing." Mihoko Hiratani replied with embarrassment.

"Then the second point, don't use a gas mask! Because the substance code-named Miyang virus is not a real virus or a special air component, but a peculiar force, so using a gas mask will not only prevent isolation The effect of purification may also allow that power to find a way to infect you. So my suggestion is to prepare an oxygen cylinder for yourself while using all-round isolation suits to provide your activity needs."

"Is it so exaggerated?" Another man named Okada Sawa among the two boys was surprised.

"The situation is only more exaggerated than I said. By tomorrow, when you have the opportunity to go to the surrounding area of ​​Miryang, you will understand how terrifying the force I am talking about." Qin Heqing glanced at Gang who seemed to have some doubts in his eyes. Tian Zuobo said quietly.

"Then I will report to the top later, let Hiraoka leader prepare, so as not to get caught off guard." Mato Akatsuki didn't want Qin and Qing's relationship with the others to become stiff, so he interrupted him and Okada quickly. The interface said.

"Whatever you want. Anyway, my business is over. As for you... all I can do is to wish you all the best in advance." Qin Heqing smiled and said with an indifferent attitude.

"Okay, I'm going to take a shower, look at it."

After speaking, he stood up again without waiting for others to say anything, and walked towards his bedroom.


Then there was nothing wrong all night, and time came to the next day in a blink of an eye.

"By the way, Maeto, wait for you to contact the official staff of the Xia Nanguo side and ask them to help me deal with the passport issue." During breakfast, Qin Heqing suddenly remembered something and said to Maeto.

"Passport? What happened to the passport?" Mado Akatsuki asked in confusion.

They did not come through the formal visa channel, but through the government's special channel, so there was registration, but they did not complete the passport signing or something.

As for the reason? Naturally it is not necessary.

"I'm going to visit Seoul, and then transfer directly to the island country from there. If I don't have a passport, I can't buy air tickets from regular channels." Qin Heqing replied.

"Are you going to Seoul?" Mato Akatsuki asked after hearing that his expression changed, and he lost his mind to eat the food in front of him.

At the same time, the other people did the same, casting their curious eyes on him.

"Yeah." Qin Heqing nodded.

"What about Miyang?" Mato Akatsuki asked.

"Didn't I say that, my business is done, so there is no need to waste time staying here, so I want to take a stroll in Seoul before going back to see the scenery of the southern country. "Qin Heqing explained.


"What? Can't do it?" Qin Heqing's face sank, and he squinted his eyes and stared at Akira Mato and asked.

"No, it can be done." Mato Akatsuki replied, shaking his head quickly.

She hadn't forgotten what a terrifying force was hidden inside Qin Heqing's seemingly fresh and sunny exterior.

"Then as soon as possible." Qin Heqing withdrew his eyes.

"Yes." Akatsuki Mahato responded.

Then the topic was skipped, and everyone once again put their minds on the food in front of them.

Even these people in the countermeasures bureau eat very absent-mindedly.


Soon after breakfast, Qin Heqing received a call from Mr. Tanaka from the island country.

"You want to leave?"

"Yes, what's the problem?" Qin Heqing asked back.

"Is the question right? It's just...you left after a long time. You don't care about Miyang?" Mr. Tanaka smiled bitterly.

"I'm not a member of the Countermeasures Bureau, what do I care about?" Qin Heqing retorted in an angry tone.

"Yes, you don't care about Miyang's affairs, but don't you have other plans on the Miyang side? Why, give up?"

"Didn't the real householder tell you that I've handled the matter?"

"Have you found the root of the Miryang virus?" Mr. Tanaka said with a stern voice.


"What is it?" Tanaka asked.

"It's the power of the Heretic God." Qin Heqing, who didn't intend to conceal this aspect, replied simply.

"The power of Cthulhu?!" Tanaka was shocked, but repeated more and more puzzled.

As a modern individual, he doesn't know what Cthulhu is and how terrifying the power of Cthulhu is.

"I can only tell you so much. As for the more specific, you can wait for your people to enter the Miyang investigation before asking. I think they can tell you what the evil spirit power in my mouth is."

"Well~www.ltnovel.com~ I have one last question here." Mr. Tanaka was silent, and sighed with a little helplessness after a while.

"What?" Qin Heqing asked back.

"Can you solve the Miryang virus?" Mr. Tanaka said solemnly.

"Small range is fine, but if it is city level..."

"How is it?" Tanaka's voice asked anxiously.

"You'd better pray that the evil ghost king will not make sacrifices in the island." Qin Heqing replied.


Then Mr. Tanaka was silent and hung up after a while.

Obviously, it was shocked by Qin Heqing's answer.

Of course, Qin Heqing didn’t care about that much. After getting the re-applied passports from the Nanguo side, he took a train to the only city nearby that had an airport, and then transferred there and flew to the capital of the south. -Seoul.

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