High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1094: Fried

Seeing that the data has become normal, Qin Heqing also began to reduce the release of his strength, preparing to check the latest situation of the infected person before deciding on the next step.

As the light weakened, the figure of the infected person reappeared.

"Sir, you are too good. You solved the problem of abnormal physical signs that so many of us have not been able to solve for several days. No wonder the above insisted on asking you to join the research team and study with us. Sure enough, The method is amazing!" Upon seeing this, a researcher said quickly and flatly.

"By the way, excuse me, sir, what you used before is..." At this time, another researcher who may be more focused on research and not used to interpersonal or emotional intelligence is in research, and not in the world, checked the data. He looked at the infected person lying on the hospital bed and asked aloud.

"Tianhe Purifying Body Curse, a special curse that a few people will master even in the country across the sea." Qin Heqing smiled and explained patiently.

"Tianhe Purifying Curse..." The researchers looked at each other and hesitated--

After all, Qin Heqing has already said that it is a special spell that a few people will master in the country on the other side of the sea. If you want him to contribute, although researchers don’t think too much about politics, But it doesn't mean that they don't understand at all. It is definitely not a simple matter to ask for this kind of spell, and it is impossible at all without paying a big price!

Secondly, they are worried about the difficulty of learning this spell-if it is a spell that only certain elites, or genius levels, or else people of special physique can learn, they hope that the countermeasures will be within a short time. Cultivate the corresponding mantra holder...

They think that it is better to continue to let this consultant help with the problem.

Otherwise, the ghost knows what virtues the infected will become when they learn it.

"Collect the cells to see if the special substances in his cells still exist, and how much there are if they exist." Qin Heqing didn't give the researchers too much opportunity to think, so he immediately took out the identity of the special person and ordered.

"Yes." Then the researchers returned to their senses, found tools, and dealt with the infected person's body——

The main purpose is to collect blood, followed by the use of a scalpel to cut a small opening about two centimeters deep into the dermis on the infected person's body, and collect some body cells from the wound, and then apply a band-aid to perform the operation. deal with.

Then, the blood and cell tissues are transferred to the outside of the isolation room, and they are handed over to the non-isolated researchers outside for the most detailed and rapid separation and observation processing.

"Alright." After a while, the researcher retreated from the infected person.

Qin Heqing nodded, walked to the infected person again, and carefully sensed his physical condition-but a special and very inconspicuous weird wave suddenly spread from the infected person, and then was The expression of the infected person who had just calmed down suddenly twisted, and the blue veins on his body raised and let out a painful roar like a beast——


Then, more obvious mutations began to appear, and the infected person seemed to be an evolutionary creature that had been speeded up to be broadcast ten times faster in an evolutionary documentary, and the body was twisted and twitched immediately! Strips of tentacles like fleshy feet and whiskers emerged, transforming the infected person into an inhuman state.


The researchers in the isolation room were stunned, staring blankly at the infected person who had suddenly become inhuman and weird creatures, completely losing the ability to speak, and instinctively stepped aside, but couldn't make any movements.

"Ayukawa! Try it with your abilities!" Qin Heqing stepped back, looking at the infected person in the hospital bed who began to transform into the twisted spirit he had seen before and shouted in a deep voice.

Ayukawa did not hesitate either. As soon as his figure appeared, he appeared in the isolation room. As soon as he stretched his arms, the majestic supernatural power quickly acted on the infected person, stalemate with the strange power that burst out of his body...

Until a moment later.


A huge explosion sounded, and the infected person was like a balloon that had been charged to the limit, bursting into the isolation room abruptly.

Flesh and blood were splattered, and everyone in the Bund Quarantine Room was full of them, looking very embarrassed.

But what is even more noticeable is that the broken meat parts that were collapsed still did not completely die as expected, losing all active reactions, but like fish, snakes, frogs, and insects, even though Without the sensory tissues, it was still there trembling and twisting incessantly, a weird look that made the faces of the researchers very ugly.

"Ayukawa, clean it up." Seeing this, Qin Heqing felt so uncomfortable that Qin Heqing ordered again.


Following this, the invisible power of thought erupted in the isolation room, like an invisible clean hand, gathering all the pieces of flesh and tissue that existed in the isolation room that could be cleaned, and then burning them under a fire by Qin Heqing The ashes.

"Let's go out."


"Sorry, I didn't expect things to turn out like this." After cleaning, Qin Heqing, who was dressed when he came back, looked at Mr. Tanaka waiting outside and apologized.

This is the truth. He really did not expect that purifying the infected with the Tianhe Cleansing Curse would activate the hidden substances in his body, and the energy of that substance when it erupts is so powerful, even the Ayukawa's quite good recovery ability. Unable to calm down, caused such a terrible explosion effect.

"I understand." Mr. Tanaka shook his head understandingly, and turned his attention away, "As long as his sacrifice is meaningful."

It means asking, Qin Heqing, have you found anything.

"It's really meaningful~www.ltnovel.com~ Qin Heqing looked at Tanaka, did not say anything for his relatively cold-blooded remarks, sighed secretly and replied, "Through my hand purification technique just now It can be concluded that even if the infected person seems to have no problem on the surface, it is not contagious, and even has been purified by us in some way, but it is enough to affect the infected person when we carry out a deep and all-round purification. The power is still hidden deep in their bodies. Coupled with the cytoplasmic changes discovered by the researchers, I have reason to believe that those special substances are the source of pollution and the essence of the power of Cthulhu! "

"So if you want to solve the mad symptoms of the infected, then finding a way to safely dispose of the cytoplasmic substance is the key, followed by mental correction."

"Then what do you suggest?" Mr. Tanaka nodded, looking at Qin Heqing and asked again.

"I don't know much about research, but if you just talk about it... a deep and powerful purification spell is still needed, but I don't know if your countermeasures bureau can get it." Qin Heqing replied.

However, Mr. Tanaka was also helpless because he didn't mention the idea of ​​contributing the Tianhe Purifying Curse.

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