High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1117: Shura Field

"Chenghui, two million." Qin Heqing turned to the ground, and while throwing things back to the pot world, said Ayumi Zhongshan who punched the bed.

"Could it be cheaper?" Zhongshan Ayumi didn't refuse, but stood up, walked to Qin Heqing and hooked his neck with both hands, bargaining softly with a charming expression.

"Sorry, small business, no bargaining." Qin He calmly said.

"Am I not beautiful?" Zhongshan Stepme asked again without being discouraged.

"Beautiful." Qin Heqing nodded.

This is not a compliment, but Ayumi Nakayama's appearance is really good, especially when he is dressed as a survivor, it can attract the attention and covet of men, but it is in line with the old saying: If you want to be pretty, be filial... …

"Then you don't want to get me?"

"I want to, but it's not strong." After a meal, he continued. "And 2 million for a pair of people, don't you think this price is a bit too high?"

Even the highest-grade Ginza public relations, once published less than a quarter of this.

Think of it as gold inlaid with jade.

"It can be more than once."

"I don't want to trouble myself."


"Bored man."

After speaking, Zhongshan Ayumi backed away from Qin Heqing, walked to her handbag, picked up the handbag, took out a dozen checkbooks from it, wrote it, and tore it off.


"Give you."

Qin Heqing took it and checked it before his eyes.

"How come there are only 1 million." Qin Heqing frowned.

"Remember why I was married to a man from Takaliu's family?" Zhongshan Ayumi smiled, somewhat mocking, and somewhat helplessly asked.

"Indebted." Qin Heqing thought thoughtfully.

"Yes, I'm in debt. So I sold it to the Takaliu family in vain. I was a maid and servant in the name of a daughter-in-law. Therefore, although there is no pocket money at all, I hope that there will be a lot? That is wishful thinking. . So this million is all the money I can take out without disturbing the Gao Liu family, no matter how much..."

It is estimated that it should touch the sensitive nerves of Gao Liu's family and let them trace the purpose of Zhongshan Ayumi's use of the money. Then the consequences...

"So you really don't need me to accompany you? You can recover the loss." Zhongshan Ayumi asked with a slight smile.

"I'm not that bad." Qin Heqing shook his head.

"Then there will be no chance to regret it later."

Then Zhongshan Stepme got up and went into the bathroom to wear it.


"This is a real loss." After a long while, Qin Heqing, who was separated from Zhongshan Ayumi, looked at the clouded sky and sighed helplessly, "You can't do this stupid thing next time."

"Then you didn't act just now." Yue'er vomited.

"That has to be divided, just like Zhongshan Ayumi, do you believe she won't entangle me after this time?" Qin Heqing asked rhetorically.

Yue'er thought about it, and shook her head to express her disbelief.

"So, instead of getting into some innocent troubles because of this kind of thing, it's better to make money to avoid disasters. It's not a lot of money." Qin Heqing sighed.

"Then you are still depressed, why are you?" Yue'er said silently.

"I'm not depressed about the money, but the feeling of being upset. It's like being calculated." Qin Heqing said discouragedly. "But forget it, it's already like this. If you think about it, you can't change anything. Let's transfer the money first. Cary is serious."

After that, he didn't hesitate, took Yue'er to the nearby Island Bank, and punched the one million on the check into his account.

"Fortunately, this check is true." Qin He Qingchang exclaimed after receiving the news.

"What? You were worried that the check she gave you was fake?" Yue'er asked in surprise.

"Yeah." Qin Heqing nodded.

"Just because that woman behaved too cunning?" Yue'er asked puzzledly.

"In addition to this reason, it is also because she said that this one million is all the money she can spend without disturbing the Gao Liu family, so I doubt whether she will keep this special The deposit continued to deceive me. Just like she hacked my one million labor fees." Qin Heqing explained.

"...Sure enough, he is a fox." Yue'er hated Wu and cursed.

"Hey, it seems necessary to have a good talk with the supporters in the group, so as to save them from introducing this kind of messy people to me in the future. In that case, I might as well stop doing it." Qin Heqing sighed.

Then he took out his mobile phone and sent his thoughts to the group.


If it is unlucky to run into such a strange thing as Zhongshan Stepme, then Qin Heqing's experience on this day is like hell, causing him pain and restlessness, and no matter how he builds his heart, he cannot completely calm his soul.

So what did he meet?

Very simple, Shura Field!

As his girlfriends, Megumi Kato and Shiwa Kasumigaoka unexpectedly and logically met on this day—Christmas Eve. They both sat at the low table in Qin Heqing’s apartment from time to time. Glancing at each other, there was a silent confrontation that special people like Qin Heqing couldn't see, and even expected.

"It seems that I'm not coming at the right time. Did you bother you?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu took a sip of tea to moisturize his throat, then looked at Kato Kee and Qin He who was sitting on the other side and said in a slow voice.

"No, I'm a guest from afar, so even if it really disturbs us, we won't take it to heart. After all, Senior Shiyu is not only a good friend of Heqing, but also his writing counterpart (xing) and Senior, in any case, we can't push Senior Shiyu out of the door." Kato Kee still said with a faint expression, playing with the water glass in his hand and said slowly.

It's just that the blade and the declaration of sovereignty in these words ~www.ltnovel.com~ made Shiyu's forehead jump, and faint blue veins appeared.

"What you said...but that's right. I'm indeed a senior in writing in Wakyu. Since I'm here today, it's not easy to sit and do nothing for nothing. In this way, Wakyu, listen to Editor Machida saying that you have started writing. The new volume is new, how much is written? Take it out and let me check it for you and see if you have made any progress." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu also made an inch of progress, hehe smiled, turned to look at Qin Heqing, with a fierce light in his eyes.

"Uh, I didn't write much." But I said that, but he didn't hesitate to move. He quickly got up from the ground, walked to the desk, brought the laptop that was on, and pushed it to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's. "Hey, it's all here."

"Then I'll take a good look for you." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu smiled.

Qin Heqing silently walked back to Kato Megumi and sat down.

"By the way, Kazuki, I have a gift to give you." At this moment, Kato Megumi, who had not reacted much, said suddenly.

Then he got up from the ground and walked aside.

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