High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1120: Christmas

No matter how delicious the shouxi pot is, no matter how hard it is to eat, there will always be a time when it is finished. In addition, the relationship between everyone is underage and it is not easy to drink, so there is no way to implement plans such as borrowing wine to spread the wind. Finished the meal, and then entered the post-dinner stage——

"What should I do next?" Kato Kee whispered to himself, who took the dishes to the kitchen for cleaning.

"What's your opinion?" Qin Heqing asked, who was accompanying the washing machine.

"Why don't you go sing karaoke." Kato Megumi thought for a while to reply.

It seems that this place is more suitable for pastime when there are many people gathering at night.

"It's okay. Then I'll find a place." As he said, Qin Heqing took out his mobile phone, began to search for nearby KTV places, and asked about the box.

After all, today is Christmas Eve, although it is not a serious weekend, if you are unlucky, you may still encounter situations where there is no place for consumption in your favorite place.

Especially on Christmas Day.

Fortunately, Qin Heqing's luck was pretty good, so after spending some time, he found a private room reserved by a high-end KTV on the Ikebukuro Commercial Street.

"Okay, just wait for us to pass." Qin Heqing said.

"Then I will speed up a bit."

"let me help you."

Then the two accelerated the pace of cleaning, cleaned up the not-so-large bowls, chopsticks and dishes, placed them in the original position, and took off their aprons and returned to the living room.

"Shiyu, clean up, let's sing karaoke." Qin Heqing said.



"Why is it so urgent, isn't it okay to stay at home?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who was in a sleepy, lazy state and didn't want to move because of eating, said reluctantly.

"Get up and move around. It's just to eliminate the food, so as not to accumulate fat and pile up the small belly." Qin Heqing stared at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

"How can it be so easy to get fat." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu muttered, "Don't you know that writing is very energy intensive?"

"That consumes only the carbohydrates in the food, and it doesn't consume fat. Otherwise, there won't be so many literary writers with distorted bodies." Qin Heqing corrected her mistake again.

"Why didn't I realize it?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu muttered. However, he didn't procrastinate any more in his actions, stood up, and after a brief cleaning in the bathroom, he was ready to go, and waited near the entrance.

"Hui, are you okay?" Qin He Qing also shouted in the hall.

"Come here." After that, Hui, who was also ready to set off, also walked out of the house, put on his shoes, followed Qin Heqing and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu and left the apartment, walked down the street, and made a reservation. The KIV in the private room walked over slowly.

Both of them brought gloves, so that Qin Heqing didn't need to be courteous, and used his body temperature to help them warm their hands to avoid frostbite...

In this slightly embarrassing atmosphere, the three of them quickly came to the reserved KTV, reported their names, entered the private room they had reserved, closed the door, and sang unscrupulously...

Is really unscrupulous.

After all, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s singing skills are there. Although it is not enough to say that the pentatonic is not complete, the rhythm of each song is mostly not in the tune. This, coupled with the breathing problem, makes her score every song after the end. It's not very high, even lower than that of Kato Kei, who is only an amateur, and it is almost catching up with the so-called magic sound.

Anyway, when Qin Heqing listened, he felt a little dumbfounded.

But there is no schadenfreude. As for the reason? It is also very simple, that is, his singing voice is not much stronger than that of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu. He belongs to the common people wandering near the level line. If you really want to laugh at it, it is nothing more than a big brother and a second brother. There is nothing really worth it. To show off.

He is not a talented person.

But the singing was very enjoyable. At least Qin Heqing could feel that most of the dissatisfaction in Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's heart was vented along with the singing. It was worthy of the nickname of the emotional venting machine, which made Qin Heqing loose. Tone.


After singing, Qin Heqing took the two of them to watch a night movie, and after having a supper outside, he asked a taxi to send Kasumigaoka Shiba and Kato Megumi back, and went to Hinasaki alone. On Shen Yu's side, through Christmas Eve with her who was also unaccompanied, stepping into the Christmas day...

"Sure enough, if there are too many women and the arrangements are not good, the one who suffers in the end may be yourself." Qin Heqing, who experienced the afterthought, muttered secretly while looking at the brightly lit bedroom.

"Forget it, go to sleep."

Immediately Qin Heqing retracted into the bed and rested with Hina Saki Shenyu lying in his arms.


And it is also Christmas Day, in Europe, a small country that few people pay attention to.

"Are you all ready?" The Evil Ghost King who was sitting in a villa similar to a one-family house looked at the dozens of ghost leaders gathered in front of him and asked quietly.

"Yes, sir, according to your instructions, we have set up a sacrificial circle throughout the territory of Austria, and as required, buried the holy relics on the nodes. Only after your order, the whole circle will be It officially starts to operate and welcomes the coming of God." Among the ghost bosses, a certain old ghost who is suspected of being a relatively high-ranking ghost half-bows, just like an ancient housekeeper reporting information to the master he serves, and replied respectfully.

"Where are the sacrifices? Are you ready too?" The Evil Ghost King did not show any expression indifferently, only looking at the talking old ghost and asked again.

"According to your instructions, the live animals were transported to the designated location. This, together with the entire population of Austria, guarantees that it can meet the needs of God's coming and turn this place into the kingdom of God."

"Didn't it attract the attention of the local government?" The Evil Ghost King, who had suffered two losses in this regard, asked cautiously.

"It's all within the controllable range, and it doesn't affect our actions yet."

"Then get ready, at 11 o'clock tonight, I will officially start the sacrifice to welcome the coming of our gods." The Evil Ghost King's eyes flashed and exclaimed.


Afterwards, the ghost spirit raged ~www.ltnovel.com~ All the ghost bosses gathered in front of the Evil Ghost King disappeared and disappeared in front of the Evil Ghost King.


"Wow wow wow..."

"What's going on, why does he keep crying." Still in Europe, in a vast manor house, Judy, a witch dressed as a noble lady in the Middle Ages, hugged her child and looked at the middle-aged woman in front of her irritated. Questioned.

"Sorry, Lord Judy, I don't know why His Royal Highness Solomon keeps crying." The woman replied with trepidation.

"Then what use do I want you?" Judy said coldly.

In an instant, the middle-aged woman's expression changed, she knelt down with fear on her face, sweating coldly, but she did not dare to say anything to refute or justify herself.

"Master Judy, do you feel something is wrong?" Then, the witch Julius who had been serving Judy asked solemnly.

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