Qin Heqing took a closer look at the information, and found that it was composed of three parts, and the two parts of the information were introduced to the places he had visited-Chofu city next to Tokyo, which is the original evil ghost king. The place where it appeared and sacrificed, as well as the southern city of Miryang, is the place where the power of the evil **** officially appeared and was known to Qin Heqing.

Only after that was the place where the latest intelligence data occurred-Austria.

According to the information, along with a weird beam of light rising into the sky, the magnetic field of the entire Austria has undergone an inexplicable change. Not to mention the disappearance of the country from satellite surveillance, even the telephone is difficult to communicate, and the network is also inexplicable. ’S has fallen into a halted state, that is, it is not updated, and there is no latest news on the Internet, just like the entire Austria is isolated from the world.

And the most important thing is that it is said that nearby intelligence personnel also lost contact after entering Austria, just like the original Miryang incident reappeared, letting the countermeasure bureau, and even the controller behind the island country-Amarui Ken's head of intelligence also felt extremely depressed, and there was a breath of rain and wind that filled his nose.

Especially after the initial source of similar incidents in Miryang, where abnormal conditions also occurred in Austria, strange changes began to occur, and monsters rushed out of the blockade and actively attacked humans. The nerves of the three countries of the old Mi were instantly mentioned to the highest level of sensitivity. It can be said that as long as there is a disturbance, it may trigger a new round of extreme actions, which makes the relevant personnel of the three countries feel extremely depressed.

Finally, it’s Chofu. I don’t know that the object of sacrifice is the relationship between the evil ghost king, so it has little to do with the so-called evil god, so I didn’t let Chofu City become like Miryang, and sacrificed directly. After becoming a ghost domain, it is still affected by other reasons. Although there seems to be people infected with the power of Cthulhu in Chofu City, the scope and impact are not as exaggerated as in Miryang, and they are still under control. Within...

But this sign is that the senior officials of the Bureau of Countermeasures feel scalp numb. If this turns from suspicion to reality, only from the distance between Chofu City and Tokyo—about 20 kilometers, it’s just about 20 kilometers. The half-hour journey really broke out, the impact and consequences...

This is also the reason why Qin Heqing was originally intended to temporarily exclude Qin Heqing from the research plan, and why he was suddenly invited to the headquarters for further discussions and information sharing.

"I saw that it was mentioned in the document that there is the last satellite video data about Austria. Can you show it to me?" After a while, Qin Heqing, who had read all the documents, raised his head and asked Mr. Tanaka.

"Then you should also know that everyone who came into contact with that video material ended up with a mental problem." Mr. Tanaka reminded.

This is why the Countermeasures Bureau suddenly wanted to develop an effective treatment method.

Even images and videos have shown such terrible spread. If this spreads to the Internet, what is the point of their strict prevention offline and in reality?

"It is precisely because of this that I need to look at the video material. Otherwise, how can I understand how it affects people?" Qin Heqing asked with a confident chuckle.

"You don't think about it anymore? You know, if you also have a problem, no one can save you again now." Tanaka Surong said.

"I believe in my Shiki. They can guarantee my safety." Qin Heqing responded.

"Okay, I'll ask someone to arrange it." After saying that, Mr. Tanaka picked up the phone on the desk, arranged related matters through the inside line, and quickly got the corresponding reply.

"Let's go, I'll take you there."

Qin Heqing nodded, got up, and left his office with Mr. Tanaka.

Turning left and right, I soon came to a closed room similar to a confinement room. There are no windows on all sides. The only light source is the overhead lights. A table is placed in the center of the room. A desktop computer with a computer screen facing a chair. In addition to the facilities in the house, there are only cameras in the four corners of the room to monitor the status of the viewer, which is simple enough.

But Qin Heqing didn’t pick it either, because he understood what it was all about, so he nodded with Mr. Tanaka, walked behind the desk with the computer under the latter’s gaze, sat down on the chair, and turned on the computer .

"I'm waiting for you outside." Mr. Tanaka said.


Then, Mr. Tanaka turned around and opened, and the only external connecting passage of the house was closed by a heavy metal gate.

As far as the overall situation is concerned, it is not much different from imprisoning him.

"Yue'er, Ayukawa, my safety will depend on you soon." Qin Heqing said cautiously.

"Don't worry, I will pay attention to the changes in your attitude, and I will help you when you need it." Yue'er said sternly.

"Me too." Ayukawa echoed.

"I believe in you." Qin Heqing smiled, squeezed the mudra with one hand, and blessed himself with spiritual armor first.

As Qin Heqing, who was almost fooled by the evil god's scheming on the side of Miyang, naturally knew that spiritual protection, the sooner you can add yourself, the better. As for whether this does not trust Yue'er and Ayukawa's performance...

Are you stupid? When did Qin Heqing say that he was going to fight the weird in vain?

Besides, this is the original plan, so there is no such thing as trust or distrust.

Then the computer entered the desktop, Qin Heqing also used the mouse to click on the desktop, except for the system icon, the only remaining icon file representing the non-system kernel self-provisioned program, activated the system, and played the video——

Suddenly, the window changed, and a bit of a freeze, like a network delay screen, and the high-altitude bird's-eye view video with not very high resolution came into Qin Heqing's eyes~www.ltnovel.com~green mountains, green water, and ease Quiet town architecture...

If it's not at night, I think this will be a picture book of beautiful natural scenery and city scenery.

It’s just that the good times didn’t last long, and then the situation of the picture in the bird’s eye view suddenly changed. First, a strange and faint light emerged and spread from the picture, and then a huge magic array appeared in the video picture like a natural painting. As soon as it turned on, the sky full of light filled the entire satellite blueprint video.

Fortunately, the time is not very long. About ten seconds or so, the light spreads slowly as if the successor is weak, and then weird spatial cracks appear, a tall, whole body is shrouded in pitch black and thick fog, which makes people see The strange figure with unclear body shape appeared in the video again, and he did not see what he did. The mental impact that was as strong as the waves of the sea continued to flood into Qin Heqing’s mind through the video screen. .


Following the inexplicable sly words sounded silently, like a prayer, and like a sacrifice, impacting Qin Heqing's mind.

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