High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1124: Experimental project three

The final result is that the effect is effective, but it cannot be cured. The infected person will transform into a chanting machine in the days to come. It needs to chant 24 hours a day to avoid the possibility of him being infected by evil forces. Otherwise, In the end, he will return to the original point and become a psychopath.

And can he chant without stopping 24 hours a day?

The answer is obviously no.

Not to mention the indispensable factors in sleep, just eating and drinking Lazar is enough to make the infected person unable to get rid of the influence, and finally return to the mentally ill.

Is there a solution?

The answer is also yes.

And it’s also very simple. It’s to make a consecration tool that can form a field—for example, the source of the Great Compassion and Great Compassion Dharani Sutra—Avalokitesvara with Thousand Hands and Thousand Eyes, or ordinary Avalokitesvara. The chanting of the infected person does not mean that the infected person cannot get some breathing opportunities, so that they can carry out the necessary steps in daily life.

It's just that the problem is equally big, and that is the operating time of the light-opening device.

It's just like the battery will run out. Under the confrontation of evil forces, the existence time of the magic weapon is also somewhat unquestionable. What if it is very short? It can't be changed every day, right? When the time comes, who will provide so many magic instruments, and how to calculate the price?

With the monks' urination for money, if someone is really infected, it is estimated that even the rich's house will not last long and it will be helpless.

But if it is replaced with a spirit weapon-level consecration method, where does the material come from?

There is also the issue of price.

In short, one or two is okay. If it becomes a large-scale infection, this method is not suitable for promotion.

So after getting the first infected person, Qin Heqing studied another method suitable for promotion in the reminder of the researchers.

Naturally, two more infected people were sent here for Qin Heqing to study and use.

"Experimental project 3, pattern correction test, start."

Then Qin Heqing walked over the head of the newly sent infected person and picked up the special tools used by the tattooists for tattoos. At this time, the head of the infected person who had been shaved off was portrayed.

What is portrayed?

Naturally, it is an enchantment that can shield evil forces, as well as incantations that can help patients to meditate.

So it takes a lot of energy to talk about it, and it's also very expensive. Therefore, when all the engravings of the experimental project are finished, the head of the bald-headed infected person seems to have regrown a layer of thick black hair, becoming pitch black...

It was the incantation written by Qin Heqing that covered his scalp.

Even the scalp alone is not enough. Even behind the ears and neck, there are mantras in Sanskrit, making the infected person look like a special tattoo lover, and it feels weird.

"Attention, start to wake the patient now."

After speaking, Qin Heqing stretched his hand to the top of the patient’s face. The patient who had been fainted by his sleep curse before had his eyelids trembling, and he quickly woke up from his sleep, his eyeballs swimming, staring blankly at the stranger in front of him. everything of.

"Remember who I am?" Qin Heqing saw this and motioned the testing researcher beside him to evaluate his mental state.

"I...I'm the Great Muwei." The infected person's eyes were blank for a moment, then refocused and replied.


"Satellite status monitor."

"Remember what happened before?"


Very abruptly, the Great Muwei who had been awake all the time roared fiercely and howled in pain!

At the same time, the incantation on his scalp began to radiate a little light, making him look like a human-shaped self-propelled light bulb, so bright and eye-catching.

"It seems that it caused stress feedback." The researcher walked to Qin Heqing and speculated. After a while, he continued, "However, from the initial reaction, this method should still be effective, but it is still uncertain how long it lasts and where it is sensitive to stressors."

"Then continue experimenting." Qin He calmly said.

"But... the purely mentally infected people are already here. If even the last one is used to test this set of treatments, then there is no way to conduct new treatment research." The researcher said with some embarrassment.

"Only these three people?" Qin Heqing asked unexpectedly.

"Only these three." The researcher smiled wryly.

The first is the initial patient, who happened to be on duty at the time, so he noticed the impact data for the first time and became a lunatic.

The second one is the one in front of him. He is the person who succeeded the first patient. To figure out what kind of work the first person did before he went crazy, he needed to return to the relevant documents and information, so he found that A video, and then followed in the footsteps, and then the third, a guy who wants to understand why the first and second people go crazy, but his heart seems to be relatively weak. After seeing the video, Or they stumbled and fell downstairs shortly after being affected, and then it was the outsider's turn, that is, an employee of their countermeasure bureau, who went to investigate the situation and became a new infected person.

"Isn't there still Miryang, and the infected people found in Chofu City? If it doesn't work, let them continue the test." Qin Heqing pursed his mouth and replied.

"But, those people are carrying infectious substances, I'm afraid..." the researcher hesitated.

"You haven't found a way to purify?" Qin Heqing asked rhetorically.

"I found it, but the effect was not very good. It either stimulated mutation or killed people on the spot, so..." The researcher hesitated for a moment, and explained the recent research results of the Countermeasures Bureau~www.ltnovel.com ~Send the last person in first. I'll take a look at the situation first. If it doesn't work, I will use him to test the second treatment, and those infected to test the third treatment. "Qin Heqing thought for a while and responded.

"It can only be so." Then the researchers left, organized the manpower to take the second person away for isolation and observation, and sent the third infected person over.

"Experimental guessing plan 04, Spiritual Body Modification, the test begins."

After speaking, Qin and Qingmai stepped to the side of the remaining mentally infected person, reached out to hold down the other's forehead, and entered the infected person's Niwan Palace in the way of being possessed by the soul of the Oriental Immortal Dao system, and appeared directly In his soul ancestral aperture-

Suddenly, a dark and dim space emerged, like a ghost-like horror image, which filled the entire ancestral aperture of the infected person like a curtain, chanting and saying strange and inexplicable words, affecting the space. The owner of Zhongyuan-the infected person.

The whole body was surrounded by black mist, and the smaller part of the body seemed to be contaminated, becoming strange and inexplicable.

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