High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1132: 2 Sakagami

Qin Heqing, who brought Asako Sakagami into the world of the pot, didn’t talk nonsense. After confining Asako’s body form with the power of the demon pot, and letting the also brought Ayukawa use its super powers to monitor Asako’s body changes, he set off I walked to the side of Asako Sakakami, stretched out his finger, and pointed at Asako Sakakami's forehead——

In an instant, the familiar light and shadow changed, and Qin Heqing entered a theater from the barren zone of the pot world.

Yes, the theater, and it is exactly the same theater as the theater performance stage outside Qin Heqing, except that there are no auxiliary buildings, no redundant staff, etc., there is only a lone stage, and a lone actor, like acting Like a one-man show, rotating in the center of the stage...

But the sharp-eyed Qin Heqing noticed that although the actors on the stage had the appearance of Sakagami Asako, their posture was completely different from that of the normal Sakagami Asako. Instead, they were like a Siamese baby, splitting into two directly from above the waist. A shallow son with a torso and arms, as well as a head and facial features.

A person is surrounded by black air, exuding a terrifying, evil and weird aura, and a person is white, and his face is full of helplessness and helplessness, like a puppet doll, which can only act in accordance with the actions of another shallow child, but It is impossible to make instructions and arrangements that affect the body's movements at all.

The surroundings are very'clean', but there is no sea of ​​consciousness of the mentally-infected people Qin Heqing had seen in the countermeasures bureau. There are a lot of weird and silly words inside, giving people a sense of horror. I don't know if it is. Sakagami Asako's situation is special, because the world of the pot cuts off the relationship between inside and outside, so there are not so many external changes.

Anyway, no matter what it is, it is a happy thing for Qin Heqing who came to rescue Asako Sakagami——

At least he doesn't need to worry about the existence of the Demon God anymore, and he doesn't need to worry that the aftermath caused by himself and the Demon God will affect the soul of Asako Sakakami, making the process of treatment more difficult.

Then Qin Heqing moved towards the stage.

"Who are you? Why did you appear in my world?" At the same time, Asakami Sakakami, who noticed Qin Heqing's appearance, stopped spinning, and asked with an evil side toward Qin Heqing who was getting closer.

His face was full of doubts, as if a lonely child who was staying at home suddenly encountered an unfamiliar intruder, with curiosity and a strong sense of rejection, turning people thousands of miles away.

"I'm Qin Heqing, your parents and aunts came to rescue you." With a smile on his face, Qin Heqing introduced Asako Sakagami on the stage with a kind attitude.

"Save me? I don't need anyone to save me, I'm doing well!" Asakami Sakagami tilted his head and paused, then roared loudly with an angry face.

"No! Help, please help me Qin Jun..." Only when her voice fell, the soul of another Asako Sakakami who was behind her struggled violently, turning his head and shouting at Qin Heqing. .

"You shut up! You useless fellow." The evil Sakagami Asako immediately cursed with an angry expression.

"It seems that your opinions are very different. So the question is, who should I listen to?" Qin Heqing smiled, stepping across the rest of the space and jumping directly to the top of the stage, watching the disunity of will. Asako Sakagami, who seemed to be in a state of confusion, asked rhetorically.

"I am the master here, so naturally I want to listen to me." The evil Sakagami Asako replied naturally.

"No, I am the real Sakagami Asako, listen to me." Sakagami Asako shouted.

"You are just a useless residue that I haven't completely stripped away. What qualifications do you have to use Asako Sakakami's identity on my behalf?" The evil Asako Sakakami sneered disdainfully.

"You are not me at all, so why do you represent me!?" Another Asako Sakagami retorted loudly.

"Isn’t it? Don’t forget, I was born in your heart, the ultimate expression of your heart’s truest thoughts! If even I can’t represent Sakakami Asako, then your every move is against your inner will. What kind of guy is that? Sakagami Maya and Sakagami Kazuki's puppets?" The evil version of Asako Sakagami sneered.

"Listening to you, I understand your state a little bit." Seeing this, Qin and Qing said suddenly, "You two were originally Sakakami Asako, or you two were originally one person, using the name and personality of Sakakami Asako together. Activities, it’s just that the things you do and the profession you are engaged in are not what you longed for and liked in your heart, and then you split...just like the dual personality in mental illness, split into two individuals...just as if nothing Completely successful?"

In the end, Qin Heqing turned his gaze to the position where the two Sakagami Asako's bodies were connected-waist, to support his speculation.

"You are very smart, but what you said is not completely correct." The evil version of Asako Sakagami gave Qin Heqing a surprised look and said quietly.

"Oh." Qin Heqing showed curiosity and waited for her next words.

"You’re right. I was born out of Asako Sakakami’s inner thoughts, but it’s not a personality, because this weak-hearted guy has no strength or the will to give birth to me. But I did. Obtained divine revelation, obtained divine enlightenment, and then grew from a simple thought to consciousness, and gained personality and the ability to split from Sakakami Asako. It’s just a pity..." At this point, I don’t know it is. When it comes to the core, or for other reasons, the evil version of Asako Sakagami suddenly stopped talking, making Qin Heqing speechless.

Did you do that?

It's not that the Internet ~www.ltnovel.com~ is still messing up.

"What a pity?" Qin Heqing asked curiously.

"After saying so much, it's almost the same. It just so happens that I also need a soul to completely perfect my body and get out of this decayed body. Since you have disrupted my actions, you will replace the previous rescued by you. The guy who is walking, merge with me!" After speaking, the evil version of Asako Sakagami's momentum changed, and the whole stage seemed to come back to life, becoming distorted.あ七^八中文ヤ~⑧~1~ωωω.7\\8z*òм

Layers of shadows emerged, like a divided space, pulling the distance between Qin Heqing and her countless levels.

Then a large number of tentacles emerged, like monster tentacles in the evil monster movie, entangled with the smelly slime, and lashed towards Qin Heqing.

"Aside from the tentacles, can't you get anything else? It's disgusting, and it's not dirty." Qin Heqing said speechlessly.

However, he did not hesitate to move, and when his thoughts moved, thousands of flying swords suddenly appeared in the void around him, and with one shot, all the tentacles that touched the sword light were cut open...

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