High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1156: Dispose of

"In other words, this guy killed someone in order to embody Anna." Tsuiko looked at the drowsy Nakajima Okata, frowning.

To kill people indiscriminately for his own selfish desires is indeed worthy of the label of a demon believer.

"Not only have they killed, but depending on Anna's strength, there should be a lot of people killed." Yue'er sneered.

"The police in the island country do what they eat." Kikyo asked with some dissatisfaction, too.

"How do I know?" Qin Heqing shrugged.

After all, what is the quality of the police in the island country, coupled with the bizarre bureaucracy and division of labor system, can maintain the current social security can only be said that the self-consciousness of the island people in this regard is still in the past, and the so-called violent groups are sufficiently restrained. Otherwise, if the citizens of another country live in this environment, the crime rate is estimated to have been violent.

Not to mention the so-called privacy issues.

The direct result of this is that the scope and number of surveillance arrangements within island countries have been extremely reduced, not to mention that it is compared with the domestic Skynet, which has surveillance at intersections, even compared with other developed countries. If it's not as good, it's barely better than the European countries, which are actually more **** by the developed countries.

Therefore, there are a large number of dead ends of surveillance and places where crimes can be committed in the city.

This, coupled with the homeless people, homeless people, online dating enthusiasts all over the island nation, and the idiots who can do anything as long as they are given money, can really make people silent. Kill a dozen or so people without being noticed or discovered by anyone.

Not to mention, those victims were sacrificed for the purpose. Without worrying about the corpses being left behind, who else can tell how they were harmed, and by whom?

Anyway, Qin Heqing sometimes feels very worried about the island police's ability to handle cases.

"Unfortunately, there is no information about the black hand behind the scenes in these notes, otherwise we can save more effort." Ayukawa used his power to photograph the notebook on the ground, and looked at the contents on it regretfully.

"Look at the people first, I don't know if there is any salvation." Qin Heqing shook his head, walked to the unconscious Nakajima Okata, tapped his index finger, and part of the soul image evolved from the spiritual consciousness entered Nakajima. Gang Tai's sea of ​​consciousness appeared in the Xuanting Ancestral Aperture.


The situation greeted by Qin Heqing’s eyes is the same as he predicted. Nakajima Okata’s sea of ​​consciousness has been eroded and contaminated by the power of demons, although it has not yet reached the mentally infected people he had contacted in the research institute of the headquarters of the Bureau of Countermeasures. In that way, the entire sea of ​​consciousness is full of magic shadows and confusing sounds, but the soul body that is the manifestation of the soul has also been enveloped and corroded by a large number of demonic powers, reaching the level of me in you and me. Your level, even if Qin Heqing wants to rule--

The contaminated part is cut off using the cutting method in the spirit mosaic technique, and the remaining part of the soul body of Nakajima Okata may no longer be able to support his body operation. Being a vegetable is his only end.

Where can I get a chance to explain to him the problem behind the scenes?

So after the inspection, Qin Heqing didn't bother to try again, and his body shape flashed, and he returned to reality. After saying that he was not saved, he swallowed Nakajima Okata's body with the power of the Demon Refining Pot...

After all, as mentioned in the previous article, all monsters and monsters that have been swallowed by the refining pot will be left with enough information elements and characteristics to facilitate Qin Heqing, the owner of the refining pot, to reappear and use, so even the soul of Nakajima Okata The body has been contaminated by the power of evil spirits, and the Demon Refining Pot can also extract some relevant information from it.

Even if it may not be comprehensive, the extracted content may not be what Qin Heqing needs, but it does not prevent Qin Heqing from using this method to try it.

Then Qin Heqing turned his head and looked at Anna, the skeleton like a ‘Zongzi’ who was wrapped up.

"What's going on with it?" Qin Heqing asked.

"I was hit by the purifying arrow of Kikyo and Tsuiko." Yue'er explained.

Just without saying a word, a scarlet light suddenly lit up in Anna's skull eyes, who had been acting fairly calm, and a terrifying aura emerged. The entire sealed substance was inflated quickly like an inflated balloon...

Then shrink, expand, shrink again, expand...

Until a certain moment, a loud bang exploded fiercely in the pot world, a strong energy shock, but before it spread, it was suppressed by the world power of the pot world, swallowed, and included in the short film. It disappeared into the air in a moment.

Then the four great ninjas, including Lingnv, Kagero, Zhu Juan, and Kato Duanzang, came to explore the situation here.

"It's okay, just go back." Qin Heqing waved his hand to persuade.

"It blew up, really decisive. Is it just because her master died?" Yue'er muttered incomprehensibly as she watched Anna disappeared.

"It may also be that programs are set in the underlying core."

Such as living together and dying together. Given the degree of perversion Nakajima Okata, it is not impossible to do such a thing.

Of course, it is more likely to be funeral.

After all, the power of the explosion just now is there. If it weren’t for the world in the pot, and the world had extremely powerful suppressing power on all the people and things living in it, the power that burst out just now would be enough The apartment where Qin Heqing lived in reality was completely destroyed!

The scope of the spread can't be calmed down by the death of a few people.

"Forget it, we may not be able to ask anything from her anyway." Qin Heqing also shook his head regretfully.

"Then what should I do now?" Yue'er asked rhetorically.

"Wait for the world in the pot to finish extracting Nakajima Okata's information essence." Qin Heqing sighed.

Fortunately, ~www.ltnovel.com~ this process is not very long, less than five minutes, as soon as the ripples are generated, a virtual screen suddenly appears in front of Qin Heqing, giving the life of Nakajima Okata Played out.

And it started from infancy.

However, the speed is very fast. Some are similar to the double-speed broadcasting in the player. In addition, due to insufficient extraction or the interference of the power of evil, there are missing parts of memory, so the progress of the whole life is very fast. I have passed the parts of infants and toddlers, elementary and junior high schools, and entered the content of high school...

It’s a bit longer to come back, but it didn’t take long, so I went to the university again, then the content of squatting at home, and finally the picture about the black hand behind the scenes——

"Stop!" Qin Heqing hurriedly stopped when he noticed this.

"The protection is very tight. Except for the chin, all other body parts are covered in the robe. Even if the Countermeasures Bureau mobilizes the Metropolitan Police Department to conduct a national investigation, it seems that there is no way to find people out." Yue Yue He looked at the figure shrouded in black robe, exuding a mysterious and strange aura from top to bottom hesitated.

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