High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1164: Special Event

However, as the disguise on her body was removed, the face of the woman named Caixiang was truly reflected in Qin Heqing's sight.

How to put it, it’s not good to see, but it’s not because her appearance is really ugly to the point of inhumane, but because of the overall appearance of the facial features. I don’t know if it’s a serious illness or other reasons, Caixiang presents her whole body. The state that came out was very thin, as if it was a person in an underdeveloped area who could not get enough to eat for a long time, and the whole person's face was almost lost.

   So the figure is also conceivable, although she is not short-the height of 1.6 meters is definitely not short in the island country, but because of the overall thinness, she can't feel her cuteness and beauty.

Not to mention, hair problems caused by weight loss or other problems, yellow, run-down, and alopecia areata. It is better to say that he is an old man who was excavated from a deep mountain and old forest than to say that she is a modern urban woman. Countless times stronger.

"I'm here to introduce to you, this is Caixiang, Yoshida Caixiang, my classmates and friends during college." After a pause, I pointed to Qin Heqing and introduced them, "This is Qin Heqing, I told you before. The priest is the person you really want to see when you come to me today, as well as my sister Kato Megumi."

   "I am Ayaka Yoshida, please take care of me."

   "Please take care."

   followed, and the people on both sides stood up and greeted each other with usual etiquette.

   "Okay, everyone is not outsiders, so don't be too polite, let's go directly to the topic." As the host and house owner, Hiromi Kato took the initiative to break the embarrassment and joined the topic.

   "Yes. Please." Qin Heqing did not refuse when he heard this, nodded, and looked at Yoshida Caixiang who was also arranged to sit on the sofa.

   "Then it would be rude." Yoshida Ayaka looked at a few people, and finally took a deep breath, and with Kato Hiromi's encouragement, she narrated what had happened to her.

   is not complicated, even to put it bluntly, it is an event of rapid body weight loss.

   It started about half a month ago. At that time, Yoshida Ayaka's appearance was not what it is now, almost as scary as a skeleton, but a plump and cute beauty——

   This is evidenced by the selfie photos of Kato Hiromi and Yoshida Ayaka's phone!

At that time, her figure was'round', even if her weight did not directly exceed the upper limit of 200 catties like some funny stars, it is estimated to be about one hundred and sixty catties, which is not greasy, and because of the relationship between better dressing, It seems very lively and interesting.

   even made a boyfriend because of this!

But after that, her weight dropped quickly, first one or two catties, then five or six catties, and then several catties and several catties, and within a few days, she made the cute Yoshida Ayaka completely thin. Become a slim beauty!

   For this, Yoshida Ayaka's colleagues and friends were shocked. They asked Yoshida Ayaka about the secrets of fast weight loss, and wanted to make themselves look like Yoshida Ayaka.

   For Ayaka Yoshida, this was not a good experience.

Even if she lost weight because of this, she also gained a good figure she dreamed of. As a college-educated and higher education Yoshida Ayaka still understands that this kind of abnormal rapid weight loss is not a good sign, but it is possible. Is the first sign of a major disease——

   Such as cancer!

   and it’s the late one.

  Because only patients with advanced cancer can lose weight quickly when the body's daily intake of energy is not enough for cancer cells to swallow, and change their body appearance in just a few days.

   So Yoshida Ayaka felt very scared and wondered if she had some serious illness. So on a weekend, Yoshida Ayaka decisively went to a more famous public hospital in the city, and spent a lot of money to do a physical examination for herself.

  The result is that she is still healthy.

   Although there are some minor problems and minor ailments caused by daily work, lack of rest, and anxiety, she really does not have any incurable diseases such as cancer.

   This made Yoshida Ayaka feel very puzzled, and she couldn't help but worry more whether she had any other major problems.

So I started to search the Internet if anyone else had the same weird experience as myself, and from time to time in the circle of friends asked if anyone knew or knew about the news of powerful mages, priests or special practitioners, and then It attracted the attention of Kato Hiromi, and after learning what happened, organized this private meeting.


"To be honest, your encounter is indeed like encountering some kind of ghost or monster that feeds on human essence and life. And there are indeed some strange auras remaining on your body. What is puzzling is that these auras But there are no traces of the evil spirits of ghosts and monsters and the evil spirits of monsters, so the only possibility that I can think of and that fits your current situation is that you have been recruited." Qin Heqing observed carefully. It would look a little scary to others, but in his eyes Ayaka Yoshida, who is still ordinary ~www.ltnovel.com~ slightly tufted her brows and said slowly.

   "Pick up? What is that?" Kato Hiromi asked in confusion.

   Similarly, the faces of Kato Hui and Yoshida Caixiang also showed puzzlement, and they looked at Qin Heqing and wanted to hear his explanation.

"The so-called supplement is a term unique to the Taoist culture of the country opposite. As the name suggests, it is to gather something to supplement itself. However, this refers to the interpretation when it was first born. In the middle and late stages, this term was basically It is used to refer to a general content, namely, the method of replenishing the yin and yang energy in a woman or man to cultivate or restore some kind of defect of oneself." Qin Heqing explained Tao.

   "In your body, Ms. Yoshida is that you have been supplemented by a certain evil person, so you will appear like being swallowed by monsters or ghosts, and your body will react in a short time."

   "Then am I in danger?" Yoshida Ayaka, who had understood how tonic is going, paled and said nervously.

"It can be said to be dangerous or not. The key depends on the specific thoughts of the wicked person you met, whether he wants to squeeze you out and leave no residue behind, or just accept it when you see it right. After the target is collected, stop and evacuate. If the former, then you are basically incurable, because his target is yourself, so as long as you still have a breath, he will not let you go. But if the latter, then he is now It's almost time to stop, after all, your body is almost at a loss, and if you continue to harvest it, you will really run out of oil and lose your jade.

   "Do you have a way to find that guy?" Kato Hiromi frowned and asked aloud.

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