High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1179: Cut beef

"It's ridiculous, you almost didn't stop me with a single sword, and where did the confidence say you want to kill me? I'm afraid it's not dreaming of the Spring and Autumn Period? On the contrary, it was you. Now that you have said something that interests me, before you finish digging what you know, you don't want to run out of my hands." Qin Heqing, who had recovered his senses, smiled coldly.

"Don't think that I can't do anything with you if I have mastered the Scar of Sky. It's just that I am not prepared. Now that I know that you have mastered the Scar of Sky, I will naturally not use ordinary methods to fight you!" The monster raised his head and roared into the sky, and a huge magic circle once again replaced the previous magic circle, covering most of the sky above Adachi, Kita and Arakawa. A strong suction took place, sucking for the rest of his life. , The vitality of the residents of the three districts who had not had time to rest and recover once again gathered to the sky.

   "Not good! Get down!" Di Kyoko quickly reminded him of this change.

   It was just a step slower after all. In the next moment, the entire helicopter seemed to run out of fuel, and suddenly there was a weightless reaction. It turned over and slammed into the ground, even the buildings on the ground.

  , it was the pilot who was an ordinary person who lost consciousness under the power of magic, causing the helicopter to lose control.

   "I have grasped it firmly, I'll go and see." Because of his spiritual power, Iwabata Kouji, who can barely support it, got up from the chair and walked towards the driving position at an unstable pace.

Fortunately, it is Iwabata Koji, as a mercenary who wandered around on the battlefields of various countries earlier, he has a lot of knowledge that ordinary people can't touch-such as helicopter driving. Otherwise, they will only end up in this situation. One, that is, the helicopter crashed and killed people.

   But it also has to be anxious in terms of time, otherwise, even if Iwabata can fly a helicopter, he will not be able to get rid of the end of the whole group of people to death.

   "Kagura, let Bai Rui come out!" At the same time, Huangquan Kanyama, who had already done a good job and ran away with Tugong Kagura immediately, shouted.

   "Here?" Tuguong Kagura was surprised.

   "Leave it outside and let it hold the helicopter. Otherwise, at the current speed, without Kouji Iwabata regaining control of the helicopter, we will die directly because of the collision!" Jianshan Huangquan explained anxiously.

   "Oh." Hearing that Tugong Kagura didn't hesitate anymore, with his hands together, he called out the spirit beast Bai Rui from the outside of the helicopter, and wanted to communicate with him, using Bai Rui's huge body to support the helicopter.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Okay."

   "My side is alright too." Then, after finally getting into the stance room, Iwabata Kouji, who had obtained the helicopter control authority, also said.

   "Then land!" Jianshan Huangquan said immediately.

   "Let Bai Rui cooperate."

   Then the helicopter started to stabilize again and descended towards the ground which was not far away.


   At this time, I will return to Qin Heqing and the Bull Head Giant.

Accompanied by the magic circle and the emergence of the life essence of the residents of the three districts sucked by the circle, a large amount of filthy energy diffused from the air under the operation of the circle, like the most serious pollutants, fast There is still room for the essence of the spiritual energy that infests the sky above the three areas, as if it is about to become a demon domain, making the state of the entire space strange.

   So bear the brunt of the impact, Qin Heqing, who is an aggregation of spiritual power and divine power, was affected. Dark traces like stains appeared on the body, like ink falling into the water, invading Qin Heqing's body.

"I know that you Eastern people like to use a peculiar energy called heaven and earth aura when fighting. Now that I have contaminated it with secret methods, I see how you can use these forces to fight me." See Qin Heqing The big monster whose law body has changed proudly declared.

   "Who, tell you I need heaven and earth aura to fight?" Qin Heqing sneered. He is not one of those traditional monks. He can't live without Reiki, or his combat power is greatly reduced. Although he does depend on Reiki, it is not true that he will not be able to show any combat power without Reiki! He also has a demon refining pot and his own pot world, so he is least afraid of being restricted by the outside world and losing his ability to survive.

   Therefore, Qin Heqing didn't talk nonsense. With a direct thought, he used the power of the world in the pot to replace the spiritual power on his body. The colleagues who maintained the scale of the law body also rejected the dark pollution on his body.

   Then stepped forward, and the real battle with the Tauren was launched.

   After all, the external aura is contaminated, and even if you want to attack with magic, it is very troublesome. Compared with one, it is more refreshing and convenient to use a sword and a real gun.

"Oh, dare to make progress with me. It is indeed a human who has never seen the world before. I don't know the greatness and horror of this bullhead warrior." Then the bullhead monster also snorted, because the nose was cut and even the mouth was shorter. A fishy mist came out of Jie's mouth, his fists thundered, and he struck Qin Heqing.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   However, Qin Heqing, who rushed to the bull's head monster, did shrink suddenly-and it was really shrinking, directly compressed from the original contour to the shortage. Half the height of the giant bull's head, he stepped his feet and handed his sword, and a sword pierced into the nine-section whip of the bull's head from an oblique angle...


   Then cut across the sword...

   The big monster that perceives Qin Heqing's movements came to Qin Heqing on one knee~www.ltnovel.com~ Get out! "

   Qin Heqing stepped aside, and the light in his hand suddenly soared like a forty-meter long sword. The light blade was deeply embedded in the bull's head monster's leg bones, but he couldn't break through no matter how hard he was.

   "What a hard bone."

   Immediately Qin Heqing changed his strategy, straightened his body and once again reduced the limit of his figure to a normal size, grabbing the end of the giant sword with both hands, and following the leg bones of the big monster like shaving meat...


   A piece of bright red beef thigh resembles a building's wall panel, falling down with a bang.

   The scarlet blood blasted through the wreckage of a building, and at the same time it corroded most of the surface of the building. This shows how terrifying the nature of the blood of the Giant Monster is.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

   Then Qin Heqing rushed to the back of the big monster with the convenience of his small size, and once again used the power of the world to turn into an energy giant, stabbed the sword forward, and instantly pierced the back of the big monster...

   But it was blocked again because of the relationship between the ribs that the Minotaur possessed to connect and grow together, and then the Minotaur turned his arm around, and his arm drew towards Qin Heqing like a whip.

   "Zoom out!"

Qin Heqing seemed to have found a child with a new toy. He turned his body back into a half-length state. With a sweep of the long sword, he cut off a large piece of beef tenderloin, retreated, and moved to the other side of the giant monster that is inconvenient. Position, once again launched a slice attack towards the head-turning monster.

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