High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1191: Zoom in?

Although the feeling came suddenly, Qin Heqing was sure that the source of the feeling did not come from a certain **** he was familiar with.

There are two main reasons. One is his current strength. When it is smaller, his bloodline awakening is exploding. Although he has not yet become a god, he is also a pinnacle-level demigod. The ordinary **** wants to bring him into inspiration. The world can't help him.

Not to mention, on the basis of the awakening of the peak bloodline, he is still the pot fairy, the creator and manager of the pot world. In terms of personality alone, the five creation gods may not be higher than him, let alone, The existence of the Demon Refining Pot itself is a high-end high-level artifact. The gods wanting to cross it and directly invade Qin Heqing's Sea of ​​Consciousness is not to say that it is wishful thinking, but it is absolutely impossible for the non-blood source, that is, the kind of gods such as Jiu Gong to act in person.

The second is because of the familiarity of this feeling, which is the feedback of the contract between him and his name Shijin alone!

Even if the feeling this time came suddenly and strongly, and the state was unstable, always high and low erratic, there was a posture of unstable network signals, but the feeling was correct. It was indeed him and the Criminal Ministry. The connection between Ji reflects——

"this is……"

Thinking of a certain possibility, Qin Heqing didn't hesitate. Once he closed his eyes, he once again entered the void that he had entered twice when he contacted Xing Bu Ji.

"Sure enough, it's here. But why does the signal suddenly become so strong?" Qin Heqing muttered incomprehensibly.

Fortunately, it was not long, the light and shadow flashed, Xing Buji's familiar figure also appeared in the void.

"Qin Jun."

"Are you calling me?" Qin Heqing looked up and down Xing Bu Ji for a while, and wondered when she saw that there was nothing unusual about her.

"No. Aren't you calling me?" Xing Bu Ji asked with a surprised face tilted her head.

"I thought it was you who called me to respond." Qin Heqing explained.

"That's it. That's weird. Since it's not you calling me, and I'm not calling you, why does the activity of the contract between us suddenly become so weird? Is there something wrong with the contract?" Xing Bu Ji tilted his head and thought. Later, hesitated.

"It should not be." Qin Heqing vetoed it.

After all, if there is a problem, there will be a problem long ago, so why wait until the signals of the two circles are suddenly connected?

Thinking of this, Qin Heqing's eyes suddenly stopped and his expression became thoughtful.

"Did you think of something?" Xing Bu Ji asked, who noticed the change in Qin Heqing's expression.

"If the strength of the signal represents the strength of the connection between you and me in time and space, or the distance between time and space, does it mean that the signal is strong and the distance between the two worlds is close, and the signal is weak, and the distance between the two worlds? Far away?" Qin Heqing said slowly while looking at Xing Bu Ji who was waiting for him.

"It's not impossible. So..." After a pause, Xing Buji stared at Qin Heqing's eyes and continued to say the table. "You mean, the worlds we are in are approaching each other at a speed much faster than before. ?"

"Besides, I can't think of other possibilities." Qin Heqing said.

"It's just, why? It was okay before, why is it suddenly like this now." Xing Bu Ji asked in a puzzled way.

"Maybe it has something to do with what happened on my side." Qin Heqing hesitated.

It’s the evil spirits eroding again, and it’s also the arrival of monsters in different time and space...In addition, Qin Heqing has used the marks of the sky many times in the battle, and the final Beichen Xuanyuan Dang Mo Pi Yi Curse (Zhen Wu Dang Mo Shen Shu ) The influence of this terrible force, which is enough to cut open space and shake the rules of the world, suddenly affects the two worlds that had been close at a constant speed, and intensified their attraction to each other is not impossible.

"Has it become like this? Then the world situation on your side is really terrible." After listening to Qin Heqing's explanation, Xing Bu Ji muttered with emotion.

"By the way, did the things I told you about before?" Qin Heqing didn't want to talk more about this matter, and instead asked about the situation of the gods in Xing Buji's world.

"I have finished the interview." Xing Bu Ji replied with a smug expression.

"What's the result?" Qin Heqing asked after hearing that Qin Heqing's eyes lit up.

"I was interviewed by Daming God's clone." Xing Bu Ji sighed and continued helplessly. "Although I was a little disappointed because it was not Daming God's body to come out to meet me, I didn't forget what you gave me. It's just that. The answer will probably disappoint you."

"I asked Daming God, and he said: Everything is normal on Gao Tianyuan's side. No **** has disappeared or cannot be contacted. Everyone is still the same, eating and drinking, talking and laughing, there is nothing unusual."

"Is there no abnormality..." Qin Heqing frowned.


"Okay, then I know. You continue to help me follow the movements of those high-ranking gods over there, and remember to notify me as soon as you find out." Qin Heqing nodded, looking at Xing Bu Ji, who was not nervous. Tao.

"I know."

After that, the two of them talked about some useless essays, and Qin Heqing cut off contact and returned to reality.

"Have I guessed wrong?" Qin Heqing muttered secretly, looking at the night sky.


"That fool, Andrew, why do you want to sacrifice to an inexplicable foreign existence with such a good opportunity? It's really a waste of Lord Gu's value, and wasted the opportunity. If I changed to me, I would never do it." At the same time, a certain person in the island country In the meeting place of an unknown new religious group, standing on a high platform, the Cthulhu apostle, who watched the worshippers underneath the worship ceremony, cursed with a dreadful smile and disgust.

"But it doesn’t matter ~ www.ltnovel.com~ As long as this sacrifice is completed and enough beast soldiers have been transformed, then the chaos and killings caused by them are believed to be enough for the gods to turn their attention. At that time I will inevitably gain more favors, become stronger, and get closer to the Lord God... Then any strange guy like the Evil Ghost King will be trampled under my feet!"

Afterwards, the Cthulhu Apostle showed a silent grin on his face, compared his arms, and muttered an inexplicable mantra in his mouth.

In an instant, it was originally ordinary, and there was no special red light of the **** array. The weird light with a sweet smell quickly spread, covering the room, penetrating everyone, and stopping until it reached the outside of the building. Come down.

Then weird murmurs rang out in the void, and a member of the new religion who was a sacrificial ritual was like an evil spirit thrown into purgatory, wailing in pain.

The clothes began to break, the flesh and blood began to break away, and the tentacles or monster limbs of beasts that were absolutely not humans began to appear all over their bodies, transforming a famous priest into an inhuman monster.

Of course, the premise is that they can survive, otherwise even if it becomes terrible, it will be useless to the Cthulhu Apostle, rotten meat!

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