High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1195: naval battle

Rebirth of Japan as a priest, Chapter 1195, the naval battle. Then, before Qin Heqing could speak, Qin Zongdao said again, "Of course, although people want you to shelter, they don’t need you to support them. Just like those family children who were sent to leave home, When they are sent over, each person will also carry the living expenses given by the family. Although it is not a lot, it is enough to ensure their daily consumption and purchase. So you don’t have to worry about the population at home being too large to support. ."

"I'm not worried at all. The point is that it's not a problem for so many people to join me. You can't keep them at home like the ancient emperors? Even if they are willing, my girlfriend is not willing. "Qin Heqing smiled bitterly while looking at Qin Zhizi who was indifferent to his future.

"Then you don't have to worry. The family will also solve the housing problem for them. As for work... Isn't the shrine under your name undergoing renovation? Then, I will contact the family and ask the family to help the Department of Religious Affairs. Apply to upgrade the level of your shrine, and then arrange Zhizi and others in. In this way, they usually have a job, and you will save the trouble of hiring witches." Qin Zongdao thought for a while and proposed.

   "Tao is also a way." Qin Heqing sighed.

   What else can I do besides this? Can't you really treat them as if they don't exist? Let alone whether they can succeed, it will be disgusting when they make a moth.

   Anyway, based on Qin Heqing's understanding of the Qin clan's various sects, none of these women who can be sent to him should be friendly.

   "Trouble..." Qin Heqing said with a headache.


On the other side, in the north of the island country, off the coast of Hyogo Prefecture, a marine patrol fleet consisting of more than a dozen real ships equipped with modern weapons is roaming on the sea. The radar rotates, constantly scanning the surrounding area. In the ten-kilometer sea area, looking for the target of this trip-the ghost fleet.

   are those special World War II ships that were originally made by a dynamic group and are now using their own advantages to continuously grow through killing, sacrifice, and very evil ways.

   Each of the seamen looked serious, staring at the dashboard in front of them intently, searching the data fed back by radar and sonar to determine the enemy's track.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Arrange such a high-level task as soon as it comes up, it is difficult for some strong people." Standing in the fleet flagship control room, Kikuchihara Aki watching the changes in the sea He said in a deep voice to Mr. Tanaka who was also following him.

"I also want to arrange some dangerous and low-level tasks for the Kamikaze team so that they can practice their hands and cultivate mutual understanding. Unfortunately, no, not to mention that there are no tasks of this level for them in the island country. Hand training, even if there is, has already been solved by the local branch and the Army Corps, so how can you wait for them to help solve it?"

"Not to mention that the cabinet is now very concerned about their movements. If we can't immediately produce enough results to silence some people, even if we can withstand the pressure, the situation on your side should not be. It's so good." Director Tanaka explained with a wry smile.

"But I will deal with the Ghost Battleship as soon as I get up..." Kikuchihara Aki smiled bitterly. "I'm not saying that the members of the Kamikaze team can't solve them. After all, they are discouraged before they have been fought. It is not realistic. Just... …I will inevitably have some lack of confidence. After all, where the strength of the members lies..."

   Then, he sighed and said, "It would be great if the Lord Qin Heqing could join the team..."

   "Qin Heqing... you should not expect too much of this kind of thing. Otherwise, our strategy bureau will not be in the current state." Director Tanaka sighed in sympathy.

   "By the way, how is that person's strength? Is it reliable?" After a moment of silence, Kikuchihara Aki lowered his voice subconsciously and asked in a low voice, thinking of another thing.

"Who are you talking about? Huang Quan?" Director Tanaka was taken aback, and then suddenly said, "The strength is not bad, and it can even be said that in terms of strength alone, the entire Kamikaze team is also the situation in which Tugong Kagura is activating Bai Rui I can barely fight her! But when it comes to reliability... I can only say that if we people are really defeated this time, or even fall into the water, in addition to taking care of Kagura and saving her, She doesn't care about other people's life or death at all. So you'd better not place too much hope on her."

   "..., the young people nowadays are really bold." Kikuchihara Aki sighed with a strange expression.

   Director Tanaka is not good to say anything, he chuckled and skipped the topic.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   However, it didn't take long for the silence between the two to be broken again by the announcement of the radar crew.

   "50 to the left, a feedback signal from the suspected World War II battleship Seabird was found at a position 18 kilometers away from us!"

   "Is there only a radar response from the seabird?" the captain asked aloud.

   "Only seabirds were caught... Wait, there is another signal, it's the Agano!"

"Attention everyone, the target appears, the bearing is 50 to the left, the distance..." The captain did not hesitate when he heard this, immediately grabbed the phone in front of him, opened the internal channel, and transmitted his voice and commands to the ears of other people in the fleet. Medium~www.ltnovel.com~ From now on, the first-level combat configuration! "


   "The first-class combat configuration of the entire ship."

After that, the entire battleship was put into operation, and the soldiers in the engine room and the gunpowder warehouse took their positions. They installed torpedoes, naval gun powder, and missiles into the gunpowder warehouses of the various weapons on the ship, ready for battle. At a later order, a focused fire attack can be launched on the hostile target.

   Then all members were silent, waiting for the approach of the local fleet.

   And I waited for almost ten minutes!

   Then the fleets of both sides entered the visible field of vision of the other side, no hesitation and dialogue, of course, no need for sharp artillery fire and torpedoes, plus some ship-based missiles, they fired at the Ghost Fleet without money.


   "Puff, wow..."


  Similarly, the ghost fleet ten nautical miles away did not hesitate. The cannonballs engulfed in thick black fog shot at the fleet with a dark glow.



   The ship shook, and large tracts of splashes rose up outside the ship.

   Even if they did not cause any damage to the ship, the non-combatants on the ship—Aki Kikuchihara and Director Tanaka, who also had not experienced a battle of this scale, were shocked, their hearts tightened, and their expressions became serious.

   "Can members of the Kamikaze team really intervene in a battle of this scale?" After a while, Kikuchihara Aki muttered hesitantly.


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