High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1204: Fit test

When his mind fell, and his mind turned, Qin Heqing took Taibai Jinxing, Madame Shangyuan, Qi Ge, Seven Fairies, Chang'e, Ehuang, Nyuying, and the **** of truth and justice in Egyptian mythology, and left the pot with a greatly reduced area. Middle World, returned to the apartment.

Suddenly, the apartment, which was not too spacious, was crowded, making it impossible for people to step down.

"Try it all to see if you can resonate with the stars of this world and the rules of the world." Qin Heqing looked at the two males, six females and eight fairy gods in myths and legends who became no different from real people because of their spirituality. Said.

Several people did not hesitate, closed their eyes, and started to operate.

In an instant, the boundless mysterious light bloomed, and the seven-color light of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple appeared in the room.

Needless to say, this is the power of the Seven Fairies.

As the daughter of the Queen Mother in myths and legends, although she has no special performance-she can pick peaches, marry humans, and has no combat skills, but she is a fairy, a princess of heaven, has her own power in her body.

So what is their power?

Just like the color she wears in a fairy dress, she holds the light, or the power of the rainbow, which can bless mankind and let luck come.

There is also Mrs. Shangyuan. Although she wears the name of the wife, she is actually a woman who has never been married. She is given the honorary name of the lady because she is in charge of the Shangyuan Palace to show respect.

After that is Chang'e. Although in myths and legends she seems to be the goddess of the moon, synonymous with lunar, but the real identity is actually a female fairy in the heaven, Gong'e, whose name is the official name of the palace, not the official name of the palace. Is the real goddess of lunar.

So who is the real goddess of lunar?

It is Lunar Star King, Moonlight Empress. As for the name...


Therefore, the name Chang'e became the name of the moon god.

After all, the impact is too great. It has been passed down for thousands of years since ancient times.

So even the Chang'e that was synthesized from the demon refining pot has some of the mighty power of the moon god. I don’t know if it was influenced by legends, or when the mother Nuwa was actually making the demon refining pot. Part of the rules are embedded in it.

In short, as Chang'e's mana powers, the moon high in the sky becomes visible to the naked eye, and the shining moonlight shines into the room like rays, adding a difference to the entire room. The coldness.

Naturally, the same as the star king, but also the star king, except for the three main stars of Ziwei, the sun, and the lunar monarch, the highest rank of the five party five planetary kings, the **** of murder, and the demon pot Among the synthesized gods, the existence with the highest foundation and the most powerful mana, the movement caused by him should also not be underestimated.

I saw the light of Venus in the sky flashing, and it burst out with a brightness that was not inferior to that of Polaris. The living room was filled with death and golden aura...

Even if the platinum stars didn't use them for anything, traces of cracks and decay began to appear on the furnishings of the room.

Then there is the great **** Qi Ge, with a majestic breath all over his body. When he goes to that station, he gives people a sense of majesty and solemnity facing the judge, which makes people involuntarily tighten their hearts, and all kinds of past sinful thoughts are uncontrollable from the bottom of their hearts. Coming out, forming a feeling of fear, makes people feel very uncomfortable, wanting to escape from Qi Ge's sight and his side...

Even Qin Heqing, who had a clear conscience, had similar emotions. He couldn't help but turn his eyes to look at the only foreign goddess among the few people, Matt——

However, the result was still the same, and the intense discomfort came out of his heart more clearly.

No way, as the goddess of judgment in Egypt, the **** of truth and justice, although the rules of her rule are different from those of sages, in myths and legends, she is responsible for judging the souls of the dead with scales. It is similar to Qige's duty of reward and punishment for good and evil.

Therefore, Qin Heqing will inevitably have the illusion that he is guilty when facing her bursting out of divine power.

Fortunately, the illusion is not strong, and they are all in the relationship of refining the demon pot creation, innately can not threaten Qin Heqing, so Qin Heqing changed his mind slightly, rejected this inexplicable emotion, and turned to look. To the last two, the only non-fairy goddess among the eight-Ehuang Nuying.

The faint water waves rippling, like the sound of a rushing stream when the stream is flowing, sounded in the house.

She deserves the title of Xiangjun, the daughter of Emperor Yao and the **** of water. Sure enough, capacity is related to water.


Qin Heqing watched silently, until after a while, the eight great immortals, called the Eight Immortals for the time being, slowly regained their strength and opened their eyes again.

"How?" Qin Heqing asked expectantly.

"Resonance can be achieved and the rules are in line, but the degree of resonance and fit is very low. If you want to reach the highest level, you still need time to adapt." The eight people looked at each other, and finally the strength of the few of them The tallest, and also the tallest, Taibaijinxing replied.

"How long will it take?" Qin Heqing asked without talking nonsense and went straight to the subject.

"Because there is no relationship between interference and competition of the same kind, personally, it takes three months at the earliest to fully obtain the authority of Venus and related rules. If you want to be higher, it takes more than one year to be possible. "Tao Bai Jin Xing replied after thinking about it.

"Wait, you said that you didn't feel the interference and competition of the same kind?" Qin Heqing interrupted Taibai Jinxing's words, surprised.

"Yes." Taibai Jinxing affirmed.

"Are there any gods in East and West?" Qin Heqing continued to ask.

"No." Taibai Jinxing shook his head.


Even Qin Heqing couldn't help taking a breath after learning the information revealed.

What does this show?

It shows that there is no **** of Venus in this world!

In other words, neither the Taibai Jinxing in Eastern myths and legends, Baidi Shaohao, nor the main **** Aphrodite in Western myths and legends exist!

Otherwise, how can you not interfere and fight back when you notice that someone is taking their authority?

Anyway, if Qin and Qing are in the same position, this kind of thing will never happen~www.ltnovel.com~ How about you? "Qin and the others in the Qing Dynasty asked in order to confirm their guess.

"No." The Seven Fairies, Mrs. Shangyuan, Qi Ge and Ehuang Nuying replied.

"I have resistance here, but it's not very strong." Chang'e said in an interface.

"I'm the same here." Goddess Matt replied.

"..." Chang'e, Goddess Matt, one is the star lord of the moon, the so-called moon god, and the other is the **** of the underworld from Egypt. It is not incomprehensible that there will be resistance to Qin Heqing.

After all, the situation lies there-not to mention the distance, just within the island country, the one-month reading of the life is the most direct obstacle to Chang'e getting the full Moon God authority.

Then there is the underworld. It is not difficult to see through the situation of the underworld. Although there are problems there, it is obviously not like the gods of the Yang world. There is no trace, so there will be resistance is something that can be thought of.

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