High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1207: Clue

There is also the **** side of the island country.

Although Matt, another **** of truth and justice, did not elaborate with the Matt he created, but according to the vaguely revealed information, there is a big problem with the **** on the island country, and the source of the problem is related to the evil god. Corrosion related!

This can also explain why the return of the dead from **** is the only country in the world that has happened.

And there is no way to calm down.

From this, Qin Heqing couldn't help but think of the original Yulan Festival event, that is, Jianshan Huangquan was attacked as an A-level supernatural disaster, and it was also the first battle in which Qin Heqing became famous in the island country's practice world. It is said to be related to the gods of hell, and even to the goddess Izanami of Huangquan, which attracted the attention of the gods of Gao Tianyuan.

After that, he was thrown into the time and space of the Warring States Period by the Thousand-Year Sakura. When he returned, the gods of the entire island nation, except for the low-ranked land gods, who were called earth-bound spirits, all other high-ranking gods and orthodox gods were lost. I couldn't get normal feedback, and I had to ask people to wonder if the original cause was related to this incident!

It's a pity that Jianshan Huangquan's rank is too low, and I don't know the inside story, so there is no way to find out the specific details. Everything can only be guessed...

"No. Maybe you can try to contact Black Ze Fengshi. If she is not corroded by the power of the evil **** like a fallen god..." Qin Heqing muttered.

Then Qin Heqing raised his head and looked again at the Goddess Chang'e and Mart who were waiting for him to follow. "In this way, I will send you back to the pot world to cultivate, and at the same time, I will help you determine your identity as soon as possible, and ask someone to send you to Egypt to complete the return of the godhead You will know whether it is a donkey or a horse by then."

The two nodded without refuting, but disappeared into the air with Qin Heqing's heart.

"Ayukawa." Qin Heqing called.

Ayukawa showed his figure.

Just as Cuizi and Kikyo returned from there after the official intervention in Adachi's follow-up rescue, Ayukawa also returned to Qin Heqing early after the two left, waiting for his instructions.

"I have to trouble you again to help get the identities of Ehuang Nvying and Mart." Qin Heqing said softly.

"Is it enough to record the identities of the three of them? What about the others?" Ayukawa shook his head slightly and asked rhetorically.

"If it's not troublesome, let's get them together. The ghost knows when I need to send them out again." Qin Heqing smiled bitterly after thinking about it.


After that, Ayukawa did not hesitate, and his figure flashed and left Qin Heqing's apartment.

"Tsk, it seems that the furniture will be changed tomorrow." Qin Heqing couldn't help but reluctantly said as he looked at the messy apartment furnishings cut by Chang'e and the Gengjin Qi that had been emitted when the planet too white and Venus became stronger.

Then the figure flashed, he also entered the world of the pot, appeared in the mansion in the canyon, and took a rest with the beauty.


Ayukawa’s movements were not unpleasant. When Qin Heqing woke up the next day and returned to the room to wash and eat, she had taken care of the modern identity documents of the eight gods including Ehuang, Nyuying and Mart. An official general letter was presented on the spot.

Including passports and visas.

So as long as Qin Heqing thinks about it, or if Ehuang and Nvying and the goddess Mart are ready, they can leave the island country by plane at any time to go to the country and Egypt for phase fusion.

Therefore, Qin Heqing didn't hesitate, and when his thoughts moved, he released the three of Ehuang Nyuying and the goddess Mart.

"My lord." Ehuang and Nvying said politely.

"I don't have that much etiquette here, just sit down, and it will be convenient for our next conversation." Qin Heqing waved his hand and pointed to the living room where he could barely settle down.

"Okay." Ehuang and Nvying didn't pretend to look at each other, and sat down in the living room.

After that, the goddess Mart, and finally Ayukawa who returned.

"First, let me introduce you. This is Ayukawa, Akane Ayukawa, you can call her Ayukawa or Akane directly... Last night, I asked her to go to the relevant department of the modern government to help you prepare the identity information and Related documents, now, these are, you take them first..." After Qin Heqing introduced the identity of Ayukawa, he pointed to the identity card, passport, visa, and insurance account number on the ground and said. .

"Let’s talk about the specific arrangements for your return to the country and Egypt." After the standby person took in their respective documents, Qin Heqing said again, "That’s what I planned. Later, I will let Ayukawa Tell you about the specific identities of the three of you, you will remember it as soon as possible, and then I will buy you a ticket to fly to China, first go to the Xiangshui location and let Ehuang Nuying complete the return, and then Ayukawa Will help you buy a ticket to Egypt, and then fly to Egypt with you to complete the plan."

"The reason for this arrangement is also very simple. Although I have instilled the corresponding modern knowledge into you with the demon pot, you are still a little worse when it comes to specific practices. This may be nothing in the eyes of ordinary people, but for those with a heart Under the attention of the scholar, it is still easy to cause some troubles, so I arranged Ayukawa to act with you to help solve similar things." Qin Heqing, who saw Mart have something to say, said before she could speak. Explained.

"Moreover, flying from an island country to the country is close. It takes only two hours at most. Even if everything goes well, you can finish the matter of Ehuang and Nyuying on the same day and board the flight to Egypt without any delay. , So you can bear with him, Matt."

"Yes." Matt thought about it, he really needed a person like a guide to help with some things, so he didn't say anything, nodded and agreed.

"Then get started. Ayukawa, please tell them their identity information, and I will give them the latest flight to China."

Immediately Qin Heqing took out his mobile phone, connected to the Internet, looked up flight information and ordered air tickets.

Of course ~www.ltnovel.com~ did not forget the purchase of furniture.

But this can be handled by the women of the Qin clan, so there is no need to trouble Yue'er to supervise and help.

So I quickly settled everything and went to the kitchen to start breakfast.


"I'm leaving."

"Bon Voyage."


Qin Heqing left the house and embarked on a journey to school.

Soon afterwards, they all changed into modern outfits, Ayukawa, Ehuang Nvying, and a Western-faced Goddess Mart, who were all changed into modern outfits, and left Qin Heqing’s apartment each with a handbag and set foot on it. Journey to the country.

Only an empty room remained, waiting for Qinquan Temple Minzi, who came to help deal with it later, to fill it up with the items needed for life.

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