High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1216: Setsubun

The next day, February 3rd, Monday.

Qin Heqing, who temporarily put aside things about the world and the future, picked up his schoolbag again and left the apartment, moving towards Toyonosaki High School.

After all, he has to tell Kato Kee that he is going to suspend school again, otherwise he will let go of the pigeons so inexplicably. Although Kato Kee may not be like that, but sulking and feeling upset are definitely unavoidable. Instead of this, it is better to report to her before the formal suspension.

Not bad this day.

So not long after, Qin Heqing came to the class smoothly and sat down at his desk.

Self-study, class, get out of class, class, get out of class, lunch break...

Qin Heqing finally had the opportunity to sit with Kato Hui again.

"Megumi, I want to tell you something. I may be taking a leave of absence again." Qin Heqing said softly while looking at Megumi Kato who was sitting opposite him.

"Did you leave school, did something happen?" Kato Keitai was not very surprised, looking at him with a normal look and asked.

"The world may be destroyed. I need to make some preparations for the possible disaster and our future." Qin Heqing nodded and replied with a serious face looking back at Kato Hui.

"The world is going to be destroyed?" Kato Megumi was astonished, her mouth opened slightly and could not speak.

She thought it was just that some powerful monsters and monsters appeared and needed Qin Heqing to deal with it. How could she have imagined that the origin of the matter could be so big, and it was directly exaggerated to the world, which generally only appears in animations and novels...

"As far as the current situation is concerned, there is a more than 50% chance that it will be destroyed." Qin Heqing nodded affirmatively, "I don't want your daily life to be destroyed, nor do I want too many changes in your current life, so in order to delay the destruction of the world, I need to do some preparations."

"Is it because of that evil god?" Kato Megumi adjusted her mood and guessed thoughtfully.

This is also the only possibility she can think of combining the information she knows.

"It has something to do with it, but it's not all. It depends on the condition of the gods who disappeared before." Qin Heqing explained.

"...Then what will our world become?" Kato Hui was silent for a while, then raised her head again and asked Qin Heqing.

"It's hard to say. The key depends on the specific situation. But as far as the current situation is concerned, the civilized system of modern society will completely collapse if nothing happens, the humanistic order will completely collapse, and humans will become erect apes in the dinosaur era. , From the top of the food chain to the mid-end."

"..." Kato Megumi was silent, slightly frowning, inserting the spoon in his hand into the rice in the lunch box in front of him, and could not say more.

"Is there anything I can do?" After a while, Kato Megumi looked up again and asked.

"As long as you can maintain the current state of mind and live your life happily, it is the greatest help to me." Qin Heqing reached out and touched Kato Hui's cheek and smiled.

"Okay." Kato Megumi looked at him, did not say much, nodded seriously and agreed.

Then the two continue to eat, spend their lunch break, and start the afternoon lessons...

Until school is over.


"Today is Setsubun, don't you need to go to the shrine to hold the Setsubun ceremony?" On the way back to the apartment, Kato Kee said to Qin Heqing beside him suddenly remembering something.

The so-called Setsubun means dividing spring and winter, which means that spring officially begins on the first day of the vernal equinox of the lunar calendar each year. On the evening of this day, beans are sprinkled in every corner of the house to ward off evil spirits.

It is a very simple and traditional island folk festival, not grand, but every family will hold it.

Therefore, the shrines and temples will also hold corresponding ceremonies on this day-throwing beans to exorcise evil and good luck, as a means of attracting believers and receiving incense money.

"No. It's enough to leave this kind of thing to Qin Zhizi and the others. I have only one task today, and that is to accompany you." Qin Heqing said with a smile.

"Don't tell me you will never see me again after today. It's too unlucky. Write in the palm of your hand and swallow the words back." Kato Megumi's expression moved slightly when he heard the words, stopped and urged Qin Heqing.

"Okay, I'll write it now." Qin Heqing helplessly, opened his palm and wrote a few words on it with his fingers, swallowing the words into his mouth like a ball.

This is also an island-style custom, mainly used to relieve curses, suppress villains, or some people use to eliminate tension and self-pressure. Qin Heqing didn't expect that as a priest himself, he would be able to use this method for a day. It is not difficult to see how confused Kato Kee, who looked plain on the surface and seemed unaffected, was at this time.

"It's all right now." Qin Heqing asked Kato Hui's hand.

"Yeah." Kato nodded, and the two men moved on the street again.

I went shopping, went home (apartment), and prepared today’s dinner like a couple.

"Come and scatter beans." Kato Kee said.

"it is good."

Then the two worked in a division of labor, one placed a small box in the corner-a tool for loading beans~www.ltnovel.com~ the other grabbed the soybeans with his hands and threw them into the small box...

Otherwise, you can't really throw things all over the house like literally, right?

The problem is not big, but the degree of trouble to clean up is enough to cause many housewives to complain.

So gradually, this bean-spreading custom evolved into this, and even prepared the box with beans in the corner directly, and then waited a day, and then put the bean box away, that is, no beans were wasted. It is not troublesome to clean up, which is the reason why this custom really continues.

It’s just a pity that this custom is destined to be impacted today-

I saw that along with the lowering of the bean box, a strange breath suddenly emerged from the periphery of the bean box, like some kind of strong pollution, but in an instant it polluted the beans in the box to black, and then Fragmented, giving off a rancid smell like rotten food.

However, this is still better. In other places-other parts of the apartment building, the amazing screams rang out abruptly, shocking Qin Heqing and Megumi Kato. They simply dealt with the beans in the house. After the box, he rushed out of the apartment and ran towards the place where the sound came from.

Then, his body was covered with bean dregs, and a distorted black shadow like a visitor from the abyss appeared in Qin Heqing's eyes, and the dark mist tentacles stretched out and forced him towards the screaming guest.

Therefore, Qin Heqing did not hesitate. As soon as he raised his arm and clicked his finger, a flash of light blasted on the fog monster, like an exploding balloon, bursting the dark fog monster to pieces in an instant, in the clear breeze Qin Heqing released. I was blown away...


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