High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1224:

Talking about two ends, now back to Europe—

With the dispatch of the Cthulhu, the sky over Europe can be said to have changed colors. The clear sky was shrouded by dark clouds for the first time. The scarlet thunder and lightning rolled in, and the dull thunder sound was like the horn of the abyss, making everyone who heard it. They all feel flustered inside, and panic involuntarily arises from the bottom of their hearts.

If there are real people in the European region...

Then a holy light shone from the sky, like a beam of light, directly breaking through the barriers of dark clouds, lightning, and even the earth’s atmosphere, directly exposing the vast universe of stars, shrouded in darkness, and all kinds of starlight and radiation are like no money. The same shone towards the earth.

There may not be any impact in a short period of time, but after a long period of time-for example, a month later, this area is enough to become a place of death that will extinct life!

Just like the Arctic with the same ozone hole.

Don't talk about people there, even animals are rare. In other words, the aurora is more proliferating, becoming a beautiful scenery for the world to appreciate and chase.

Monsters that look like angels, or angels, appear in the air, like the angels in the bible legend, swaggering and dancing, spreading waves of weird and incomprehensible murmurs, forming like The holy voice of the sacred singing domain spreads to the surroundings.

And without attenuation, it easily covered the entire European region, and even broke through the barriers of the ocean to enter the borders of North African countries and bears, forming sound wave pollution, bombarding the consciousness of all humans who heard these sounds.

Then the result can be imagined, chaos appeared, killing raged, and the various orders created by mankind were pierced like a piece of paper in front of the inspired instinct of mankind!

The impact is so great that the heads of countries who are always paying attention to European trends are very anxious. They can’t wait to throw the big Ivan, the little boy and the like in their hands with the downwind express, and die with the so-called evil god...

If it really works.

Now I’m talking about angels, oh, angels, as if they were really angels—

Not only did they not have the image of angels, but they were not even human, but a mushroom-like monster with only a big head or an octopus head, shaped like a jellyfish, and covered with tentacles and eyes!

Even in terms of styling, it looks similar to the Zerg population structure in the StarCraft game. The scarlet flesh and the big tendons are exposed, exuding a wild and terrifying breath, even if it does not fall on other people’s heads, just watching It makes people shudder, there is an urge to go crazy, want to kill!

It is worthy of the identity of the evil **** angel.

Two or more pairs of dark wings spread out behind the angel, and the dark angel circle appears on the head of the monster angel. The spatial ripples and fluctuations visible to the naked eye are rippling silently, without knowing that they exist. He oppressed the space, but he was still doing something.

No one can look at them directly anyway!

This is also the reason why Ayukawa decisively opened the space channel as soon as he heard the spread of the evil god's deceit, and ran back to Tokyo from that chaotic place in Egypt to report to Qin Heqing.

The Cthulhu stood tall in the Austrian city, his huge body towering like a mountain, but it was very different from his height of a few meters when he first arrived, and he approached more and more like the Cthulhu Cthulhu.

No one dared to approach its surroundings or cast his eyes on its face even if he stood still there.

The evil **** believers headed by the evil ghost king are full of enthusiasm. Even if someone blows their heads directly from looking directly at the gods, they can’t stop them from worshiping the evil gods, and each of them has become more and more crazy, even with their bodies. Cthulhu, or the angelic state of Cthulhu changed.

In a word, they are no longer human.


Naturally, all of this was captured by the satellites of various countries that are always paying attention to the dynamics of Europe. The pictures were passed into the special monitoring room, and it was no surprise that the staff on duty became manic, scratching their heads with both hands, as if there were bugs in their heads. As he crawled, he pulled his scalp abruptly and tore it off until he died and never gave up trying to open his head.

And this is still good. Some of the bad ones are even the same as those of the evil **** apostles. They exploded their brains directly because of the strong messages from the gods themselves.

All the deaths were miserable, not only scared the staff in the same department, but also made this position officially a black hole. No one dared to undertake the task of monitoring changes in Europe.

Furthermore, apart from knowing that the evil **** was dispatched and seeing some blurry photos taken by some cultivators desperately, all countries can no longer know what is happening in Europe. They all scratch their heads while worrying. I don’t know. How to deal with the major problems at hand.

"Otherwise, use the ultimate weapon." In an international video conference, a country's chief executive suggested.

"What if it's useless~www.ltnovel.com~ another person asked.

"That's better than just sitting and waiting to die like this, right?"

"We might as well take the two-pronged approach, while using the ultimate weapon to test the upper limit of the Cthulhu, while generating momentum to gather the extraordinary people from all countries to form the final line of defense to deal with the threat of the Cthulhu."




Then the resolution was reached. After less than ten minutes of brewing, the final weapons were shot out from the silos of the remaining powers, and they galloped towards Europe with a long tail flame.

This behavior naturally could not escape Cthulhu’s god-level perception, and did not personally take action. The monster angels floating in mid-air disappeared into the air in a flash, and appeared in the final weapon that was speeding in the next moment. Ahead, the weird mouth full of sharp teeth opened, and the sound wave of non-travel crossed the void silently, colliding with the speeding final weapon.

"Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly, a huge cloud rose, and a strong light that was even more dazzling than the sun burst out of the sky in an instant, as if a substantive shock wave spread, and then came out in all directions in the sound of the world breaking. Impacted away.

Fortunately, the location of the explosion was high in the sky, thousands of meters away from the normal human activity area, so except for a few unlucky aircraft that were affected and destroyed, and all the crew and passengers died. Humans have not caused much influence!

Even the radiation intensity is still within the range of human health, which is a blessing in misfortune.

Then the monster angel moved out again, moving towards the launch site where the final weapon was most out...


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