High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1233: Wolves show

"By the way, when will the Kamikaze team leave?" Qin Heqing let go of his face, turned and walked back to the office chair to sit down and asked.

"Three days later." Akatsuki Mado took a deep breath and replied after he forced himself to work.

"Is the U.S. urging in a hurry?" Qin Heqing asked curiously.

"It's very urgent, it can be said that it is three reminders a day, so the cabinet has to agree to let the Kamikaze team leave the country and go to the United States for support."

"In other words, do you know the intelligence of the relevant agencies in the United States."

"Do you need?" Mato Akatsuki asked back.

"Very curious." Qin Heqing nodded.

"Then I'll wait for the contact bureau to sort out the relevant information and send it over." Akatsuki said simply.

"Yes." Then he closed his eyes and thought about other things instead of teasing Mado.

For example, the state of the world and the time of arrival in the Warring States period.

The purpose of Cthulhu's action this time, and when will it log on to the island country.

Will fighting monster angels attract the attention of evil gods?

Jindaluo and the others have not organized an effective ghost force to suppress the ghost chaos in Tokyo.

What is Jianshan Huangquan's plan to completely separate from him, or he is ready to take the identity of the sister-in-law to the end, until Tuguong Kagura himself understands or actively proposes to leave the countermeasures bureau before returning to himself.

Tokyo's defense system.

Would you like to ask Kato Kee out on Valentine's Day...

All in all, anyway, when I can calm my mind, I don’t know if my hair will fall.

If you really become bald, that would be bad...

Although with his physique in the pot immortal, it should be unlikely to encounter such a thing.


Then three days passed in a blink of an eye, when the Kamikaze team left Tokyo.

Qin Heqing didn’t get the pass to enter the airport through the countermeasures bureau before the Kamikaze team boarded the plane when he didn’t know this. He saw that he did not stand with other people, but was like an outsider. Even the dressing up has turned into a stewardess dress.

"Leave Tokyo without telling me. You don't put my ‘master’ in your eyes." Qin Heqing walked to Jianshan Huangquan and asked her in a deep voice as she watched the makeup change drastically.

"Uh, um, what? I didn't know that you would definitely agree with me to continue following Kagura, so I didn't think so much and acted directly." I didn't expect Qin Heqing to say this kind of expression when he came up. Yi stagnated, looking around with a bit embarrassed expression, after seeing that no one could save him, he couldn't help but replied with a guilty face.

"I agree that I agree, but you can't make good opinions without my consent! Otherwise, what is the majesty of my master!" Qin Heqing still asked Jianshan Huangquan with a cold face.

"...Okay, I know I was wrong, I won't do it next time." Jianshan Huangquan glanced at his mouth and apologized in a low voice.

"Huh? Why, do you still want to have another time?" Qin Heqing asked with an increasingly dissatisfied expression, raising his brows.

"No, there is no next time." Jianshan Huangquan was also agile. Seeing this, his expression changed and he quickly shook his head.

"This time you are the first offender. I will not ruin your plan and allow you to fly to the U.S. together with Tugong Kagura, but if there is another time, even Tugong Kagura will die directly in front of me. Don't think I am allowing you to act indiscriminately without my instructions!" Seeing that Qin Heqing was almost reprimanded, he sternly warned.

For Jianshan Huangquan, who is unorganized and disciplined, and has become unconstrained because of free range, Qin Heqing will not get used to it and prepare to kill him with one blow.

Even if Jianshan Huangquan might complain afterwards, Qin Heqing didn't care.

However, a ‘family born child’—the resurrected undead with the world spirit in the pot as the core and support of existence, he really does not believe that Jianshan Huangquan can turn out the sky.

"I see." Jianshan Huangquan bowed his head.

"In addition, I have a task to hand over to you this time." Qin Heqing also accepted it as soon as he saw it, and said again in a slow voice.

"What?" Jianshan Huangquan looked up at him in surprise.

"Help me observe the raging situation of Cthulhu in the U.S., collect specific information and battle data on Cthulhu’s apostles, Cthulhu’s family members, and other people, events, and things related to Cthulhu. In addition, if it’s not troublesome, also help me see the U.S. super The specific condition of the special team will be sent to me by e-mail when it is finished, I want to see." Qin Heqing commanded very simply.

"Okay. I will send you the information as soon as I have the exact information." Jianshan Huangquan agreed.

Anyway, it's easy, and it doesn't take much effort.

What's more, I just made a mistake, and on the basis of not completely irritating Qin Heqing, it was naturally what he said and what she did.

She is not stupid. I have to put aside a good day, but take the initiative to find death.

After that, Qin Heqing briefly chatted with Jianshan Huangquan for a while, and then retreated to Mato Hatsumoto, watching the crew and Kamikaze team in the incarnation of Jianshan Huangquan as well as people from the United States boarded the special plane and set sail. America.

"Just such a few people, what use is there if they go? The Americans are really ill and go to the doctor, and even this kind of immoral thing is done..." Watching the plane, even after the American ambassador members who came to see off left. , A middle-aged man who was suspected of being a cabinet worker shook his head secretly with a grieving face and muttered.

Indeed, just five people...

Even with the addition of the five supplementary personnel re-supported by the Countermeasures Bureau, the total is no more than ten people, and the organization of a combat squad is a bit reluctant to protect a city, let alone the entire 50 major states of the United States? It is estimated that they are too busy to be exhausted. What are they doing for useless work?

Not to mention, the Kamikaze team itself is a cutting-edge group among the special people of the island nation, the island nation's top combat power. Just leave them to the past, and are not afraid to destroy the relationship between the two countries and make the entire island nation resent...

Uh, it seems resentful.

Since the year of the Plaza Agreement, the island country’s perception of the United States seems to have been getting worse year by year...

So it doesn’t matter whether the islanders resent or resent~www.ltnovel.com~ It’s just that before the cabinet, countermeasure bureau, Qin and Qing people feel more emotion, the murlocs who have been repelled by Qin Heqing before were late on the night of the Lantern Festival. Attacked Tokyo again!

Moreover, it is no longer a foolish login from one place, but as Qin Heqing had originally envisioned, he sneaked directly into the Tokyo city through the criss-crossing waterways in Tokyo, and then launched a general attack on the entire 23 wards of Tokyo!

Moreover, the number of monsters is extremely large, just like the migration of animal clusters on the African continent. As soon as they appeared, they rushed into the hinterland of various regions, causing extremely terrible impact on the city.

All kinds of chaos, casualties began to appear, the order collapsed, and the power of ordinary police became so small and weak in front of the monster...

The entire Tokyo fell into chaos in a very short time.

"Sure enough, there is a black hand behind the murloc monster."

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