High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1242:


The next moment, Yue'er's figure appeared beside Qin Heqing.

"See the thin chain."

Yue'er nodded.

"The other end of the chain should be linked to the Cthulhu Apostle hidden in the dark. I need you to deal with him, so as to kill him in one hit. Otherwise, it is difficult to say whether the opponent will use the magic array to do something against the Yaki Orochi after being attacked. What?" Qin Heqing asked with a serious face.

"I know, don't worry, I know what to do." Yue'er nodded in response.

"Then I beg you." Qin Heqing solemnly said.

"I'm past."

After finishing speaking, Yue'er didn't do much nonsense, she flashed directly, and moved along the chain link to the location of the Cthulhu Apostle hidden in the dark.

"Everyone prepare some, and we will do it immediately after Yue'er's hand is over." At the same time, Qin Heqing said to the few people left behind in the pot.


After that, Qin Heqing took out the eight-handed sword, transformed into a traditional Han sword, and held it in his hand, with sword intent brewing in his chest, waiting for the shocking sword to be cut out afterwards.


On the other side, Yue'er, following the high-speed flight and movement, finally found the Cthulhu Apostle standing in the non-affected area near Mount Fuji. Without a word, his body flashed directly, and a cold light came from the Cthulhu. A flash passed by the apostle's neck.


Later, a dull and low muffled sound came out, and the Cthulhu Apostle's head whirled and fell to the ground, like a ball, rolling to the side...

Then Yue'er waved his hand and stuck a white rune on the body of the Cthulhu Apostle who was still standing, and stepped away. The vigorous flame seemed to have encountered gasoline turbulence, and it burned violently, like a torch. The body of the Cthulhu Apostle was completely covered.

"I should die now..." Yue'er murmured while looking at the apostle's body burned by the fire.

"I'm still thinking about what is attacking me. It turned out to be an elf. It just so happened that I still lack a suitable running errand servant by your side, so you can take the post, and it can be regarded as compensation for your punishment for burning my flesh." , An abrupt voice sounded, and the weird and joking voice passed from the head that the Cthulhu Apostle had rolled out.

"You are not dead!?" Yue'er said in astonishment.

After that, he didn't hesitate, and immediately struck him with another cross and thunder method.


"In this way, I think you are still alive." Yue'er said coldly.

But before she got any feedback, the body of the Cthulhu apostle burned by the fire suddenly mutated, like an indescribable monster twisted and twisted by countless tentacles, ignoring the flames burning outside, the tentacles entangled like a whip towards Yue'er. .

Yue'er was startled, and quickly avoided using shifting...

Then I saw the head of the Cthulhu Apostle, who was supposed to be smashed into charcoal by the cross and thunder method, bounced on the ground, like a bouncy ball jumping from the ground, falling onto the burned indescribable body under the protection of the extra tentacles. , Mutated, transformed into an octopus head, but with denser eyes, like weird **** spread all over the head, disgusting objects around the head take over the command of the action of the lower body, making it a'person'.

If its current image can still be said to be human...

Then it is indescribable. Just looking at it makes people nauseous, irritable, and headache. The eyes on the head of the disgusted monster brighten up, and the head spins again, and the flame enveloping the monster's body seems to have been attacked by high-purity carbon dioxide. Dissipated, the indescribable monster was burnt black, scorched, and even exposed the flesh and blood of the twisted and twisted tissue under the charred skin, making the monster feel more disgusting and terrifying.

Seeing this, Yue'er didn't bother to communicate anymore. As soon as she raised her arm, the tide formed by countless blades rushed towards the monster like a huge tsunami wave.

As for the monster, I don’t know whether it’s mutation caused it to lose its language ability, or it doesn’t want to speak at all, and it’s not stimulating Yue'er. The countless tentacles spin around the body at high speed like a high-speed rotating propeller. Like a hurricane barrier, it resisted Yue'er's attack.

But Yue'er didn't feel discouraged because of this, and snorted secretly, and the leaves in the impact suddenly turned red, and burned violently in an instant, and then deteriorated again, and a huge explosion occurred.


Compared to the mushroom cloud erupted by a volcano, the mushroom cloud climbed countless times smaller, and instead appeared on the ground where the indescribable monster stood before.


Naturally, the movement here has somewhat caught the attention of Qin Heqing, who was fully concentrating on preparations, and couldn't help but relax——


Following his mind regrouping, looking to the sky, he cut off the sword intent he had been brewing for a long time without hesitation.


Suddenly, I saw a bright light that resembled the sun of the sun, like a meteor, and it was like the white skylight remaining in the sight of ordinary people when facing the sun. In a flash, it cut through the uncountable space and went straight. It collided with the magic circle in mid-air, especially the huge eyeballs in the magic circle.


Then a terrible explosion sounded, and the entire sky was shrouded in a dazzling white light, as if the day had descended, it would illuminate Mount Fuji and the surrounding cities and counties, which was shrouded in the red of night and magma.

Of course, all abnormalities and sight lines were also shielded.

Therefore, taking advantage of this moment, Qin Heqing released Qi Ge, Mrs. Shangyuan, Seven Fairies, Goddess Matt, and Cuizi, Kikyo, Yunv, Ayukawa, and Kagura, and let them start to act according to the established plan.

So in an instant ~www.ltnovel.com~ Yunv, Kagura and Madame Shangyuan left the team and flew to the vicinity of the crater. Together, the three began to suppress the eruption of the volcano.

The Seven Fairies monitor the Quartet, shield out the various filthy energies and resentment that may exist and diffuse, purify the world with the rules she controls, and guard against the various moths made by the evil **** apostle.

Matt and Qi Ge and the moment they appeared, they turned on the deification mode, Cuizi and Kikyo who transformed into sacred witches, and Aykawa who was also deified into the Holy Spirit, appeared with Qin Heqing near the energy body of Yaqi Orochi.

"It seems that we are lucky, and it is not the Baqi Orochi in its heyday." Qin Heqing let out a long sigh of relief in his heart when seeing the living condition of the Ochi Orochi.

As long as it is not the body, it is not the heyday!

In this way, whether it is the power of the demon refining pot, the power of refining the demon, or the power of the eight-foot Qionggou jade that you wear on your neck can be used to the maximum!

Coupled with Qige and Kikyo, it really might not be able to suppress the Yaqi Orochi in front of them.

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