High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1245: Committing a risk

"Heqing, did you solve it over there?" Yue'er, who had solved the evil **** apostle, turned around and asked Qin Heqing, who did not know when he appeared near him, and asked in surprise.

"Well, it's solved." Qin Heqing nodded.

After all, what he suppressed this time was only the energy body constructed by the free energy of the Ochi Orochi using the power of the primordial spirit to connect the heavens and the earth. Although it has the true form of the Ochi Orochi, it also has part of the power of the Ochi Orochi. It is not a real Yaqi Orochi, even if it is suppressed, it will only lose part of the power of the original spirit to the Yaqi Orochi. As for the foundation, it is even more impossible!

He is not a monster newly promoted to the realm of primordial spirit. If he loses part of the power of the primordial spirit, he will fall to the realm and become an ordinary monster. Then his name as a monster with this world-destroying power is too empty. ?

This is also the real reason why Qin and Qing people can so easily, even say that it is a face-to-face to completely solve the Yaqi Orochi.

"Then we go back now?" Yue'er walked to Qin Heqing's side and asked again.

She hadn't forgotten the murloc monsters still raging in Tokyo.

Although the share of each one that can be refined into Yuanqi is very low, it can't hold up the large number!

With sufficient base accumulation, it is also a big gain.

"There are countermeasures and people who curse the road over there. Even if you don't participate, there will be no danger for a while."

Of course, nothing can escape the corpse. With Qin Heqing's current face and identity, it is really not a troublesome thing to bring the corpses they collected from the Countermeasures Bureau.

"Then now..." Yue'er said puzzledly.

"First suppress the eruption of Mount Fuji, and then decide whether to go deeper and get rid of the real Yaqi Orochi based on the situation." Qin Heqing explained.

As for getting it out...

I am afraid that it is not possible to push Mount Fuji directly, so that the island will be divided geographically.

Therefore, if the island country is not really sinking, it is more appropriate to go deep into the underground magma to directly destroy the Yaqi Orochi.

Anyway, with his current cultivation base and his mastery of the Five Elements Escape Technique, it is not too difficult to go to the world, and go deep into the magma...

It's not that there is no logistics guarantee and back-end insurance.

"That can only be the case."

Then the two glanced again at the place where Yue'er had fought before, and they were sure that there was nothing left out, and there would be no ghosts or ghosts. The **** Cthulhu Apostle, who had no scum left at all, appeared again when it was possible. The body shape flashed, and the eruption trend was getting weaker and weaker. Seeing the sky above the top of Mount Fuji, which was about to be suppressed again, assisted Mrs. Shangyuan to start the work of sorting out the ground veins and fire element vitality.

And it takes more than an hour to do it.

Until the truly dangerous open flames and lava were pressed back into the Mount Fuji fire crater, all the lava flowing around turned into hard volcanic materials, and the earthquake vibration intensity caused by the volcanic eruption was reduced to three or four on the Richter scale. After being able to sway people in the nearby area at most, the Qin and Qing people really stopped and gathered above the crater.

"At present, it can only be suppressed to this level. If you want to solve it completely, you still have to start from the root cause." Mrs. Shangyuan said to Qin Heqing beside her.

"Eight Snake..." Qin Heqing smiled bitterly.

"Do you want to go down." Yue'er asked.

"It must go down. After all, its existence is a hidden danger. In any case, I need to solve it before it completely restores its strength and officially breaks away from the underground seal, otherwise..." Qin Heqing shook his head.

Otherwise, it goes without saying that Mt. Fuji collapses and the land base of the main island collapses. The core area of ​​the main island will naturally fracture with the mantle movement, ocean currents, and seismic activity. When the floating island sinks, it will not sink, but it will definitely not be able to sustain it. How much time.

After all, it is rootless duckweed. How long it can float, and where it floats, it really depends on the sky.

"By the way, with your current cultivation base, can you sit in the fire without burning, and not stagnate in the ground." Thinking of something, Qin Heqing turned his head and asked Mrs. Shang Yuan.

"Sitting on the fire, there is no problem with the soil travel, but when it comes to returning to the wind and returning to the fire... I am still incapable of my current cultivation base." Madam Shang Yuan looked at the magma below, and replied with a little embarrassment.

Sitting in the fire and walking in the earth, as the name implies, means sitting in the fire without burning, not afraid of the fire, so it is no problem to avoid the fire.

The earth line is the escape, that is, the earth escape technique. After playing well, it is also a magical power that is not weak.

For example, Fengshen interprets Li Tu Xing Sun, which is a fairy who plays Tu Xing Hua.

Therefore, both of these have been included in the list of the evil spirits, and have become two of the 72 powerful skills in it!

But returning to the wind and returning to the fire is different. It is one of the thirty-six magical powers of the decent Tiangang. It is the method of the Xuanmen Dao. It involves not only the use of wind and fire, but also the return to the origin and the reversal of time. Things, if you really want to practice well, the status of a **** on the eight holes is absolutely indispensable.

Then why did sitting in the fire without burning and staying in the ground turned into the magical power of returning to the wind and returning to the fire in Mrs. Shangyuan's mouth?

The reason is also very simple, just because the essence of magma is earth fire, it is pure positive fire caused by the change of gold and stone in the earth, and the most bursting. If only by the method of sitting on fire and acting on earth, it can move on its surface. , But if you really want to go deep into it, it’s impossible if you don’t master the principles of the Five Elements at a high enough level. That’s why you need to modify the time to a certain extent to maintain the material or the original state of the magical power.

This is why Mrs. Shangyuan talked about it.

"Okay. Then it seems that I can only go down by myself." Qin Heqing smiled bitterly.

After all, even high-ranking female fairies like Mrs. Shangyuan could not follow her into the magma activity. The seven fairies who were much lower than him were naturally not good, not to mention Qige and Qige who were not good at this kind of magic. Matt...

Even if the latter is the high goddess of Egypt, he has also gained the power of the goddess of truth and justice in this world.

But who told her that she hasn't fully digested it~www.ltnovel.com~ So even if her supernatural power can make her dive in the magma without death, she may not be able to help much in the battle.

In this case, it is not to mention that Platycodon grandiflorum and Tsuizi are not gods in themselves, and the more biased monsters such as Ayukawa, Rain Girl, and Kagura, and Yue'er, a ‘fragile’ elf.

So no one can accompany him.

"Needless to say, I have decided." Qin Heqing waved his hand to stop Yue'er's words still trying to persuade, and said in a deep voice.

"Then be careful yourself." Yue'er hesitated for a moment, and finally asked helplessly.

"Don't worry, I won't make fun of my life." Qin Heqing smiled.

Then I didn’t hesitate, and when my thoughts moved, I took Mrs. Shangyuan, Yunv, Kagura, and Yue’er into the world of the pot, took a deep breath, turned into a streamer, and disappeared into the creeping magma of the mountain pass. Among.


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