High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1250: Suppress

This time, the clone of Baqi Orochi, who was isolated and faced Qin Heqing directly, learned how to master it. He didn't dare to underestimate Qin Heqing's force, and he even more cautiously guarded his whole body, especially the blind spot above his head.

After all, they didn't see the end of another clone snake before. In addition, although they are physically divided, it does not mean that the core soul is divided into several parts, and they are still in the link. Therefore, even if they did not see it at the time, the feedback from the soul is enough to make the giant snake in front of him understand Where to be careful, and what kind of attacks to guard against.

Therefore, not only did he become more cautious in his defenses, he also became more cautious in his attacks. He had to bombard Qin Heqing with all kinds of unfamiliar spells.

No, as soon as he turned around, countless black poisonous water came out of the void again, filling his own shortcomings, and attacking Qin Heqing from all directions.


Qin Heqing tweeted lightly, his figure flashed directly, and he left the space right now.

This is not outside. It takes more mana and effort to use teleportation, but you can read it as you want, and go wherever you want. So in the next second, Qin Heqing will appear in the partition where the goddess Mart is. In the space, the Yaqi Orochi avatar facing the goddess Mart was not given more time to think, and his stature rose directly, using the magical powers of the sky and the earth, and then activated the Tiangang technique of capturing the dragon and binding the tiger. A seven-inch body of the snake holding the avatar of Yaqi Orochi, the sword fell in his hand, and the snake head separated from the snake **** with a click...

"Take it, don't let it run." Qin Heqing threw the unwound snake head to the goddess Matt and shouted.

"It can't run!" Goddess Matt's true spirit shadow stretched out his hand to hold the snake's head, and said with a faint smile on his face.

Then Qin Heqing stepped on the fractured part of the struggling snake body with one foot, and pulled one hand along the body of the snake to forcibly straighten the snake's body. Te and the other Yaqi big snake avatars gave the snake a heartbreak, bleeding and skinning!

Then use the power of the refining demon pot to make a few special steel nails with the power of sealing, which are deeply nailed in the flesh and blood of the snake body of the big snake, sealing its mana circuit, nerve reflection, and completely removing the snake body. It was suppressed and coiled into a ball, thrown into the large bronze cauldron that later emerged, summoning the giant mountain as a pot lid, and directly covering the opening of the cauldron.

"Snakehead!" Then, Qin Heqing shouted to Mart again.

Matt did not hesitate, and threw the snake head back to Qin Heqing.

Qin Heqing took it. First, he directly cut the upper and lower jaws of the snake head with a sword. Then, as when dealing with the snake body, he used a few special steel nails into the snake head, and threw it into the fire like firewood. Below the tripod, inside the stove mouth specially used to put charcoal fire, and then sealed, igniting the real fire of Samadhi.

"Fine for me!"

Then Qin Heqing hid the Dading again and turned to look at the other snake clones.

Needless to say, the avatars of the snakes were shocked immediately, and they looked at each other, dispelling the form of differentiation...

However, only the three-headed and four-tailed Yaqi Orochi form was synthesized.

As for the other heads and tails...

Needless to say, one tail after another in the weird cauldron Qin Heqing had just made, could not be called back. The two heads and two tails are in the space where the two great gods, Mrs. Shangyuan and Qi Ge, although the flowers have scattered and become vitality due to the call of the Yaqi Orochi, they still have not been able to escape from the imprisonment of the power of the refining pot. In the space he was in, he was bombarded with various spells by the two who later reacted.

One head and one tail was in the space where Qin Heqing was before. Although he was not attacked, he could not return to Baqi Orochi. He could only regroup into a single body after struggling for a while, staring at Qin Heqing angrily.

That's why the Yachi Orochi could not be restored to its original body form!

As for why there were only three heads and four tails instead of four heads and four tails, it was naturally because Qin Heqing had cut off the missing head, so he could only reluctantly summon his body back, but there was no way to grow his head again.

At least temporarily, there is no way to spawn it.

So it is conceivable that Baqi Orochi was angry and jealous of Qin Heqing.

But Qin Heqing still didn't let him go. He had been brewing for a long time for the thunder and thunder and thundered down, and crackled at the three-headed and four-tailed big snake, and he would never give up without smashing it to death. Make Yaqi Orochi very violent.

"Boy, come to fight one-on-one with this uncle if you have the kind, use the power of the demon refining pot, even if you can kill me in the end, I won't accept it!" Yaqi Orochi urged his power to resist the bombardment of thunder. , While roaring unwillingly.

"I don't need you to take it! As long as you die!" Qin Heqing responded calmly, unmoved.

Then a thought moved, and the goddess Mart appeared in the space where Mrs. Shangyuan was. The three of them worked together, and in a flash, they killed the clone of Yaqi Orochi facing Mrs. Shangyuan and suppressed it...

Then there is the one facing the Great God Qi Ge.

In the end they were detained in solitary confinement. The one that found Qin Heqing first turned them into a snake-meat hot pot one by one, accepting the refining and devouring of the refining demon pot.

It can be said that no matter what the outcome of the next battle is~www.ltnovel.com~ Qin Heqing doesn’t have to worry about the lack of energy in the foundation for the time being, and there is no way to insist on this matter with the big snake.

Because he has a good logistics!

If Baqi Orochi knew his position in Qin Heqing’s heart, he would probably be directly angry...


Then Qin and Qing lifted the spatial isolation and reintegrated the Baqi Orochi into their space.

"Ah!! I'm going to kill you!" Feeling the difference in space, Baqi Dashe didn't say a word, and directly resisted the increasingly stronger Thunder Tribulation and rushed towards Qin Heqing.

"Town!" Qin Heqing didn't talk nonsense, and instantly came to the central Buzhou Mountain in the pot world with the personality of the creator of the world in the pot, infused with the purest power of the world, and directly descended to the eighth in the form of the gods. The sky above Qi Da She severely suppressed it.


The space was trembling, and the Yaqi Orochi was directly suppressed on the ground.

Then Matt quickly stepped forward, without Qin Heqing’s command, the most proficient method of soul deterrence that he had mastered was applied to the body of the Orochi Orochi who had been crushed by five confusions, stagnating its consciousness, and giving it to Mrs. Shang Yuan and Mrs. More available time for both Qige.

So then I saw the chains flying horizontally, constraining all the remaining heads of the Yaqi Orochi on the imperfect and true mountain that it suppressed, and then Qin Heqing quickly stepped forward, swung his knife, and moved his head one by one. Cut it down.


The world in the pseudopot projected from the real world scene in the pot was distorted, and the suppressed Yaqi Orochi, Qin Heqing, Qi Ge, Goddess Matt, and Madame Shang Yuan disappeared into the underground magma.



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