High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1272: Female Tengu

"Rebirth Japan as a priest (

"Let's talk, what news do you have to tell me." The female tengu ignored the young men who saluted over there, but looked at Qin Heqing with interest for a moment, and then turned her gaze to A Zuomi of the Xue Nv clan. Said leisurely slowly.

"This..." A Zuomi hesitated and turned to look at Qin Heqing.

Because she didn't know how to answer this question.

Is it possible to say frankly that we are just using an excuse to cheat into the tengu clan's residence and then suppress the entire tengu clan.

The female tengu's eyes turned and looked at Qin Heqing with more scrutiny.

If it weren't for Azumi's actions, she really hadn't noticed that the strange human man in front of her would be the principal of the two.

Qin Heqing was not flustered, nor did he blame A Zuomi for being indifferent. With a calm expression, he stretched out his hand on the tatami mat in front of him, and a visible ripple quickly spread from his palm and flowed through the whole in a blink of an eye. The floor of the big house rises upward at the edge of the wall until it recloses at the top of the house, forming an enchantment, which connects the whole house and the people in the house at this time--

Qin Heqing, Xuenu A Zuomi, Nv Tengu, and young people are included.

Suddenly, the youth's complexion changed, and he stared at Qin Heqing vigilantly.

"What are you doing!?" the young man asked loudly.

"Just in case." Qin Heqing, who saw the formation of the enchantment, put his hands away, stared at the female tengu of the big monster level that was rare in this era, and said quietly.

"Just in case? What to prevent?" The female tengu asked with a smile.

"In case my next actions will be disturbed by irrelevant people." Qin Heqing replied, still looking directly at the female tengu.

"What do you want to do." Nv Tiangu narrowed her eyes slightly. Even if she had doubted Qin Heqing's behavior for a long time, it was not as strong as the sense of crisis that Qin Heqing had brought her right now.

"Suppress your Tengu clan!"

After all, Qin Heqing's figure flashed, and he moved directly behind the Nv Tengu in a wooden way. The power of the primordial spirit exploded, and the powerful mountain-like power exploded in an instant, acting on the Nv Tengu.

Suddenly, the female tengu's expression stagnated, and the same majestic demon power erupted from her, like a cyan tornado visible to the naked eye, wrapped the female tengu in an instant, and flew out Qin Heqing who was about to attack.

"You dare!" the young man who realized later yelled angrily.

Just waiting for him to act, the icy chill instantly filled his body, visible ice and snow crystals emerged, freezing the young man’s feet, causing him to fall down unpreparedly. On the tatami.


Then more ice, snow and cold wind came, as if to freeze him, freezing him with the ground.

Needless to say, it is also known that this was an attack from Xue Nu A Zuomi.

Then the demon-powered tornado enveloping the female tengu burst open, and the female tengu suddenly rushed to Azuomi's side like an electric light, and with a wave of the iron fan in her hand, Azumei seemed to be hit by a truck, spinning and flying. When he went out, he barely stopped until he hit the wall of the house and was bounced back to the ground by the enchantment power that suddenly emerged.

However, her body was seriously injured, her face paled the first time she landed, her mouth opened, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of her mouth.

Then Qin Heqing appeared, and Dongnian sent A Zuomei back to the world in the pot for treatment.

"The priest, you got involved with the Xuenu clan. I really don't know if it is you **** servants who have fallen, or if the snow ladies are so lonely that they can't stand the temptation of the world and men, and even their own self-esteem and dignity are gone... I dare to hit the idea of ​​my tengu clan. I want to see what is it that gives you such confidence and makes you so defiant." The female tengu looked at Qin Heqing who reappeared and confronted her with a three-pointed coldness. Seven ridiculous sarcasm.

"Are you emboldened? You'll know soon." Qin Heqing said coldly.

Then he raised his hand and pointed, and an electric light shot at the female tengu.

The Nv Tengu did not dodge, but just a fan of the maple leaf-like iron fan in her hand, and the lightning that flew in front of her suddenly exploded under the impact of the majestic demon power, and turned into fragments of electric light and blasted all over .

But without waiting for the Tengu to fight back, she had already lost her vitality. It is reasonable to say that it would be difficult to reappear on the tatami, but countless rattans grew out of the tatami, which quietly entangled the feet of the Tengu. , So that she had to stop again.

But it was only a moment, and then, with the explosion of the female tengu's power, the cane under her feet and the floor of Tatami all burst into pieces, the fragments flew around, and her actions could not be controlled.

But still before she could make a difference, Qin Heqing’s attack once again affected the female tengu-

Golden binding method!

The invisible force is still coming, suppressing all the resistance of the female tengu.

And the most important thing is ~www.ltnovel.com~ This time the golden binding method is not only the golden binding method, it also contains the Taoist Tiangang thirty-six method of moving mountains, so it looks like a simple invisible force of suppression. , In fact, what is contained in this invisible mighty power is the power of the Five Sacred Mountains and mountains, and it is not at all that the monsters of the island country great monster level can lift off.

Otherwise, wouldn't the gods who were suppressed by the same method of moving mountains in Journey to the West be too deprived and too watery?

So in an instant, just hearing a bang, the female tengu's body was completely attached to the ground, her expression distorted, her fingers were like hooks, but no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't change her posture.

Then Qin He Qingshan went on to open the entrance to the world in the pot, and sent the female tengu and the invisible mighty force suppressed on her into the world in the pot.

After that, the other side barely broke free of the snow woman's ice. The young man who just got up, hadn't even figured out the specific situation, just went black and didn't know anything.

He is not a female tengu, that is, no one can match his appearance, and he does not belong to any important person. Naturally, Qin Heqing will no longer be merciful. He began to refine him the moment he threw a person into the demon refining pot, but Didn't even leave a whole body...

Then Qin Heqing stepped forward, entered the world of the pot, and began a transformation plan for the female tengu——

Puppetization first, suppression by black magic! This is not what Qin Heqing is greedy for her body. After all, the Xuenu clan has just been dealt with. Even if Qin Heqing has any ideas, he can't rush to this time. The sage's time is not so easy to spend.

So the real reason is for the collection of the Tengu clan!

Just as the Xuenu clan still has an unknown underground secret vault, does the ghost know if there is something similar in the Tengu clan?

So let's repeat the routine transformation first.

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