High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1304: Monk?

"Kill me? We don't seem to know each other." Without wings, maintaining a human form, and no monsters on his body. Tengu who looked like an abnormal monk countless times more than monsters walked in front of the sword and spear, and stood up. As he hit the knife on the side, he asked a little surprised.

"I really don't know. It can even be said that today is the first time we met." Qin Heqing didn't stop the Tengu's movements, because he had enough confidence, he really didn't believe what the Tengu could do to him.

Even if he holds a knife.

It's almost the same as the guardian tengu who was ordered by the Buddha to guard Izanaki Shrine.

Just, is it?

Qin Heqing doubted this.

"Then there is an enmity between us?" Tengu slowly took out the knife in his hand and asked again, looking at the blade reflecting the cold light.

"No enmity." Qin Heqing shook his head.

"Have a grudge?"

"No complaints."

"Then I'm surprised. We neither know each other nor have any hatreds. Why did your Excellency have a murderous intent on me, and even ran into this deep mountain and old forest without any hesitation, breaking through the barrier and chasing to the house. Kill me?" Tengu turned around, the dark eyes under the mask flashed with golden light, and the tone became more solemn and stern.

"To blame, blame you for inheriting the name of Tailangfang." Qin Heqing was silent for a moment, and finally found an excuse to answer.

"Who told you that I inherited the Tarofang's signature." Tengu was also silent, and then asked in a slow voice after a while.

"In this Atago Mountain, who dresses up as a tengu and lives in secret, apart from the people who inherited Tarobo, who else would have nothing to do with a good modern life and lead such a hard life of isolation and self-sufficiency? The legendary ascetic monk is not like you," Qin Heqing responded.

"Just because I live in the mountains and wear the mask of a tengu, I have become the heir of Tailangfang?" The tengu sneered at the joke or something.

"if not?"

"Can't I be Tarobo himself?"

"If you have an evil spirit, it is not impossible. But unfortunately, I did not feel the existence of the evil spirit from your body, so you can't be the Eishu Taro himself who has existed since 3000 years ago. The one who inherited the famous brand of Tailangfang is Monk Yueluo, who has lived to be at least 1,600 years old. Even if he is successful in cultivation, this time is enough for him to sit and transform seven or eight times, but you, not only physical strength Jian, even the energy and blood are abundant, coupled with the rhyme of Buddha, who can be the heir if you are not the heir?" Qin Heqing explained.

This is the characteristic of the island country. Regardless of what kind of cultivator is a strongman, as long as it is not a monster, then at most 200 years, this person will definitely die or disappear.

For example, Ampei Qingming, this product will be gone after less than a hundred years old.

There is also Xiaojiao, the founder of Xiugendao and the original ancestor of Yin Yang Tao, who also lived for more than a hundred years before being reclusive.

As for the others?

It's not just sitting in the air, and no one can live forever anyway.

I don’t know if it’s a characteristic, or the virtue of practicing Taoism. It’s the same as the domestic Taoist longevity real person. It’s a very good point, but it really seems that there is only one Peng Zu who lived 800 years old and one Except for Ge Xianren, who lived more than 400 years old, the others were also gone after one or two hundred.

Even Zhang Sanfeng, the last immortal, seemed to live only 220 or 250 years old and there was no news.

Although, until the Qing Dynasty, there were legends that someone had seen him move in the world...

"Even so, what good is it for you to kill me? Is it possible that you want to inherit the signature of Tailangfang?" Tengu looked up and down Qin Heqing for a while, and asked again.

Because he really couldn't understand why Qin Heqing had come to kill him.

"I'm not interested in Tengu's signs." Qin Heqing shook his head.

"Then there must be a reason." Tengu continued to ask.

"Then you treat me for world peace." Qin Heqing replied.

"...I didn't expect that one day my life would be related to world peace, and it would be an honor."

"Then you are going to do it, and you will be caught with your hands?" Qin Heqing asked in his spare time.

"No. Rather than dying without any resistance without knowing it, I'm more willing to try my best to try to survive. This way, even if the final result is still unchangeable, I won't regret going to hell." Tengu refused. Tao.

"Good idea. Then I won't be polite." Qin Heqing smiled.

"Even if you let me go, let me see what kind of ability you have that dare to come and take my life."

"You will not be disappointed!"

After all, Qin Heqing was not talking nonsense, raised his hand and pointed, and a flash of lightning shot towards the tengu.

The Tengu did not panic, or even if it was panic because of the existence of the mask, Qin Heqing couldn't notice it. As soon as the golden Buddha light appeared all over his body, a huge 4D wheel appeared in front of the Tengu, like a shield, just like Qin Heqing’s cross Leifa dispersed.

Qin Heqing was not surprised when he saw this. After all, he had long since guessed from the Buddha Yun circulating on the opponent that the tengu in front of him is a master of Dharma, and naturally he will have some fighting methods that ordinary monks cannot. The eight-handed sword was taken out, and it became the original form of Omomaru—the form of hitting a sword, rushing to the front of the tengu like a stream of light.

The tengu remained unmoved, and with a slash in his hand, he slashed towards Qin Heqing with a brilliant light and strong wind like a brilliant wind blade.

Qin Heqing continued to walk ~www.ltnovel.com~ but disappeared under the attack of the wind blade in an instant, and appeared on the top of the tengu's head in the next moment. On the head and feet, the light of the sword was like countless dragons, shrouded towards the tengu past--

Flying sword flow, nine-headed dragon flashing!

Tengu’s whole body of Buddha light shone, and countless sparks popped out from the side of the tengu, and after another flash, the tengu appeared in the center of the house. Seeing the numerous openings in the hand, it seemed that it could be broken by just one touch. Numerous pieces of knives frowned, and they decisively shattered the knives into several pieces by themselves, and then screamed in a low voice. The broken blade, like a bullet, shot at Qin Heqing who had just fallen to the ground.

Qin Heqing could not move, a stone wall appeared in front of him amidst the rumbling vibrations——

"Ding Ling Dang Cang."

Then Qin Heqing flashed again, just like a vehicle climbing a wall and turning a corner in a stunt movie, stepping on the wall of the Tengu's house and killing the Tengu's side.

As for the tengu, he just put his hands together without the weapon, and the image of a Buddhist Buddha wearing a tengu mask suddenly appeared behind him, his eyes closed slightly, and the huge golden hand patted Qin Heqing.

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