High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1319:

"What about you?" After clarifying the matter of Hojo Tokiko, Qin and Qing asked Tugong Kagura and Tuyumen Taihei again.

"If Qin Jun doesn't dislike it, I would also like to worship under Qin Jun's door and do my best." Tuyumen Taihei said without hesitation, following Hojo Tokiko.

"Why are you? And your family is willing?" Qin Heqing asked curiously.

"To say that it is entirely to repay Jun Qin for his life-saving grace, Qin Jun may not be willing to believe it, so I will say something real..." Taiping Tuomi sighed, "The reason why I am willing to join Hojo Qin Jun’s sect, apart from what Jianshan said that you can guarantee our safety and resist possible censure from the cabinet, they also don’t want to cause trouble to the family.”

After all, he escaped and escaped, but the U.S. side may not be clear. It is very likely that in the case of no results in the search-such as no corpses, and whether they found their boarding records, etc., they are directly classified as Sacrifice has already died in the "fire fighting" operation, so as long as they are willing to lock up at home and never show up in front of others, in fact, if they are really troublesome, there may not be too many.

But are they willing to hide at home?

He is not an otaku. As long as he has electricity, a computer, a network, and a fan, he will be able to spend a quilt comfortably. There will always be times when he needs to communicate. What if he is seen by those who are interested? The ghost knows what mess will happen.

So instead of living a life that is not very free, it's better to make a little effort (cost) in exchange for a free and stable life.

He is not a monk, he has broken five relatives and six bonds, and he has no serious friends...

"You are so honest." Qin Heqing nodded slightly and praised.

"I just don't want Qin Jun to misunderstand." Tu Yumen Taiping shook his head.

As for the family, after he explained his ideas, the family would naturally not say anything more.

It's not selling one's life, or even handing over the inheritance of the family. It's just serving. It is the nature of working in the Yin-Yang Lao with the members of the Tuyumen family in ancient times.

What's more, the main family is still the famous **** son Qin Heqing of the Qin family. Naturally, there is no so-called face problem. Why would there be so many entanglements and some not, uncomfortable for their own children?

And this is not ancient times. They wouldn't think that they could still live as they did in ancient times, proud of the king and slow, not paying attention to all non-yin and yang, members of the Shinto family.

"What about you, Kagura." Finally, Tugong Kagura, the only one of the Qin and Qing dynasties who had not formally expressed his opinion, asked.

"I didn't say it? It must be the same as me, thrown into your door." Didn't wait for Tugong Kagura to speak? Jianshan Huangquan on the side slapped Tugong Kagura's shoulder with a slap? Looking at Qin Heqing, he said with a smile.

"I want to hear her say it by herself." Qin He Qing said with a blank look at Huang Quan, looking at Shenle.

"Since Huang Quan Neijiang said? You will not be implicated in our affairs, then I will listen to Huang Quan Neijiang? Join your forces? Fight for you. But I also have a condition that requires you to agree to me first." Tsuchiya Kagura looked at Huangquan, and then at the nearby Tsuchiya Gate Taihei and Hojo Tokiko, and finally turned his attention to Qin Heqing.

"You can tell me first." Qin Heqing asked noncommittal.

"You can't prevent me from contacting the outside world, and you can't prevent me from going home." Tugong Shenle said.

"Why should I prevent you from contacting the outside world and going home?" Qin Heqing asked surprised.

Isn't he going to imprison her? Does he need to worry so much?

Or maybe? What kind of person does Tugong Kagura think of him?

"No?" Tuguong Kagura asked in surprise.

"Idiot, if you and Halal are the kind of guys who will restrict your personal freedom, is it possible for me to persuade you to join his power?" Jianshan Huangquan patted Tugong Kagura on the head twice. Asked rhetorically.

"Yeah, it is impossible for Huangquan Neijiang to harm me? I was wrong, sorry."


"Okay. Then you will take care of each other's affairs? Then wait and go back to the new city with me." Qin Heqing pouted and said finally.

"Okay." How many people nodded? Then they acted separately and started arranging their own affairs? Or contacting family members.


There is nothing to say about the process? After more than half an hour? A few people got on the tram together and set off for the new city. And half an hour later, a group of five people arrived in Xinzuo City smoothly. They simply ate a meal in a Chinese restaurant near the city hall. Qin Heqing took them to the city hall and saw the responsible person currently stationed here. People Tachibana Mari.

"Let me introduce to you. This is Tachibana Mari, my spokesperson in Niiza city, so if you have any troubles and problems in Niiza city in the future, you can call her to contact her, as long as you are in the city. She can help to deal with matters within the scope of management authority." Qin and Qing Chong Tugong Shenle introduced several people.

"Hello, I’m Tachibana Mari." Tachibana Mari was also not polite, and when he saw a gift, he was like treating a business partner at work. He sent his printed business card to several people so that they could use it when they need it. You can contact yourself at any time.

"Mari, a few of them are newly joined comrades under my command, Tsuchiya Kagura, Tsuchimimon Taihei, Hojo Tokiko, I may leave things to them to deal with in the future. Please familiarize yourself first and save the truth later. I ran into it, I don't know who they are." Qin Heqing introduced again after the waiting person saw the ceremony.

"What about you~www.ltnovel.com~, stay here in Xinza City from now on, and help deal with the monsters and ghosts that popped up in the city, as well as Feng Shui and geo-qi matters. It can be regarded as your professional counterpart, right? "After that, Qin Heqingdao, who set his gaze on a few people again.

"Is there a question, but if we do this, the people in the shrines and temples in the city can agree?" Hojo Tokiko asked with a weird face.

As for the city's questions, I have already entered the room without seeing them. Have people been placed in the city hall? Naturally, there will be no questions. There is really no need to ask about it.

Even if she is very curious, what kind of influence and identity Qin Heqing has in Xinzuo City.

"Don't worry about this. In the afternoon, the responsible persons of all registered shrines and temples in the city will come over to participate in the religious affairs management meeting of Xinza City held by me to discuss the specific implementation of religious business in Xinza City. Methods and plans, you will also participate together at that time, I think that when the meeting is over, you will not worry about this aspect." Qin Heqing smiled without worry.

The people from Tugong Kagura didn't say much, looked at each other and waited patiently for the meeting.

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