High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1334: Walk through

However, even if Dongting Dragon Lord is still alive, he has already left the category of immortals and has become an evil monster that will endanger the stability of the world. Therefore, Qin Heqing did not have the slightest habit of his plan, and directly appeared in the water escape technique. Above Dragon Lord, the demon refining pot unfolded to release the world in the pot, separating Dragon Lord from the surrounding waters and bringing it into his own control...

   "Dongtian? Unexpectedly, nearly a thousand years have passed, and there will still be earth-sage monks at the level of Dongtian in the world." Long Jun was surprised to perceive the changes in the surrounding environment.

But in terms of emotions, there is not much panic, but when the body shakes, the majestic dragon body, which is tens of meters long, quickly expands, like a dough of foam, from the original barely shrunk appearance. Huge like a mountain.

   It is really like the name of the dragon king, with the magical powers that can make big and small changes.

So in a blink of an eye, the environment of the cave sky projected by Qin Heqing was filled with the entire huge mutant dragon. With its wings flapping, a super hurricane comparable to the thirteenth level instantly raged in the projection world, tearing the sky and the earth, flying sand and rocks, and dragon tails. With a swing, it was like a giant swinging a whip, instantly smashing the mountain near the tail, and the rubble flew around like flying stars.

   Breathing into air, exhaling into frost, the huge longan is like two searchlights, which brightly reflects everything in the cave world, so that Qin Heqing can't escape, so he has to show up and fight head-on...

Therefore, Qin Heqing did not hesitate. He took out the eight-handed sword at the moment he appeared, and transformed it into an eight-faced Han sword. At the same time, he activated the supernatural power of descending the dragon and subduing the tiger, bursting out the great magic power that can face the dragon and tiger. Power, and then blessed the power of Slashing the Demon Art to the sword, stretched out his hand and pointed, and a fixation technique fell on Long Jun.


   Suddenly, Dongting Dragon Lord's movements stopped and he was fixed in place.

   No way, who told him to be big, so even if he wanted to avoid it, there was no way to avoid it. He could only accept his fate, and then recoil with force to counteract the effect of the fixation method.

   Even if this time is only a moment, it is enough for Qin Heqing to launch his own attack.

   After turning his posture, an ordinary-looking straight stab pierced towards the dragon's head of Dongting Longjun.

   But is this straight stab really ordinary?

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   The answer is right?

Because Taoism and even martial arts have a characteristic, that is to simplify the complex, so the more ordinary and ordinary attacks are, the more powerful they can burst out of ordinary people's imagination in the hands of real masters. .

   For example, now, although Qin Heqing is not an expert, but because he has enough skills, and the level of power and weapons he uses are all high-end, he still strikes out this kind of high-end attack step by step.

So the next moment, I saw a ray of light that was even more dazzling than the sun’s rays or even high-energy lasers, and a bright sword light hit Long Jun’s head and forehead in consternation, and then he didn’t do it. After the slightest pause, he pierced its head with a "poof", penetrated its body, and split its body twisted and hovered in the projection of the world of the sky into two halves...

   Then a lot of black foul air emerged, and the hollow screams echoed in the cave world.

   Qin Heqing did not hesitate, the power of the demon refining pot unfolded, and it quickly swallowed the dark filthy energy that sprang from the upper body of Long Jun, and pressed the power of the demon refining pot one step closer to Long Jun's body.

   "Who are you on earth?!" Long Jun roared.

   "An ordinary ascetic." Qin Heqing stood with a sword, looking at Long Jun, who had a broken head, but did not know what power he relied on to maintain his life.

   "Ordinary monk?" Long Jun sneered. If he could believe this, his hundreds of thousands of years of Long Jun's career would be in vain!

He is not a fool, or he has eaten up his own knowledge system due to the relationship of mutation, how can he be unclear, how can a normal ascetic have a world in the sky, and this way of destruction, it seems to be able to The terrifying swordsmanship that divides the world?

   Even the ancestor of Chunyang, did not reach this level before he officially became enlightened, right?

   It's not that he has never seen Huanglong, and Huanglong's Heaven Escape swordsmanship.

   "Even if the **** is dead, you can't think about it!" Long Jun roared.

   Then the whole body suddenly dispersed, turning into pure and majestic pitch black filthy energy, shooting towards Qin Heqing like an arrow.

"Good come." However, Qin Heqing became more happy when he saw this, instead of being nervous, because this greatly facilitated the speed and method of the Demon Refining Pot to absorb the power of Longjun, so the next second, the foul energy will fly to Qin Heqing. At that time, a huge black hole appeared in front of the black filthy energy that Long Jun transformed into, and he swallowed it completely without giving Long Jun the slightest chance to react.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Then Longjun disappeared, and the entire dilapidated cave sky space seemed illusory, gradually disappearing into the water mansion.


"Huh?" Qin Heqing turned his head and looked in the direction where the voice came from-the seal of the Dongting Shuijun **** in the female Ying's hand, unexpectedly cracks appeared on it inexplicably, and then broke with a "crash" The sound was completely shattered~www.ltnovel.com~ It turned into a pile of gravel that had lost its light, spread out in the hands of the female hero, and fell to the ground, bursting out a series of "crackling" drops Falling sound.

   "This..." The female Ying was stunned, looking at the broken **** seal in her hand, and at Qin Heqing who had come out of the cave world, she didn't know what to say for a while.

   "My lord, Long Jun!" At this moment, Ehuang on the side suddenly called out suddenly.

   "Long Jun?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

"Since the original Dongting Dragon Lord is not dead, the essence of Dongting Water Power's divine seal should still remain in the body of the mutated Dragon Lord. As long as the adults refining the dragon, the true form of the divine seal should be able to be refined again. When you give it to the female hero, the female hero can inherit the **** of Dongting Water Lord and become the water **** of Dongting." Ehuang quickly explained.

   "So that's the case, wait." After speaking, Qin Heqing didn't hesitate to close his eyes, and his mind entered the world of the pot, actively assisting the demon-making pot in refining the mutant dragon.

   And the effort pays off, it really summoned the power talisman of Dongting Water God from its body.

   Immediately Qin Heqing left the world in the pot with Fu Zhao and opened his eyes again to look at the two Ehuang and Nyuying.

"is it this one?"

   "Yes, that's it." Ehuang, as King Xiang, affirmed very much.

   "That's for you." So Qin Heqing didn't hesitate, and with a flick of his arm, he threw the Dongting Water God's Fu Zhao Chao Nuying over.

   "Please wait for me and my elder sister for a while." After she said that, the female Ying closed her eyes, and directly merged the God Seal Rune Call in her hand.

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