High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1354: Enchantment

"In Jun Qin's hands, he should have the kind of barrier that can connect inside and outside the short-distance teleportation." Cuizi smiled at everyone who looked at her, and asked Qin Heqing.

"Yes." Qin Heqing nodded.

For example, the Qimen Dunjia art can complete the replacement of space to a certain extent, and it can completely meet Cuizi's needs.

"Then we can completely set up space conversion barriers to enter and exit the new city at various traffic intersections leading to the new city, so that outside vehicles and personnel can actually enter and leave the new city, wouldn't it be fine?" Cuizi responded.

To put it bluntly, it is to open the back door and set up a transmission device so that when vehicles, personnel, and even railway traffic arrive at the designated location, they can ignore the spatial cutting of the two boundaries and enter the new city from another level, and then complete the established Itinerary.

"As for the electronic signal, why don't you ask Qian?" Cuizi reminded again.

"Yes, you can consult Ayukawa in this regard." Qin Heqing said suddenly.

After all, the newly born Sadako is the ghost of the Internet and the ghost of electronics. If any of them is an authoritative person in this regard, there is really no one who can compare to the special person who integrates Sadako, Ayukawa. .

So the next moment, Qin Heqing thought, and Ayukawa appeared in the discussion team immediately.

"I can make several special signal receiving devices, embedded in the barrier, it should be able to solve the communication problem of internal and external signals." Ayukawa thought for a while, combined with his own ability to answer.

"How to solve the problem of the spiritual veins?" After listening for a long time, I found that no one had mentioned the spiritual veins of the Tuyumen Taiping could not help but question.

The spirit veins of Xinzuo City are not the source of spirit veins, and there is no so-called spiritual source point in the city itself. If this is the use of a large enchantment such as the division of two realms to cut Xinzuo City from reality , With Xinzuo City’s spiritual veins, it can’t be self-sufficient and run endlessly. It is more likely that soon after the separation of the two realms is established, it will become a death vein due to the lack of the source of the spiritual vein, as well as the spiritual power and spirituality of the spiritual vein itself, which will turn Xinzuo into a poor place or even a dead place.

He didn't think that Qin Heqing would need such a decayed land that even vegetation can hardly survive as his territory.

"My idea is to use the power of the enchantment to complete the self-sufficient cycle of spiritual veins." Qin Heqing said, explaining the solution he thought of.

The method is not too complicated, just like the artificial extracorporeal circulation in medicine, a spiritual channel similar to the human circulatory system is set up inside the enchantment, so that the spiritual power and spirituality in the spiritual channel can continue to run in this circuit. Circulation, thereby reducing the consumption and spillage of spiritual veins.

"What about the supplement? If it's just its own cycle, it may not last long." As an expert in this area, Taihei Tomimon once again raised the possible loopholes in this idea.

"There are two ways to solve it." Qin Heqing calmly said. "One is to establish a similar transfer portal between Lingmai and Lingmai, like a road, so that the Lingmai continues to communicate with the outside source in fact. , To complete the overall cycle. The second is to use the power of the stars. After the formation of the enchantment arrangement is formed, I will once again set up a circle above the spiritual veins that can absorb the stars and starlight and transform them into spiritual energy, through this This is a way to accumulate the energy of the heavens and the earth to replace the great cycle to complete the supplement of the spiritual power, so as to maintain the health and longevity of humans, livestock and plants in the new city.

"Using the power of the stars..." Tuyumen Taiping frowned upon hearing this, but in the end he didn't say anything, and approved Qin Heqing's arrangement.

After all, he doesn't know whether this approach can be successful.

And the most important thing is that this idea is really unexpected and amazing. If it is really successful, it will be a great shock and new research direction for him and the entire Tuyumen family’s feng shui secret method, which is enough to make the onmyoji withered. And the declining Onmyoji of the Tuyumen clan revived and opened a new path.

Anyway, he had made up his mind to follow Qin Heqing the whole process to learn the arrangement of the enchantment that gathers the power of stars.

Even if he may not understand, he can't learn.

"Are there any questions?" After discussing for a long time, Qin Heqing, who solved all the problems encountered one by one, looked around and asked.

"Manpower, materials," Kikyo said.

"As far as the hands are concerned, Cursing Forbidden Dao, the Tengu clan under the Nv Tengu, and the Snow Girl clan will help." Qin Heqing said with a confident smile.

Not enough, aren’t there still people in the city hall? There are also various labor workers who may not be able to help arrange the barriers, but there is still no problem with transporting equipment and helping to arrange the utensils used by the nodes of the circle. What is needed is nothing more than money.

But this is precisely where Qin Heqing has the most confidence, so there is really no need to worry about manpower.

Instead, the materials...

Qin Heqing estimated that even by purchasing steel and then refining and transforming it from the demon pot, there are still many shortcomings and shortcomings. It can only be directly nurtured from the world in the pot with the power of the demon pot. Spending a lot of effort ~www.ltnovel.com~ can be considered a trouble for yourself.

"Then let's now discuss the layout of the barrier, as well as the location of the various nodes according to the body." After talking about the trivial matters, Qin Heqing discussed the actual layout of the barrier and the specific layout process and construction arrangements with everyone. .

It will not officially end until everything is discussed, and only when materials and manpower are in place.

Then Qin and Qing took out the phone and respectively called Tachibana Mari, Kanyama Hwangizumi, Hojo Tokiko, and Mato Akatsuki and Tojo Yoshiko who was far away in Hokkaido to prepare them, and then moved their bodies directly. I was in the city hall, enjoying life in a house in Niiza city, and a few people who were active in Tokyo and Hokkaido came over to take photos, and began the task arrangement.

"Yoshiko, you inform the curse forbidden road, let them buy all kinds of steel, stone and wood as much as possible, and prepare to send people to the new city here, I have a task to give them to do."

"Mari, you organize the staff of the city office to gather a construction team and prepare to cooperate with the actions of Tsuiko, Kikyo, Natori, Fenghua, Yueer, Huangquan, Kagura, Tokiko, and Tomimon."

"Cuizi, Campanulaceae, Natori, Fenghua...you few choose a direction, and then take full responsibility for the placement of enchantment nodes in that direction and the erection of the enchantment."

"Tu Yumen Taiping is in charge of taking charge, and I am in charge of inspection. Are there any questions?" Qin Heqing asked, looking at everyone.

"What about me?" Seeing only the real householder who revealed that he hadn't arranged, raised his hand and asked.

"By the way, and you, you are responsible for notifying the Bureau of Countermeasures and asking them to evacuate the staff from Xinzao City." Qin Heqing suddenly said, followed by Akatsuki.

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