High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1381:

"How much do you want to borrow?" Qin Heqing groaned and asked.

It is equivalent to saying that Mr. Spencer and the Queen of Eagle Country behind him are fully admitted to the speculation that all the collections, gold and silver jewelry in Eagle Country were moved away by Qin Heqing.

Suddenly, Mr. Spencer's eyes shrank, and then he smiled bitterly, "I don't know the details. It depends on the cabinet and the plans of the financial experts, but it shouldn't be a small number."

After all, his conversation today is just a test, not really wanting to talk about the loan. What's more, the country has not sorted out the losses of the country, and the amount of funds needed for the country to restart, so even if he wants to speak loudly Can't open.

"Then wait for your side to make a plan and contact me." Qin Heqing calmly said.

Anyway, the money was accidental, not his own, so don’t say it was taken out to lend to the country, even if it was thrown directly into the pot world to eat ashes, or even transformed into magic such as mithril and heavy gold. For Qin Heqing, the material is just a matter of heads, and he won't feel distressed at all...

So after finishing this topic, the two chatted about other things in the living room.

Such as the arrangement for Yinglili.

The construction plan of the Eagle Country.

And some of Mr. Spencer's thoughts, as well as the spiritual content.

In short, there are real and unrealistic things.

Until Mr. Spencer’s wife, Ying Riri’s mother, Sayuri Sawamura, came to remind that it was time to have dinner, the two ended the conversation, and under the leadership of Mr. Spencer, they went to the restaurant dedicated to dining, along the rectangular table. Sat down.

"Eh! Why are you at my house?" Ying Lili, a house-clothed man, said to Qin Heqing, who was sitting at the table in surprise.

"Jun Qin was invited by me to be a guest at home, don't lose your courtesy." Mr. Spencer reminded.

Not to mention Qin Heqing's special status, just because the future restart of the Eagle Nation requires Qin Heqing's investment, Mr. Spencer can no longer sit back and watch Ying Lili talk to Qin Heqing in such an impolite tone as before.

Not to mention, he plans to ask Qin Heqing to help take care of the Yinglili who stayed on the island country.

If this annoys Qin Heqing, the ghost knows how he will deal with his precious daughter.

"Got it." Ying Lili glanced at her mouth, her manners became dignified.

Don't say it, it's really like a little lady.

If she is not wearing the old-fashioned green sportswear suit she used to draw the fan book...

"In the future, Ying Lili will trouble Qin Jun for your care." Mr. Spencer of Ying Lili gave a simple lesson and smiled at Qin Heqing. "If there is anything rude or wrong about her, I hope you can see Qin Jun. I'll take care of my face, don't be familiar with her."

"Dad, what do you mean by this? Why do I want him to take care of it? Are you trying to sell me to him?!" Ying Lili yelled in astonishment before Qin Heqing could speak.

"You are my baby girl, how could I sell you? And the act of buying and selling children, whether in the island country or in the Eagle country, is illegal." Mr. Spencer comforted Ying Lili.

"Then what do you mean by this!" Ying Lili asked.

"Didn’t I tell you that I will return to Eagle Country with your mother in two days. Although your mother will return to the island country to take care of you afterwards, it is impossible for you to be like this 24 days a day. I took care of you when I was young, so I asked Qin Jun, hoping that he could take care of you while I was away from your mother. So you have to curb your temper a little bit and treat Qin Jun well, if you really do He got angry. Even your mother and I may not be able to save you."

"Then why should I be entrusted to him, and I don't need him to take care of it!" Ying Lili said in annoyance.

"Because Qin Jun is the most suitable candidate I can think of for my father." Mr. Spencer replied.

She has a high level of skill, she knows Ying Lili, is still a classmate, and the relationship is strong enough, whether it is the countermeasure bureau of a special department or the cabinet of a serious government department can run rampant, with him covered, even if Ying Lili breaks through the sky It is estimated that the disaster can be saved.

Although based on his knowledge of his daughter, Ying Riri should not be able to do something that would alarm the cabinet...

"..." Ying Lili was silent, watching his father who was about to return to Eagle Country in two days and didn't know when he would come back again, and Qin Heqing, who looked calm and didn't seem to be so perverse, still didn't say anything about being insensible. Then, sitting on the table silently, listening to Qin Heqing and Dad talking about something she didn't understand, or felt very exaggerated, and fell into a certain mess.

What's the matter, it's so good, how come you suddenly seem to be an uncultivated bear child?

And the next one who adopted him is still a former classmate. Isn't it the same as my mother remarried with my classmates? It's weird.

And Yilun An, when will you grow up to be a man who can stand alone...



Smoke and dust rose ~www.ltnovel.com~ flames soared into the sky, and terrible disaster scenes appeared on the street, disturbing the peace of pedestrians, breaking the order, and making everything panic.

"What's going on!" A policeman who happened to be patrolling nearby ran over and asked the pedestrian who had not run away from the side of the road but took a photo with his mobile phone.

"I don't know, but all of a sudden, these appeared on the street, and then the explosion happened, and you came over." The pedestrian was a bit irritable, but after seeing who was the one who was the one who was pulling him, he put it away honestly. The mobile phone narrated the results of what I saw.

"Suddenly?" The police frowned.

"Yes, it appeared suddenly." The passerby nodded quickly and affirmed.

The police were silent for a moment, and finally took out the intercom and reported the situation to the above.

"Headquarters, headquarters, this is a certain town in Kasai City, Edogawa. If an extraordinary incident occurs here, please contact the countermeasure bureau or related personnel to deal with it immediately. In addition, call for support, contact the fire department and ambulance, there is a big fire here , Need rescue."

"This is the headquarters. Your report has been received and is being relayed. Please try to maintain the order of the scene before the fire department and relevant processing personnel arrive at the scene to avoid chaos."

"Received, understand."

Then the police officers called their companions, and while continuing to call for support with nearby police officers on the walkie-talkie, they organized order and allowed unrelated persons to retreat from the danger zone to avoid unnecessary secondary injuries and chaos.

"Kun Qin, a space substitution incident occurred in a town in Kasai City, Edogawa District, you see..." At the same time, Akatsuki, who was notified by the Countermeasures Bureau, also called Qin Heqing and asked.

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