High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1397: Face to face

"Is the wine master by your side?"


"Then wait, I'll pass."

After speaking, Qin Heqing hung up the phone, got up, and disappeared in the office of the clubhouse with one step.

Then the next moment, Qin Heqing appeared in the sacrificial hall of the shrine and saw Qin Zhizi, who was putting down his phone with a blank face, and Lord Jiu Gong who was shining all over.

"My Lord Jiu, what is going on." Because of a familiar enough relationship, Qin Heqing, who had no greetings, directly asked Jiu Gong who was surprised.

"It's not the Bone Eater Well." Jiugong sighed.

It turns out that the gods were very excited after learning about the existence of the Bone Eating Well, even unbelievable, but after all, they didn’t doubt it, but sent a servant to Higurashi Shrine on the Izu Peninsula for safety reasons. Test there to see how powerful this so-called Bone Eating Well is, and whether it is as magical as Sugawara Michima said.

However, he did not expect that although the servants found the Bone Eating Well and jumped down in the way Qin Heqing introduced, they failed to trigger the function of the Bone Eating Well and crossed the space into the Warring States world that was about to fall on top of them. But still stayed at the bottom of the well.

And it wasn't an accident, but it really didn't work.

Because just after the first failure, the servant tried five, six, seven or eight times, but it didn’t succeed once, so he had to return to the kingdom of the gods on earth with this bad news-also It was in the shrine that the news was reported to the gods.

And the gods who knew this situation were naturally unwilling to believe this kind of thing easily, so after sending four or five waves of servants belonging to different gods to personally test it and no results, some gods personally descended and entered Higurashi Shrine. carry out testing.

However, in the end, if those servants were the same, they jumped and fell directly to the bottom of the well instead of being sent to the Warring States time and space.

At this point, all the lucky people have to admit that they really have no way to activate the Bone Eating Well, and may not be able to use this method to travel across the world to negotiate. Only then did they feed back the news to the Qin family. Ask Qin Heqing if there is a solution, and then have this call and meeting.

"I don't know that this kind of thing will happen." Qin Heqing smiled bitterly after hearing the reason of the sudden arrival of the drinker. "Let's go to Nippon Shrine with me, and test the effect of the bone-eating well. how is it?"

"I don't have any problems here." Jiu Gong agreed without hesitation.

"Then let's go." Qin Heqing said.

Then his mind moved, Shugong, him, and Qin Zhizi disappeared from the main hall of the shrine together, and appeared in the Higurashi Shrine in Izu in a blink of an eye.


"This is... space transfer? When did you master this level of power." Looking at the sudden change of scenery in front of him, Jiu Gong's face was full of incredible exclamation.

Space transfer, and there is no beacon, directly across the space barrier-free transfer, even if it is placed in these gods, only a few gods with special theocratic power or powerful gods can do it. thing.

But Qin Heqing is so good here, he has mastered this ability without speaking. This feels a bit disbelief for the Jiu Gong who has always thought that he has a good understanding of this outstanding descendant of Qin Heqing——

When did he master this ability?

"It's also recently." Qin Heqing said, taking the lead in entering the barrier that protects the Bone Eater Well.

Then it was Qin Zhizi, and finally the wine master who was a little emotional about his old age, and the three of them came to the Bone Eating Well together.

"Jiu Gong, Zhizi, are you ready?" Qin Heqing turned his head and asked both Jiu Gong and Qin Zhizi beside him.

"What are you going to prepare?" Qin Zhizi asked in amazement, who heard five puzzles and didn't know the specific cause and effect.

"Just wait to follow He Qing's order and jump down from this well together." The wine on the side explained openly.

"Oh. That's right, then I'm ready." Qin Zhizi said suddenly.

Jiu Gong also nodded, looked at Qin Heqing, and waited for his orders.

Naturally, Qin Heqing was not long-winded, taking a light breath and suddenly ordered "jump."

Then I stepped on the edge of the well first and fell deep...

Followed by Jiu Gong and Qin Zhizi, they fell into the well without hesitation.

Then the dazzling white light emerged from the well out of thin air, wrapped the three people, and disappeared into the air with them.




"Here is..." Jiu Gong hesitated while looking at the suddenly changing environment in the well.

"Ah!" Qin Zhizi exclaimed, jumped from the ground, and jumped to Qin Heqing's side like a frightened little rabbit, holding his arm and refusing to let go. "Where is this place?!"

"The well of bone." Qin Heqing replied, "the well of bone in another world."

"So, we have entered another world?" Jiu Gong asked in surprise.

It's really an easy and convenient way to cross. No wonder the guy Sugawara Michizane was so excited and proactive after knowing the existence of this way of crossing.

Then Jiu Gong didn't hesitate, his figure was vertical, he flew out of the bottom of the well and into the air, letting go of his supernatural power, scanning the colorful world in front of him.

"Huh?" After that, the wine master frowned.

"What's the matter?" Qin Heqing, who happened to jump up from the bottom of the well with Qin Zhizi in his arms, noticed the change in Jiu Gong's expression and couldn't help asking.

"I seem to have discovered my peers in this world."

And almost as soon as the voice fell, countless golden spots appeared like fireflies gathered, swarming in one place, and finally exploded, revealing the figure of an old man wearing a brown Chinese short coat. .

Although the faces seem to be somewhat different~www.ltnovel.com~, the temperament is also different, but from the same traces of each other, it is not difficult to guess that the new man is not someone else, but the wine of this world. God, Qin Jiugong.

"Two wine masters?!" Qin Zhizi said in astonishment.

"Who are you?" The newly-appearing Jiu Gong looked at Jiu Gong, and Qin Heqing and Qin Zhizi beside the Bone Eating Well, frowned and questioned.

"If I say that I am you, do you believe it?" Jiu Gong looked at the other himself who seemed to be a projection of the old days with interest, and chuckled.

"I believe it." The Jiu Gong in the Warring States Period was silent for a moment and replied.

"Because theocracy cannot deceive people."

"Yes." Jiu Gong nodded affirmatively.

"It's just that I don't understand, where did you come from?" The Jiu Gong of the Warring States Period asked.

"This is a bit long to say..."

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