High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1399: Qin Zhizi

Not long after, the wine master who had left the enchantment turned into a brilliant light, disappeared into the air directly, and returned to Gao Tianyuan.

"Let's go, let's go back too." Qin Heqing said.

"Wait." Qin Zhizi reached out and grabbed Qin Heqing's arm to stop him.

Qin Heqing turned his head and looked at her with suspicion.

"It's rare to come to Izu. Why don't we go to a nearby hot spring hotel to soak in the hot springs." After the meal, Qin Zhizi added, "And judging from the current situation, there may be any other Highness coming over. I asked you to test the function of the Bone Eater Well. Instead of tossing back and forth at the time, it’s better to stay here at Izu for the time being, and it’s not too late to go back when everything is done. Moreover, we don’t have to catch a train or plane. ."

"Yes. Okay, then I'll listen to you. Let's find a hot spring hotel to stay temporarily, and then rush back when things are settled." Qin Heqing looked at her carefully until Qin Zhizi's cheek was seen by him. He only smiled when he had to be red, and agreed.

"Then let's go." Qin Zhizi blushed briskly.

Because she understood that Qin Heqing had seen through what she was making, but did not refuse, which showed that her plan might still be successful. Naturally, she was very happy and wanted to hurry to the hot spring hotel to start the follow-up plan. .

So the two did not delay much. They followed the information provided on the mobile phone navigation and found a hotel near the shrine that provided hot spring bath service, opened a room and stayed in it.

Well, it was a room.

"Heqing, you haven't rested after tossing for so long. Go take a bath to relieve your fatigue." Qin Zhizi, who was sitting on the tatami, looked at Qin Heqing, who was resting on the viewing platform and drinking tea. Proposed.

"Okay, just take a good look, whether the hot springs in this hotel are as comfortable as those introduced by mobile phones." Qin Heqing smiled and nodded, stood up, and turned to the private hot spring attached to the suite where the two of them stayed. Next, under the barrier of the partition, he took off his clothes, and after briefly washing the floating dust on his body, he stepped into the hot spring pool.

"Wow, wow..."


Qin Heqing sat down and completely submerged his body in the warm water.

"Sure enough, the hot springs are comfortable."

After all, this is Izu, which is the largest city district near Atami, so in terms of the temperature and quality of hot spring water, it is no worse than Hakone on one side or even Hokkaido, where the world-famous hot spring water is located. It is an island country. There are several places suitable for hot spring tourism and experience in the territory.

Not to mention, this time Qin Heqing stayed in a large-scale hot spring hotel in Izu, which is also well-known, and it is well-built in this respect, so it will make people feel comfortable and relaxed. It is really not a surprising thing. , Can’t be the real strangeness, and the surprising place.

After that, Qin He Qingfang was happy, and carefully enjoyed the rare quiet time in his busy life...

It just didn’t last long. It was only five minutes after Qin Heqing soaked in the hot spring water. With the opening of the partition door, Qin Zhizi, who was covered by only a white bath towel in front of him, had a complexion, even his skin The red head bowed and walked into the space where the soup pond was. Without speaking, he quietly stepped into the hot spring pool, and then continued to walk, wading through the center of the pool to the place where Qin Heqing was sitting, and sat down short beside him. .


"Why is it so radical all of a sudden? Is it possible that my family has given you any new instructions?" Based on Qin Heqing's understanding of her, he was a little confused when he knew that Qin Zhizi would not do such things normally. Asked.

"No." Qin Zhizi shook his head and said, "I want to do this myself."

"Why?" Qin Heqing asked curiously.

"It's probably a sense of urgency." Qin Zhizi replied after thinking about it -

I was blessed by the gods and relied upon by the gods, coupled with the competition in the shrine, and the various women who were not inferior to me or even better than me during the reconstruction of Niiza City, Qin Zhizi Suddenly discovered that without hurriedly breaking through certain obstacles and realizing certain progress, the hope of oneself being able to be favored by Qin Heqing would become increasingly slim.

Especially, after traveling between the two worlds today, after knowing that the world might be destroyed at any time, she was afraid that she would not be able to take Qin Heqing down until the world was gone, she was ready to completely let go of her scruples and actively attack Qin Heqing.

I don't want to stand out and make Qin Heqing his own person, but at the very least, he must be pregnant with Qin Heqing's child so that Qin Heqing has his own place in his heart.

Although she also knows that this possibility is not very high, or even the probability is almost zero, but she just wants to try it, what if it succeeds?

As for whether it is worth it or not, is there anything necessary...

Already enlightened, and didn't think that after seeing Qin Heqing's excellence, it didn't matter whether Qin Zhizi could find other men who could match him.

It's a big deal if you don't marry later.

It's not that she can't live without a man.

"Then I can only say that this is your impulsive behavior, which may not come from your original wish." Qin Heqing reminded.

"It's already like this, who else can I find?" Qin Zhizi asked, looking up at Qin Heqing's face.

This is not only about her current state-skin-to-skin dating. Of course, this kind of thing is not like ancient times. After a frank meeting, it is not a monarch who does not marry. Modern people, especially people on the island country, have long ignored this. The problem is, even when most men are in love with their girlfriends, they don't want their women to be innocent girls who have never experienced men.

The reason is also very simple~www.ltnovel.com~ The pressure is too high and I am afraid of hurting the other party.

Because they can't guarantee that they are each other's last boyfriend.

So it is better to exclude this kind of thing from the beginning.

So what Qin Zhizi really wants to talk about is her current situation-being assigned by the family to Qin Heqing’s side, in other words, to be sent to Qin Heqing’s side and become Qin Heqing’s possession, so it doesn’t matter whether she has a relationship with Qin Heqing. But if you have special emotions with men other than Qin Heqing, the consequences will not only be as simple as her own pain, it is very likely that even the unknown man will suffer as well!

Therefore, there is only one man Qin Zhizi can choose and can only give, and that is Qin Heqing himself.

"So you want me." After saying that, Qin Zhizi also disregarded the so-called shyness in his heart, grabbed Qin Heqing's palm and clasped it in his heart, and at the same time, he leaned up and kissed Qin Heqing's lips. ...


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