High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1408: North Korea

"Qin Heqing disperses immortals in the lower realms, and meets the Supreme Supreme Jin of Haotian, the Supreme God of Miracle and the True Jade Emperor. I wish God immortal blessings forever and countless years." A simple sweep of Qin Heqing’s courtesy Chong Lingxiao Hall Sitting down, the majestic and sacred Jade Emperor visited the road.

The Jade Emperor did not make a sound, but opened his eyes and scanned Qin Heqing's past and future with the authority of the Emperor...

"Sure enough, you are not a sentient being in my world." After a while, the Jade Emperor, who had scanned the list of life and death, retracted the Dharma Eye and said softly with a sigh.

Regardless of Qin Heqing's mood, most of the immortals in the hall changed their expressions and started making noise in a low voice.

"What?! What do you mean by not being in my world?"

"People from other worlds?"

"Does the three thousand worlds that the Buddha said actually exists?"

Qin Heqing's expression remained unchanged, waiting for the next message from the Jade Emperor.

"Flat yourself." The Jade Emperor raised his arm falsely.

"Thank God." Qin Heqing straightened up and said.

"Why did you come to our world?" Jade Emperor asked slowly and knowingly.

"Come for the safety of the two worlds." Qin Heqing replied.


"I don't know how safe it is." Seeing that the Jade Emperor issued a tone of auxiliary word, the silent Taibai Jinxing appeared more and more, and looked at Qin Heqing in the standing hall.

"Your world is smashing into our world under the influence of external forces at this time. If you can't figure out a solution as soon as possible, it may not take long for the two realms to formally collide, and then reappear when the world has evolved. The sight."

"Hi...Do you have any evidence to prove all this?" Another fairy jumped out to question.

"I don't know if you usually pay attention to the lower realm, but have you found that the inexplicable mirage scenes between the heavens and the earth have appeared more frequently?" Qin Heqing asked rhetorically at the questioning fairy.

The immortal was stagnant, his eyes turned to look at the other immortals around...

"Qin and Qing Sanxian are right. Recently, the number of inexplicable mirages in my Kyushu mainland is indeed a bit abnormal, and more importantly, what is different from the usual mirages is the scenes presented inside these mirages. Not only are they different, they are all specious or beyond common sense. Not to mention, the place where the mirage appears will also cause a certain degree of interference and damage to the surrounding space and reality, causing a lot of incidents and casualties. , Could it be that this is the change caused by the proximity of the two worlds?" A Taoist immortal dressed in a Taoist robe, but with a very heroic image, asked with a frown.

"Yes, this is the vision created by the proximity of the two worlds. Moreover, the scenes projected in those mirages are not inexplicable historical photographs, but real mundane scenes in our world, and this phenomenon is not unique to your world. In our world, there are many secular projections of your world that frequently appear, causing all kinds of chaos and influences, which shows how dangerous the current situation of the two worlds is." Qin Heqing affirmed.

"Then why do I wait for the heavens to see no abnormalities?" Another fairy jumped out and asked.

"How do you know that the heavens are not abnormal?" Qin Heqing asked rhetorically.

"I have always lived in the heavens. If there is something abnormal in the heavens, how can I know nothing about it?" The immortal retorted with a disdainful face.

"Heaven’s ninefold and thirty-six celestial heavens, billions of miles of boundless earth, vast and infinite. I don’t know who your Excellency is and what position you are in. You can spread all over the heavens with a single thought and collect the changes in the dust. You can't do this kind of thing in the case of transportation, right?"

The immortal's expression was stagnant, and he was speechless.

"So if we want to truly understand the state of the heavens, we might as well call the two great immortals, Qianliyan and Shunfenger, as well as the four-valued master, the Sifang God, the Five Senses Shengdi, and the Wufang Jiezhe who control the heavens and five directions, and the two immortals. Let’s ask all the gods who are interested in the world, whether there has been a similar abnormal phenomenon in the heavens." Qin Heqing didn’t take the time to make additional attacks. Instead, he turned his gaze on the two immortals with clear eyes and wind ears. Sweeping over, said loudly.

"Yes, clairvoyance and wind ears, do you think there is a mirage similar to the lower realm in the heavens?" The other immortals who reacted repeatedly asked.

The clairvoyance and windy ears looked at each other, and they couldn't help but look up at the emperor, wanting to ask him if they want to tell what they have observed.

"The matter is over, there is no need for the two Aiqings to conceal them, just tell them." The Jade Emperor sighed and ordered.

"Yes!" The clairvoyant and windy ears led the two together.

Even if they haven’t spoken yet, the immortals in the temple have guessed the outcome of the matter from the interaction between Qianliyan Shufeng Er and Jade Emperor——

The heavens should be like the mortal world, and a similar mirage phenomenon has occurred! It’s just that the place that may appear is not in the center of the heaven where Lingxiao is, nor near the houses of the heavens where the immortals live-after all, these places have their magical suppression by these immortals, even if the space changes, it will be because of the existence of magical power. And it is offset, making the anomaly disappear.

But it doesn't mean that some remote places in the heavens, the places where the immortals rarely go will continue as usual, nothing happens...

This also explains why even clairvoyant eyes and wind ears, in addition to being ears and eyes to the Jade Emperor, or else the humble immortals who become scouts of the immortals when needed can know things, they can speak in the Lingxiao Palace. Zheng's Daxian is ignorant of the reason.

Sure enough, in the next moment, certain circumstances confided from the mouth of Clairvoyance and Shunfeng Er, making the expressions of the immortals who had been prepared change again, and their expressions became solemn——

It seems ~www.ltnovel.com~ the world may really be in crisis.

The immortals couldn't help but glance at each other, one after another, their eyes fell on the Jade Emperor who was sitting high.

"Then how to deal with this crisis?" After the voice in the hall calmed down, Taibai Jinxing once again played the role of communicator and asked Qin Heqing.

"Our idea is to unite the east and west gods of the two worlds to work out a unified battle plan, and then select the great gods to take action, and use the power of the two worlds to kill or suppress the evil spirits outside the void, and eliminate them. The invisible power in the world, and then exerted efforts on all sides to try to stop the world." Qin Heqing did not pretend, and gave out the concept of the plan that Athena told him before he came.

"Then what if you can't stop it." Someone who has a wide forehead, looks like Antarctica Immortal Weng or Antarctic Longevity Emperor, but is actually an ordinary and veteran celestial master who came out to ask questions.

"Then find a suitable method to complete the integration of the two worlds while preserving the lives of the two worlds as much as possible. This is why I have been saying that this disaster is a crisis, not a danger." Qin Heqing Replied.

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