High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1422: Bestow

"Is this all right?" Compared to other people, Yue'er, who had learned about part of Qin Heqing's plan earlier, recovered first and asked Qin Heqing in the center of everyone's sight.

"Not enough." Qin Heqing shook his head.

His heavenly court is not a real heavenly court, not to mention that it was just established, and there is no heavenly court to use to enshrine the gods of the most precious-the gods list, so even if he arranged for Yue'er, Campanulaceae, Ayukawa and the like to have corresponding deities. , They can't be like real gods, become gods on the spot and obtain the corresponding gods, and they need follow-up operations.

Not to mention, for the concept of heaven to be established, it also needs the approval of the people and sacrifices. This also takes time to arrange, where the mere "I have built the heaven" can be done.

"Nator, please inform the group and tell them to return to the shrine first. I have other arrangements that require their cooperation." Qin Heqing turned and rushed toward Natori and ordered.

"Yes." Natori answered, holding his mobile phone to operate.

Of course, Qin Heqing was not idle either. He directly released the power of the primordial spirit and passed it to the city office. He found the Tachibana hemp sitting in the office and explained his other arrangement.

"Okay, I'll go through it," Tachibana Mari responded.

Then Qin Heqing retracted his soul and looked at the others present.

"Before the others come back, I will help you merge the gods."

Then I didn’t talk nonsense, I moved my mind directly, took everyone into the pot world, sent it to a plain somewhere, and then opened my own creation god, the supreme personality of the creator, incarnate the supreme god, and drive the pot The foundation of the world began to create the godhead...

Of course, it is the godhead he understands, not the true godhead!

After all, Qin Heqing had never seen what the godheads of the Western gods looked like. He had only seen the imprints of the gods matching the gods of the Eastern Heavenly Court, and they were only in appearance. As for the true core components, he also didn't know, but But it doesn't prevent him from creating something according to his own way of understanding.

So in the next moment, the fierce rules of turbulence sounded from high in the sky, and the illusory shadows of golden light of the rules chain immediately emerged from the sky, and then cast the next golden light, which gathered into Qin Heqing’s hands like a meteor. , Condensed, deformed, and finally turned into a one-sided object that looked like a large seal and solidified, exuding a brilliant rule of supernatural power, making everyone who watched Qin Heqing's operation become distracted and uncomfortable.

"Yue'er!" Qin Heqing shouted.

"Yes." Yue'er Yue crowd walked in front of Qin Heqing.

"This is the **** seal of Dongfang Suixing Mu De Xingjun, you can blend it." Qin Heqing handed the **** seal to Yue'er.

"What do you want to do?" Yue'er, that is, the key position of the Wuxian True Monarch Zhong Mu De Xingjun in the heavenly court established by Qin Heqing, she asked in doubt after taking the Shen Yin.

"Use your heart to sacrifice it." Qin Heqing replied.

Yue'er nodded, closed her eyes, and felt the imprint in front of her with her heart...

After all, Yue'er is not an orthodox Eastern monk, so even if she and Qin Heqing learn a lot of Eastern cultivation methods together, she also understands the existence of spiritual sense and spiritual sense and uses them, but she really wants to use such things to sacrifice magic weapons. , But it was the first time in his life, so it was inevitable that I would be a little unaccustomed to being tied up, but I didn't encounter any obstacles and troubles.

After all, this divine seal was created for her by Qin Heqing, coupled with Qin Heqing’s will, so in just a moment, I saw that the divine seal held in Yue'er's hand suddenly became bright and turned into a stream of light and fell into Yue'er's body. .

After Qin Heqing concocted and followed the position of Mu De Xingjun, the Eastern Sui Xing Xing, he condensed the Southern Planet Huo De Xing Shen Seal with the power of the rules of the pot world and gave it to Shiranui Ali, who merged and inherited Hu De Xing. Jun's location.

As for the positions of Lord Mercury and Lord Saude, Qin Heqing intends to leave them to Ehuang Nyuying and Xing Buji who are still in the Warring States time and space at this time. They will be Lord Mercury and Lord Saude respectively. Take the five elements of the whole heaven.

Therefore, although the **** seal was created, it was not distributed, and was left in the sky by Qin Heqing for warmth.

Similarly, the third-rank Jie'er Shuiguan of the Lower Yuan who belonged to the same water line, and the imprint of Emperor Dongyin, were left in the sky before the two of Ehuang and Nyuying returned.

The **** of wind is the **** of wind, the rain girl is the **** of rain, and the jade sign Fenghua is the youngest commander, and the name is the moon **** of the four-value gods. Platycodon grandiflorum is the star of the six stars of Nandou, and Cuizi is the star of Wuqu of the North Dipper. Isayama Huangquan is a greedy wolf, Tuguong Kagura is the broken army, Kuroda Kanbei is Wenqu, Hojo Soun is Nandouyi is the star king, Aya Yu's predecessor is Nandou Shiluxingjun, Otomo Zonglin is Nandou Shangshengxingjun , The top Yoshihime is Hokuto Renzhenxingjun, Tachibana Mari is Hokutoru Luxingjun, Suzunu, Yangyan, Zhu Juan, Kato Hidan are heavenly generals...

In short, after tossing for a while, Qin Heqing was able to condense the gods of everyone and help them complete the corresponding integration!

But this is still not finished, and then Qin Heqing started to act again——

First, the four specific executives of Isayama Huangquan, Hojo Tokiko, Tokiya Kagura, and Fengshi Kagura, who jointly hold the administrative documents of the city hall and curse the forbidden road, are arranged to go to the Hirabayashi Temple in the center of Niza to start the deportation and relocation. On one side, Qin Heqing took the enchantment design drawings as the blueprint, and drove to the locations where the enchantment nodes were located one by one. Without waiting for the subsequent construction, he raised high buildings on the ground and moved the shrines, temples, and palaces. Those gods who have manifested and sealed themselves newly--

Inspired statues of Yue'er, Ayukawa, Kikyo, Tsuiko, etc. are placed inside, plus the sense of God position and technique, plus the final protection circle, the second step of embodying the concept of heaven is complete. half.

As for the other half~www.ltnovel.com~, it is naturally to push Pinglin Temple to it, and then build the heavenly temple on the ground based on the original foundation, and build the existing fairy gods in the heavenly temple to enshrine the temple. The other half can It's finished, and you can start to work on the third step plan...


On the other side, Pinglin Temple, with the arrival of Jianshan Huangquan and others, the calm here was finally broken by the noise of noisy footsteps.

"Go, find out the host here." Jianshan Huangquan, who has already cooperated not once or twice, has long since disappeared from the initial discomfort, very unceremoniously instructed the curse forbidden road staff on the side.

The latter did not hesitate either. After answering the answer, he walked into the temple quickly, searched around for the head of the Pinglin Temple, and soon took him, and even the entire Pinglin Temple monks. Brought to the Daxiong Hall where Jianshan Huangquan and others are located.

"Nammo Amitabha, I don't know what's the matter with the benefactor of Jianshan who came to my Pinglin Temple like this." His head is bald and energetic, making it difficult to tell whether he is a middle-aged or elderly monk with his hands folded and his face is peaceful. Jianshan Huangquan and others asked, who was unkind when he looked at it.

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