High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1424: Support from home

Of course, whether it is comics, animation, or TV series and variety shows, it is not a short time-it can be launched immediately or even results in a publicity method. Therefore, while laying out these tasks, Qin Heqing stayed in another project in the new city. The arrangement also began to work-

The local TV station of Xinzuo City received an instruction from the city office immediately and was invited to immediately broadcast a column about the heavenly court and the heavenly immortals and their duties. The host is anything you want, as long as it is a female host. After all, it is easier for a female host to be liked by the audience than a male host. As for the professional ability, Qin Heqing naturally arranges the past personnel——

Qin Zhizi, who was named the **** of duty by Qin and Qing Dynasty, was responsible for the explanation.

There is also a radio broadcast program, under the host of the broadcaster and the leader of the time, Tai Qin Zhenzhizi, who preached the contents of the heavens to the residents of the entire Xinzao city and some of the surrounding signal coverage areas——

In particular, the first Luotian Dajiao after the establishment of the Heavenly Court, which will be held at the former site of Pinglin Temple in three days, requires the residents of Xinzuo City to be able to participate collectively in order to fulfill the destiny.

For a time, the information of the Heavenly Court was like a virus. With the radio wave signal spreading to thousands of households in Xinzuo City, everyone had to take it seriously and think about the sacrificial activities three days later.

"Should we participate in the big sacrifice in three days?" a woman who was the hostess in a family asked her husband.

"It depends on the situation. If the company is on holiday, we will participate with the whole family. If there is no holiday, you can go by yourself. After all, it is also the establishment of the heavenly court. As a resident of the new city, it is better to take some heart." My husband pondered. After a moment, replied.

"Would you like to bring the offering?" The woman nodded and asked again.

"It's fine for you to make your own decisions."

"Really, inexplicably, how come we became the jurisdiction of the heavenly court?" The woman muttered incomprehensibly.

"Who knows..." What matters more to my husband is actually the God of Heaven. The one who is said to be the reincarnation of the God of Senluo Gaotian, who is said to be good fortune in Wanxiang, holds the talisman, and holds the talisman. Without making any sound, the entire new city has become its own fief. This terrible influence and strength have to be said to be very eye-catching, and people cannot ignore it.

"Now I just hope that everything really tells the people on the TV and the radio. After the establishment of Heavenly Court, our new city will become a pure land on earth, and it will be good if we will not be disturbed by demons and ghosts. If we can do this, even I am willing to change my faith to the gods of heaven." Finally, the woman sighed while watching the news on TV with emotion.


"You really made a big battle." When Qin Heqing was resting at night, he found the Qin clan living near the apartment by the method of blood induction, and then used their phone to call Qin Heqing's Jiu Gong The tone was full of emotion and exclaimed.

"Why, isn't Gao Tianyuan planning to do something wrong?" Qin Heqing, who knew who the other party was, asked in surprise.

"Of course, you built a heaven, even if it has nothing to do with the heaven in China Kyushu, this name alone is enough to make many Tianjin gods feel abnormal, let alone those in the Gaotianyuan who regard the island country as their own land. Local gods? Those who are excited have already begun to propose to send troops to fight against you." Jiugong responded with a little warning.

"Send soldiers to beat me? They are thinking about this kind of thing at this time, they really live too long and be stupid, can they not know the priority of the matter?" Qin Heqing sneered.

"No way. In their eyes, your behavior is completely rebelling, seizing power, and robbing their belief territory, so even if the world is about to be destroyed, they can't just sit back and watch you build the heaven and go smoothly. Keep running." Jiu Gong replied.

"The purpose of the Jiu Master, you are here this time..." Qin Heqing hesitated with a certain grasp of the context of the Jiu Master.

"The next thing is more confidential, let's talk about it in person." After speaking, the golden light of Qin Heqing began to bloom from Qin Heqing's mobile phone, and then it expanded to the extreme, and in a flash filled the room, and then condensed and changed. The appearance of Cheng Jiu Gong appeared before Qin Heqing's eyes.

"You are quite leisurely." Jiu Gong glanced around Qin Heqing's environment and chuckled.

"Let Jiu Gong laugh." Qin Heqing said with a smile.

"There is nothing to laugh or laugh, the true nature of a man! It is completely normal to want to enjoy a better life after becoming famous, and to play with more beautiful women. You don't have to feel embarrassed or anything about this. Even I am not afraid. Tell you, those gods of Gao Tianyuan are more immoral than you when they get crazy." Jiugong shook his head and laughed lightly.

"However, there is no need to discuss this kind of thing now. Let's go back to Gao Tianyuan's reaction."

Qin Heqing didn't say much, his expression changed, and he waited for Jiu Gong's following in a respectful gesture.

"I came here this time not on behalf of Gao Tianyuan, but on behalf of the Qin family in Gao Tianyuan, as well as some of the gods from the Tianjin God family that we have friendship with the Qin family. Our idea is very simple, as yours Bloodline ancestors, we can't watch you remain indifferent after establishing the Heavenly Court, so on behalf of Gao Tianyuan's Qin clan gods, I decided to join the Heavenly Court you created and accept your edict."

As the first God of the Qin clan who became the first gods of the island nation officially recognized the great **** of the first grade, Jiu Gong is also a distinguished person in the Qin clan of Gaotianyuan, and the patriarch of the decent Qin clan!

After all, it’s either his son or his grandson who became gods behind~www.ltnovel.com~ or else it was the **** (Inari God) that his descendants used the power of the Qin clan to hold up, so even if the fighting power of Jiu Gong is not Qiang is not a powerful god, and it still makes other gods of the Qin clan not dare to be presumptuous and cannot be ignored.

So as long as he makes a decision, even if it seems ridiculous and unreasonable sometimes, most of the gods of the Qin clan will choose to bite the bullet and persevere in order to maintain the integrity of the Qin clan and not undermine the unity of the Qin clan. ...

"Then those Tianjin gods..." Qin Heqing could understand Qin's and Jiu Gong's choice, nodded, and asked again.

"After all, you are a descendant of my Qin clan, so you were given the label of "My Waiting for Tianjin Shenyi Elementary" from the innate, not to mention that the Shenting you established this time is still the heaven. That is exactly what I am waiting for. , The God’s realm of the hometown of longing, plus the fact that the island country was originally a God’s realm of the Heavenly Court before Ieyasu Tokugawa took the seat of the shogunate. The name of Heavenly Court was inherently influential in the island country, so some of them have their homeland, or they are It is only natural that the gods of the homeland gods will be interested in your heavenly court! So our Qin family only tried a little bit, and many Tianjin gods decided to hang in the heavenly court you built just like our Qin family. Name, name and position." Jiu Gong explained.

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