High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1434: Give

"Come and see you. Where is your sister?" Qin Heqing asked.

"My sister is investigating the water rights situation in the Yangtze River." Nvying replied.

"You haven't gotten the authority of the Yangtze River Shuijun?" Qin Heqing asked surprised.

"At the beginning, we thought it was a very simple matter to seize the seat of the Yangtze River Shuijun, but after the execution, we discovered that there is no way to invade without first obtaining the Shuijun authority of the tributaries of the Yangtze River. Dying with the authority of the Yangtze River Water Monarch, even the shadow of the Yangtze River Water Monarch’s authority cannot be touched, so we can only step back and talk about it after taking the authority of other water systems in our hands." Helplessly explained.

"This is also normal. After all, it is the Shuijun of the Yangtze River. It is one of the links between the inland human race and the East China Sea. It is also the place where the bond between the human race and the East China Sea Dragon race is maintained. It will be troublesome and predictable." Qin Heqing Hearing this is not surprisingly comforting.


"By the way, call your sister back first, I have something to tell you two." Qin and Qingchong said the slightly sentimental female Ying.

"Okay, please wait a moment, my lord." The female Ying looked at Qin Heqing, nodded, and waved her hand. A light blue light, like the water of nine days of clear spirits, suddenly appeared on her fingertips. After closing his eyes and contemplating for a moment, he threw out the cyan light in his hand as if throwing garbage, and the latter disappeared into the water in an instant, even if Qin Heqing searched carefully, he couldn't find its trace.

It can be seen how fast it is, and how secret its moving track is.

"The news has been sent out. As long as my sister receives it, she will come over as soon as possible." Nvying explained.

"Then let's wait here."

"Let’s go to my cave and wait. After all, my sister doesn’t know which tributary is currently exploring. Even if it is nearby, there is a waterway available for use. It will take a long time to come back and think about it. You can just let the adults taste it. I recently got new Dongting tea to relieve boredom." Nvying laughed.

"Dongting new tea? I have only heard of the hairy crabs in Dongting Lake, and I haven't heard of any new tea on this side of Dongting Lake. It is novel." Qin Heqing said in surprise.

"Master Biluochun always heard about it, right?" Nvying asked Qin and the Qing Dynasty's Dongting Shuijun's Dongting as she moved away.

Qin Heqing nodded.

"Na Biluochun is the so-called Dongting tea, but Biluochun is the name given to scholars in order to be arty and to enhance the value of Dongting tea. In the folks, Dongting tea is its real name, or it is also called the frightening fragrance. I The batch in hand was made by the new leaves of Dongting tea this year. The taste is tender and not astringent, and the taste is light and not greasy. It is most suitable for me and other monks to taste and digest."

"That's the case. Then I have to taste it." Qin Heqing smiled.

He knew the name of Biluochun. Even when he was a museum employee in his previous life, he was fortunate to have had it twice at the old curator’s house. The taste was really fresh and moist, and the aroma was striking. He just didn’t know the Dongting tea made with Nvying. In comparison, he shouldn't be disappointed.

In this way, the two returned to Dongting Shuijun's mansion and sat down in the newly renovated living room, and then the water elves ordered by the female hero delivered the tea and enjoyed it in the living room.

"Well, the taste is indeed unique." Qin Heqing said with emotion.

Drinking tea in the aquatic world, and still drinking the same quality as on land, even more sophisticated tea, I have to say that it is quite enjoyable and surprising.

Even if the female hero opened the water barrier in the Shui Mansion ahead of time for her own living habits, leaving the three-acre area where the Shui Mansion was located, as if there was no trace of lake water left on the surface, it could not stop Qin Heqing's envy of her current life.

But I didn't yearn for it. After all, underwater life is too dry and there is no internet, so even if Qin Heqing is changed to the position of female hero, he will only let himself live on land instead of in water.

"It's good for adults to be satisfied." Nvying smiled.

In this way, the two opened the chatterbox and talked about the life experiences of the two of them during the recent period of separation, until Ehuang, who was out to explore the context of the Yangtze River system, walked in from outside the house.

"Sister." Nvying stood up and greeted.

"I have seen adults." Ehuang nodded at Nvying, and then saluted Qin Heqing.

"Come back, then let's get to business." Qin Heqing nodded, and said to the emperor and daughter Ying.

"My lord, please tell me." Ehuang and Nuying glanced at each other, and said in unison.

"Don't be so nervous, it's a good thing." Qin Heqing smiled, followed by not talking nonsense, flipped his wrist, changed the two big seals, and then threw them into the hands of Emperor E and Nuying and said, "Fuse Got it."

"This is, the seal of God?" Ehuang asked in surprise.

"Yes, it is the clergy seal of the Heavenly Court that I have established. What you have in your hand is the immortal seal of Emperor Dongyin, the third grade Jie Eshui official of the Lower Yuan, and the **** of the northern star of the north star is in the hands of Emperor Dongyin. A **** seal, with this position in hand, I think it will be very helpful for you to master the authority of the Yangtze River tributaries and even the Yangtze River Shuijun.” Qin Heqing explained.

The Shuiguan Emperor Dongyin has nothing to say. From its name, you can know that this is a **** who manages water gods and water spirits. It is considered to be the longest of the gods of the water system in the world. As long as there are no dragons to make a moth, it is his greatest !

The latter, that is, the Lord of Water Destiny, is even simpler, the highest being among the water gods, the **** of stars, so among the water gods, this is also the well-deserved number one person of the water gods, and it is the reality of the water gods. Manager, and Emperor Shuiguan Dongyin are complementary gods, so don't care if you are a dragon god, a water god, or the **** of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, as long as you become a **** of water, you can't escape their influence.

It is conceivable that these two gods are so powerful...

Especially when Ehuang and Nyuying are the gods of water~www.ltnovel.com~ and covet the authority of the Yangtze River Shuijun, they seem to be even more powerful, adding wings to their actions, so that it might take a long time before they can go. The road of conquest became smooth.

"My lord has established the Heavenly Court?!" Nuying glanced at each other with her elder sister in amazement. She didn't even have any thoughts because the gods were lower than her elder sister's, but she was shocked by the news that Qin Heqing suddenly broke. .

"Yes, is there any problem?" Qin Heqing asked back.

"There is no punishment?" Nvying asked.

"No." Qin Heqing shook his head.

"Is there no other special circumstances?"

"For example?" Qin Heqing asked curiously.

"For example, the emperor warned, or felt that he was unlucky, encountered strange and unlucky things for a long time..."

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