High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1436: Dilapidated Heavenly Court

Soon, Qin Heqing saw the familiar Nantian Gate again——

And regardless of the style, size, and even the carved patterns on it, they were exactly the same as the Nantianmen he had seen before in the Warring States Time and Space Heaven!

Even if it weren’t for the Nantian Gate at this time, there were no heavenly soldiers and generals guarding it, and the Nantian Gate was covered with a lot of cracks, and it looked like weather-beaten and war-torn, it was said that this was the Heavenly Court Nantian Gate in the Warring States Period and Qin Heqing would also be willing. Believe.

Then Qin Heqing set off and walked through the Nantian Gate where there were no heavenly soldiers or even the four heavenly kings to guard, and formally entered the heavenly court of modern time and space.

Following this, even more messy and terrible scenes came into Qin Heqing's eyes——

Although the Tiangong is still the same, the auspicious clouds used to support the Tiangong are seriously damaged. Even with the Tiangong that was originally flying in the air, it fell on the cloud blanket like a crashed plane. The wall, the appearance of a dangerous building, made Qin Heqing very unbearable.

"If this was the level of invasion and warfare, it would be possible to beat a good heavenly court like this." Qin Heqing secretly guessed.

The palace collapsed and damaged, and the carved beams and columns collapsed seriously. Even the stars hanging in the sky and the bright moon became extremely dim, as if a curtain was erected between the heaven and the stars and the moon, so that the stars in the sky could no longer be completely Arrived in the heavenly scenery.

The yellow turban warrior, the palace lady Fairy E is completely gone, even the gods...

Qin Heqing did not find one after searching for a circle. It was as if Tiangong had been completely abandoned. It became an obscure scenic spot that no one paid attention to and no one left. It was cold and silent, and lost the sacred glory of the past. sense.

Qin Heqing couldn't help frowning, feeling the heavens of modern time and space more weird.

"It's not that this is the same as the Water God Cave Mansion in the Lower Realm. The pregnancy is mysterious, right?"

Thinking of this, Qin Heqing's expression instantly became vigilant, and he cautiously probed the Lingxiao Tiangong and Tiangangdisha 108 Tiangong Palace in front of him, searching for the heavenly vicissitudes, looking for something no matter for him or other gods. All cherished and precious things--

For example, Haotian Baojing.

Haotian Jade Fu Jin Lu Fu calls God Seal.


It’s a pity that these are the treasures under the bottom of the Heavenly Court and even the Jade Emperor. They are not something that Qin Heqing can find casually. So I searched for two or sixty-five, and rummaged through all the corners and corners, but I couldn’t find half a suspicion. These precious treasures, on the contrary, were found in the jade book and gold book that recorded the list of gods and immortals, and he found many hidden secrets from them.


That is how many immortals are still alive!

This is the same as the mortal’s life and surname and birth, old age, sickness and death recorded in the book of life and death, and the name of every immortal who entered the heavenly court through the orthodox way and registered as an immortal is also recorded in the Jade Book Gold Book, which is the immortal book. And each has its own response.

For example, Jinxian, not to mention the golden name, the ranking will also be in front of the list of Tianxian and others!

If there is a priest, it will be listed on the first page of the jade book and gold book according to the size of the priest and the position in the heavenly court, so that the gods in charge of the jade book can review.

The color of the sin fairy is gray and black, and there will be an appendix below, which records the crimes committed, the results of the treatment, and the punishments that need to be endured.

Among them, gray is degraded to the mortal world, and black is a felony of killing karma. If the name is not washed white, it is impossible to have a chance to become a fairy. Even if you become a fairy, you will be beaten to the mortal world to accept punishment until washed. So far.

The name of the dead fairy is stone gray, and there will be traces of fragmentation on the surface, and can no longer be stored on the jade book gold book, so as long as the name is still on the jade book gold book, the immortals in the heavens are still alive. !

And the number is quite large. Even if Qin Heqing is only a rough estimate, there are thousands of them.

Although most of these are the so-called celestial soldiers and geniuses, the fairy Gong'e, but there are also many really famous and famous gods——

For example, the Barefoot Immortal, who is said to be the reincarnated immortal of Shangbadong, Lan Caihe, whose name is shining on the Jade Book and Gold Book, looks pure and joyful. It can be seen how happy and free this person is now. .

Then there was Uncle Cao Guo, the rare emperor's relative among the Eight Immortals, who also lived well, but didn't know if it was stimulated or how, nor did it appear in the heaven.

Compared with one, the fate of the remaining seven Eight Immortals who can't even find their names can be imagined. They either died in the Demon Yuan battle that year, or were carried elsewhere, and they have not been able to recreate it until now Cultivation is successful, ascend to heaven as a fairy

But Qin Heqing is stranger, he actually found the name of Emperor Donghua in the golden book. Hasn't this been turned into Lu Dongbin? Why is there still a name hanging here? It was Lu Dongbin who did not die and awakened his previous life. From then on, Dongbin abandoned Donghua’s identity as the Eight Immortals, or the Emperor Donghua here is another person, not like the legend, turned into a robbery. Lu Dongbin lived another life.

Anyway, Qin Heqing had this name in his mind, so he might as well try it when he has a chance in the future.


After that, Qin Heqing took a look at the names of the gods and immortals in other appendixes with great interest, then collected the jade book and the gold book, and then went to the Lingxiao Hall——

And he didn't know if it was his illusion, or it was true, he actually felt a certain sense of calling there.

"Could it be because of the newly added Heavenly Karma position in me?"

It is not impossible to think about it! After all, the Heavenly Court has always been bound to the Heavenly Emperor. When this orthodox Heavenly Court Heavenly Emperor has not yet returned from the return to the market, or has not even been reborn from the nihility because of human beliefs, he bears the heavenly Emperor personality It is not incomprehensible that he will be called by the heavenly court.

Therefore, after a while, Qin Heqing appeared in the same empty person and immortal ~ www.ltnovel.com~ and the interior decoration was seriously damaged. In the Lingxiao Palace that had experienced the war, stepped on the jade steps to the bright plaque. Below, where the Jade Emperor's throne was, he straightened the slanted imperial case and the throne and straightened his clothes, and then he sat on the throne of the Emperor with a solemn expression.

Suddenly, the invisible ripples swayed in all directions with Qin Heqing as the center, and rushed to the unknown distance without distance.

"Huh?" In a corner of the heaven where no one was paying attention, a certain fairy holding a broom was shocked, and his eyes were filled with astonishment and turned to look in the direction of the Lingxiao Palace. "This is, your Majesty is back?"

He did not hesitate to follow, immediately threw the broom in his hand, turned into a streamer, and quickly shot towards the Lingxiao Palace.

"This feeling? It can't be wrong, this is the declaration of the throne!"

"No, I'm going to see it!"

"Jade Emperor?"

In different places, in different corners, different gods changed their expressions and rushed toward the Lingxiao Hall.

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