High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1443:

"Since the empress has recovered from her injuries, why didn't she stand up to summon the immortals and reorganize the mountains and rivers before then?" Qin He Qingpo asked some inexplicable Empress Empress.

The Queen Mother is not without personality and identity. Whether she is the head of the female celestial beings or the so-called Great Heavenly Sovereign, she is qualified to stand up and rule the heavens in the absence of the Jade Emperor and become this heavenly court. The real high heavenly sage, the lady of the great master.

But the Queen Mother didn't, and I don't know if she really didn't have this idea of ​​grabbing power, or because there was no support from something that made her unable to do such a thing...

Judging from Qin Heqing's senses and understanding of the Queen Mother's legend, it feels that the latter is the majority.

"I'm not in the mood to clean up the mess for some people." The queen mother's face moved slightly, her voice sinking in response.

"Is the empress talking about me?" Qin Heqing asked back.

"It can also be you, or other guys who have obtained the qualification to inherit the Jade Emperor."

"...It seems that the empress is very optimistic about the Jade Emperor and his successors." Qin Heqing sighed meaningfully.

"If it weren't for him, how could my ancient goddess, the female fairy of West Kunlun, be split into the so-called Yaochi Golden Mother, accepting the so-called Queen Mother and Queen of Heaven, and becoming his nominal wife."

"Listen to the meaning of the empress, isn't the empress the deity?" Qin Heqing asked a little surprised and a little surprised.

"You are very keen." The Queen Mother gave him a slightly surprised look, and calmly said, "Yes, I am not the deity of Taihuaxi Zhenwanqi grandmother Yuanjun, but the deity's induction avenue, which is differentiated by the heavens. The destiny body is designed to respond to the changes in the destiny, and to complete the Tao of Heaven, so whether it is the Jade Emperor, you, or other Jade Emperor successors, I don’t need to give them all my support."

"Do you feel disappointed?"

"Somewhat." Qin Heqing nodded affirmatively.

"Then make preparations for arduous development as early as possible, those gods in the heavenly court, but few of them are friendly."

"Thank you, Niang Niang, for your mention, I woke up."

"Xuannv, let's go back." As he said, the queen mother got up from the chair and went out of the hall.

"Yes." The Nine Heavens Profound Girl replied and followed.

"Niangniang, please stay." It's just that Qin Heqing's voice rang again before the two of them completely walked down the imperial stage.

"What's the matter?" The queen mother stopped, turned to look at Qin Heqing after the case.

"Since Niangniang has no intention of the power of the Heavenly Court, please give me the Heavenly Court Heavy Weapon Sealing List to me, so that I can reunite the immortals and rebuild the integrity of the Heavenly Tiao." Qin Heqing got up and looked at the imperial steps, so he wanted more than him. The Queen Mother, who was short in the upper half of her body, begged.

"Fengshen Bang...Do you think that thing is in my hands?" The Queen Mother frowned and asked Qin Heqing.

"Isn't it?" Qin Heqing asked rhetorically.

The entire heavenly court collapsed like this, and the group of immortals ran away and scattered, otherwise they would be completely gone. There was not even a decent steward, and they had experienced the tossing of the cross religion angels. In the chaotic situation, who can get the Conferred God List, and guarantee that the Conferred God List will not be taken by those divided groups of immortals, and count the entire heavenly court, except for the Supreme Old Monarch, which is the Queen Mother.

"Whether you believe it or not, I can only say that the Conferred God List is not in my hands." The Queen Mother replied sonorously.

Then, without staying, she took the Nine Sky Profound Girl and left the Lingxiao Hall, and walked back towards Yaochi.

"Ma Jiao, you said, the words of the empress are somewhat credible." Qin Heqing did not stop him, but sat down short after the queen mother left. He looked at the main entrance of the Lingxiao Palace, and suddenly seemed to one side. Asked the broom star who became transparent.

"The minister doesn't know." Broom Star's face tightened when he heard the words, and he quickly lowered his head and replied in a respectful voice.

This kind of question, not to mention that he doesn't know it, even if he knows it, he can't tell this heir to the Jade Emperor who doesn't even have a serious team to know about it at this time!

He is not a **** of fighting like the former Wang Lingguan and Erlang God. He is superb. Even if he can't beat the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother will not be able to move them easily for a while. He is just a **** of bad luck for the subordinates of Tai Sui, and he is still The one that is least valued requires strength without strength, status without status, and even without a single identity. Participating in this kind of thing, it is okay not to spread it out. Once it is spread...

It is estimated that his fate is only left in the ashes, and even a chance of reincarnation may not be possible.

That's why he wouldn't take this risk foolishly.

"As far as I am concerned, I still believe the Queen Mother's words." Qin Heqing smiled, not caring about Bau Ba Xing's mood, but replied in a low voice like talking to himself.

The reason is also very simple, because the Queen Mother did not stand up to dominate the immortals without the absence of the Heavenly Jade Emperor!

This is obviously not something that she can completely forbid if she has an idea. After all, immortals and immortals are also human in addition to being immortals. Therefore, the seven emotions, love and hatred of human beings are also possessed by the immortals. What happened to Dong Yong, Lu Dongbin and He Xiangu?

It’s just limited by the rules of heaven and the suppression of the cultivation realm. It’s not obvious, but it’s only for the emotions of love, love, which are not necessary for immortals, and for power, certain immortals are still more. What is important, so with the upper person, some immortals who want to find a backer can't put the golden thigh of the queen mother and empress without holding it, and directly play the drama of dispersing the group and dividing the family property.

At least it needs an overstepping—for example, if the Queen Mother has enough bargaining chips to check and balance the gods—for example, if the Queen Mother has enough bargaining chips to check and balance the gods—the Conferred God List can't be so quiet, staying in Yaochi for the new emperor to appear.

So now the question before Qin Heqing comes-that is, where is the Fengshen Ban?

It can't be the same as the Jade Emperor.

If that were the case, ~www.ltnovel.com~ The status of the immortals in the Heavenly Court would be a big question mark.

Qin Heqing didn't speak any more, but tapped his fingers on the handrail of the jade seat and closed his eyes and thought.


Sitting in this way for about ten minutes or so, accompanied by one after another brilliant, ethereal, or clear spirit, or cold and stern breath, one after another, or generals wearing golden armors and golden helmets, or The immortals and celestial generals wearing the feathered fairy clothes, or else the water and fire robes, appeared one after another in front of the gate of the Lingxiao Hall, walking calmly, and strode into the Lingxiao Hall...

"Ma Jiao, you should know these people." Qin Heqing didn't care about their rudeness, and directly asked Broom Star, who had become cautious because of the question just now.

"The little minister knows it." Broom Xing's scalp tightened, and he answered in a dry voice, looking at the heavenly immortals who were looking at them because of Qin Heqing's words.

"Then introduce it to me."

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