High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1445: Shock and surprise

"We are here to meet the new emperor and submit our names in order to assist His Majesty in restoring the order of the heavens, and to maintain the order." Sa Shoujian Sa Tianshi has no shame, and can even be said to be shameless.

"Oh? Is that so?" Qin Heqing raised his eyebrows, and looked at the gods around Sa Shoujian with a smile.


"Meet your majesty."

"Your Majesty Jin An."

The other immortals also followed the same example, and greeted Qin and Qing with a faceless face. But Zhang Yazi, the emperor of Wenchang, was instantly highlighted, standing there with a face full of shame and embarrassment, pointing to the immortals and speechless——

"You, you..."

"Then you won't give me Zhang Yazi!" Qin Heqing shouted.

Suddenly, the Great Sage Tianyou and the True Monarch Yisheng, who belonged to the military attache's line, stepped forward, and both brought Zhang Yazi's arms behind him, and then kicked Zhang Yazi's knees, giving him a kick. Kneeling to the ground.

"Tianyou, Black Kill, how dare you treat me like this!?" Zhang Yazi turned around in disbelief and asked his original allies loudly, "Don't forget..."

But before he finished speaking, True Monarch Yisheng sealed his mouth and nose.

"You insurgent thief, shut up!"

Suddenly, Zhang Yazi's voice disappeared and became dumb. No matter how open his mouth and tongue, he couldn't say a word...

"Your Majesty, the prisoner has been taken." At the same time, the Great Sage Tianyou on the side opened a report.

"Well, the edict: Zhang Yazi ignores his inferiority, careless about Gangchang, rudely rushing into the palace, offending Tianyan, depriving him of the body of Emperor Wenchang according to the law, entering the Samsara III, offsetting the fruit karma, until the merits are complete, he can resume practice , And then record the immortal book!" Qin Heqing was not at all polite, and directly pressed the Emperor's seal with his right hand, and changed the jade book and gold book he had put away before, and urged him to turn his mind until it recorded the Emperor Wenchang Zhang Yazi. The page with the name of the name, then swiped with your hand, and then stamped with the big seal in your hand, Zhang Yazi, as a criminal minister, naturally lit up with the light that belongs to the gods;

But it didn’t last long. Soon, the brilliance seemed to be attracted by something and gathered at Zhang Yazi’s chest, and finally condensed into a party with a literary atmosphere, and a large seal followed by Confucian sages and ordinary officials. Zhang Yazi flew out, and with another move, the Great Seal turned into a stream of light and fell into Qin Heqing's hands, melting into the Great Seal of the Emperor of Heaven he held.

"Do not!"

Zhang Yazi's breath fell violently, from the original You Dao Zhenxian to a ghostly immortal with a solid soul. His figure was illusory, staring at Qin Heqing with unwillingness, resentment, and resentment, as if he wanted to swallow him alive, The big seal and **** position that belonged to him are being regained.

Naturally, Qin Heqing would not give him this kind of hope, and with a cold snort, he shouted at the group of immortals who were shocked by his cruel hand, "Don't take it down and enter the cycle of reincarnation."

"Yes." Great Sage Tianyou and True Monarch Yisheng looked at each other when they heard the words, and quickly responded in unison.

Following Zhang Yazi, who was held by the Great Sage of Tianyou with only the soul body, took him out of the Lingxiao Hall, took him to the Chuxiantai, and threw him toward the lower realm and even the lower realm.

"No! I was wrong, Your Majesty, I was wrong!"

It is a pity that there is no so-called regret medicine in this world. Naturally, his words can't be passed on to Qin Heqing's ears. He can only fall into the underworld with regret and despair, and then be captured by ghost messengers and ghost generals, according to the laws of heaven. Run the text, pass Naihe, drink Meng Po soup, throw it into the six reincarnations and let it rise and fall.


For a time, Qin Heqing's Emperor of Heaven was established with majesty, and the immortals in the temple had no choice but to face the new Emperor who had the power to live and kill them, no matter what they were thinking, and treated him as their own superior.

"Do you have anything else?" Qin Heqing sat back on the throne of the Emperor, rubbing the big seal with his right hand, and asked again while looking at the immortals in the temple.

"There is one more thing, please show your Majesty." Sa Shoujian stood up and asked respectfully.

"What's the matter?" Qin Heqing asked back.

"Regarding your majesty's honorific title, I don't know whether it is to continue to follow the treasure of the predecessor, or to re-discuss a treasure to inform the heavens, the worlds, the demons and the overseas gods?" Sa Shoujian asked.

"Treasure number... just use it: good fortune, Wanxiang, holding talisman, imperial calendar, containing real body, naturally, there is such a wonderful thing. As for the rest of the notification arrangement, you will continue to implement it in the previous way, no need to get it. It’s too exaggerated. After all, the Heavenly Court nowadays doesn’t have that much energy wasted on such trivial matters.” Qin Heqing thought about it, and said the treasure number he used when establishing the Heavenly Court in the island country, and made a corresponding announcement. Claim.

"Yes, the minister will make arrangements." Sa Shoujian bowed his head and saluted in response.

"Then all go down." Qin Heqing waved his hand.

"Yes. The ministers retired."

Then the immortals exited Lingxiao and disappeared in Qin Heqing's eyes.

"Go down, too." Qin Heqing turned to the broom star to the side.


Then the broom star also left the Lingxiao Treasure Hall like an escape, leaving the huge Lingxiao Treasure Hall to Qin Heqing himself to use.

"Finally it's done..." Qin Heqing, who had seen no outsiders, put down a disguise, and exclaimed.

After today’s experience, although it may not necessarily be possible to rebuild the heavenly court immediately, there is a basis for restoring the heavenly court’s old glorious glory-two of the four sages of the North Pole, one of the four great celestial masters, plus the thunder The basic gods such as Dianmu and Mawangye, but the framework of the heavens are enough to support them, and then only need to find a way to fix those Tang and Song boundaries-that is, the ancient gods who have been separated because the Vast Sky God was replaced by the lowered Jade Emperor. People, the glory of heaven does not say that 80% ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ 50% is restored, there is no problem at all.

In this way, coupled with other operations, it is not impossible that the heavenly court can completely restore the existence of the ancient mythology that can crush the heavens and prevent the overseas Ability God from disturbing lightly!

Of course, before this, it did not prevent him from realizing another purpose of himself through the space of the gradual return of the heavenly group of immortals.

So the next moment, Qin Heqing closed his eyes, and at the same time tapped his right index finger on the armrest of the throne under him. Only he could detect it, others could not, or could only feel a little strange, but what was the source of the abnormality? The strange and unclear information spread out around him, like the wide-area shock wave generated when a supernova exploded, spreading out in all directions...

Until a moment later--

"Found it!" Qin Heqing opened his eyes and looked at a certain area of ​​the heavenly court in surprise.

He really didn't expect that there are really ten ancient magical existences of the same level as the Demon Refining Pot in the Heavenly Court, and they are not one!

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