High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1455: 2

"I don’t know the specific situation of the Olympus **** system, so I don’t know what kind of background Olympus has, and I don’t know if there are any things and artifacts in these backgrounds that suit me, so I don’t want to waste time. Go bet on the uncertain probability, so if you want me to make a move, just use something that I can see and can determine the value to impress me." Qin Heqing explained when he looked at Athena in front of him.

"And what is in the Olympus **** system that is visible and inestimable?"

"Then why is it me?" Athena, who understood Qin Heqing's thoughts, still frowned and asked.

"There are probably three reasons. One is because you are the person involved, no matter what the final outcome is, you can’t avoid your existence. Second, because I’m a male, although I’m not as unscrupulous as your father, whether it’s human or The beast or other messy things can be eaten, but they are only interested in beautiful goddesses. But unfortunately, the reputation of your Olympus goddesses is basically bad. Except for a few people, I really I am not interested in them any more. Among them, you, the goddess who is widely known, are the most famous, and you are also a party. If you don’t choose you, should I choose Artemis or Hecate?"

"There are three more, and only if you, who may become the Olympus **** king in the future, become my lover, can I use my own power for you to help you defeat Zeus and block Apollo, Poseidon and Hades's crusade allows you to completely secure the position of Olympus as the king of gods." Qin Heqing slowly explained with a smile.

But he didn't hide his thoughts and purpose in the slightest, and unabashedly stated his own mind.

It can be summed up in one sentence: your Athena is beautiful and pure enough, and you have the qualifications and opportunity to become the lord of the Olympus **** system. If you don’t take such a fine price, you will give up the last. Go find goddesses like Venus, Artemis and Hecate as a bargaining chip...

Not to mention the question of whether you can succeed, but the return is not worthy of your own efforts to help.

After all, these latter are only goddesses of the Olympus gods, no matter how precious their status is-they are all one of the twelve gods, but the influence on the Olympus gods is just that, and they can’t be the master in many major things. , But Athena is different. With her own help, not to mention that she will become the lord of the **** system 100%, and she will inevitably be able to tear off a large piece of flesh from the existing Olympus **** system. Then she will Don’t the things you master become something you can covet?

Wouldn't it make him look stupid and stupid if he didn't do such an obvious business?

"Why do you men always complicate simple things and pass the so-called cost to women? Can't it be more practical and bold?" Athena was silent for a moment after hearing this, and followed With a light sigh, he said to Qin Heqing in disgust or helplessness.

"It becomes complicated? I didn't think it. As for why we men always like to let women act as a bargaining chip and symbol of price, it is entirely because the existence of women can reflect the strength and strength of men! Especially the more beautiful, the more powerful The more the status and status of women are. This, coupled with some essential pursuits on men, naturally forms this kind of bargaining method that is very helpless and hateful to your women." Qin Heqing spread his hands and asked what you do. Will ask this kind of question appearance explained.

"It is precisely because of this that I feel a little unbelievable. I have become gods and immortals. Why can't I give up what I had when I was a human and pursue those low-level entertainments like those excellent gods? And show off?"

"On my side, I can explain it because I have never considered myself to be a **** or immortal, a special creature that transcends the existence of human beings. Naturally, I will not regard some of my normal physiological needs and thoughts as evil. Something that shouldn’t be there. But replace it with your side... You may be able to ask Zeus or other Olympian gods and goddesses, why they are unwilling to give up the lowness in your mouth. Waiting for desires, and wantonly pursuing pleasure." After a pause, Qin Heqing continued, "You know, compared to my kind of gods who acquired through cultivation, most of the gods of your Olympus gods are The gods of rules born by nature, logically speaking, should not have this kind of thought, but in fact..."

In fact, in terms of the degree of confusion, the situation of the Olympus gods is a thousand times worse and terrifying than the situation of the harems of the ancient dynasties with the reputation of dirty Tang and Han. It makes people speechless, and they don’t bother to talk about those things. .

Athena was silent, also feeling speechless about the state of her **** system, and could not find more rebuttals.

"Please consider this matter carefully. When you have the answer, please contact me using the contact method you know. As long as I have the time and energy, I will help you complete your aspirations and let Zeus and Olympus go together. The kind of ending in the prophecy." Qin Heqing said again after seeing Athena's silence.

After that, Qin Heqing didn't stay here anymore, and simply greeted him, and disappeared from the place in the form of spatial movement. At the next moment, he appeared in front of the Nantian Gate, flashed again, and entered the heavenly court——

And this is Qin Heqing's confidence that he will not be blocked by the gods of the Western gods, and even dared to speak out in front of the gods that he has achieved the heavenly emperor!

Next is the existence of Taibai Jinxing and Chang'e in the Demon Refining Pot.

In the end, with all-out effort, the gods who want to do anything to him can be directly counter-killed and suppressed. The combination of Donghuang Bell, Haotian Tower and Pangu Axe, plus the demon pot and Nuwa stone as a guarantee Five artifacts exist.


Then Qin Heqing returned to the Lingxiao Hall~www.ltnovel.com~ to release the two of Taibai Jinxing and Chang'e.

"Your Majesty, this is..." Looking at the hall that seemed familiar and strange, Taibai Jinxing asked Qin Heqing hesitantly.

"This is the Lingxiao Hall." Qin Heqing slowly walked up the imperial steps, and finally replied after reaching the throne and sitting down.

"Lingxiao Treasure Hall!?" Taibai Jinxing was surprised, and Chang'e, who was also surprised, carefully observed the environment in front of her——

Sure enough, it was very similar to the Lingxiao Palace in their innate memory!

It just seems to lack a little majesty and fairy spirit.

Of course, the immortality here does not mean that the Lingxiao Palace has no immortality, but that there is no immortal aura—for example, the Heavenly Girl Palace E who was supposed to be standing behind the Jade Emperor with fan-dotted ornaments, and that he was supposed to stand under the imperial steps As the guarding officer of the golden school lieutenant and other majestic immortals, Qin Heqing, the high heaven god, looks much shabby and disillusioned than the memory emperor...

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