High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1457: convene

Suddenly, the invisible energy spread, and it was enlarged millions of times on one side, as if the sky-like cloud flag interface appeared in the heavenly sky, covering everything and covering all directions...

At this time, Qin Heqing could say with great certainty that as long as the eyes of those immortals who are still alive in Heavenly Court are not blind, they all know what play in the sky is, and what meaning it represents after it appears.

So after activating the power of the flag, Qin Heqing put it on the imperial case aside, and walked back to the throne and sat down.

After all, even if the Gathering Immortal Banner can summon a group of immortals, it will take time for the immortals to arrive, and it is not about creating a space channel. Anyone who sees the plain cloud border flag can teleport over directly as long as they meditate on the Lingxiao Palace or Jade Lake.

Anyway, Qin Heqing didn't know that the plain Yunjie Banner had this ability.

Then Qin Heqing closed his eyes and quietly waited for the arrival of the immortals...

Of course, this time did not tell him to wait too long, because soon, as the first batch of people who knew the change of heaven, Sa Shoujian and others who had the birth of a new emperor appeared in the Lingxiao Palace, looking at the imperial palace. Qin Heqing, who was seated after the case, and the plain cloud world flag erected on the royal case flickered--

"What does this mean? Isn't the queen mother and the emperor good fortune reaching a cooperation, ready to support him to secure the throne?"

Otherwise, it is really impossible to explain that ordinary immortals may not even be able to see once, let alone why the lent plain cloud world flag will appear in the Lingxiao Palace inexplicably today, or directly unattended and presided over inspired.

"The ministers and others pay homage to the good fortune, holding the talisman, holding the talisman, and holding the real body, naturally, there is a **** of heaven and heaven." Sa Shoujian became more and more determined to support and assist Qin Heqing to sit firmly on the throne of the gods, and then took the lead in the court Li Chao Qin and Qing paid a visit to Dao.

"Chen, Great Sage Tianyou..."

"Chen, True Lord Yisheng..."

"Chen, Lord Lei, Dianmu..."

When other people saw the situation, they immediately came back to their senses, and learned how to worship Dao.

"Zhuqing, let's be flat." Qin Heqing raised his arm lightly, imaginingly helping the people.

"Thank your majesty." Then everyone got up and stepped aside.

"Chen, Taibai Jinxing, Chen, Taiyin Xingjun, Fairy Chang'e to see your Majesty." But before they could stand still, or even think about more things, the figures of Taibai Jinxing and Chang'e also appeared in the Palace of Lingxiao. Seeing Qin and Qing.

"Well, let's go to the side and wait." Qin Heqing nodded, casually confessing in an intimate tone that he did not treat Sa Shoujian and others.

"Yes." The two took their orders and stepped aside, but they also shook Sa Shoujian and others unclearly!

There is no other reason, it is only because of Taibai Jinxing or something, as long as the demon yuan attacked the heavenly court, it had already fallen in the battle against the evil god, and it seemed that even the true spirit of the star power had not been left!

In other words, there is no chance for rebirth, rebirth, and awakening from the planet. But now, there is a new Taibaijinxing, King Jindexing. This pair has become accustomed to the heavens and there is no Taibaijinxing. For them, it is an extremely incredible thing.

Not to mention, there is also a legendary figure who originally only existed in the ancient heavenly court, and also belonged to the legendary character in the Jade Emperor Heavenly Court that they established in Song Dynasty. They have never seen it, and even don't even know that there still exists. Fairy Chang'e also came out...

The emergence of such unthinkable and unimaginable things made them even more aware that the emperor in front of them was not someone who could be fooled by simple harmony.

Especially after that, after other legendary characters appeared one after another, Sa Shoujian and others recognized this in their hearts——

"Chen, Mrs. Shangyuan, Emperor Dongyin, Lord Shui Dexing, God of Judiciary visit the Emperor."

One by one, whether they existed in the original heaven, but disappeared in the later period, or even in the original heaven, they are legendary characters, and other famous or unknown gods arrive, the space in the Lingxiao Palace will soon The immortal gods who arrived one after another were full of dangdang!

Immortal light lingers, merits revolving, and the vitality of the heavens also rises rapidly without Qin Heqing's notice...

Until a certain moment-accompanied by the praise and worship of the immortals, the void of the Lingxiao Palace rippled again, and then a gold scroll emerged from the void, exuding the atmosphere of suppressing the world and blocking the gods , Slowly fell into Qin Heqing's hands——

"That is……"

"Feng Shen Bang!?"

That's right, the golden scroll that appeared suddenly and fell into Qin Heqing's hands by itself is no other thing. Formally, Qin Heqing searched for it in a circle, but the gods and immortals on the scene didn't know the heavenly treasure where he was whereabouts. The foundation of the system The fetish where it is-Fengshen Bang!

Followed by the Conferred God List, it was twelve knots long, and the whole body was dark, like a whip made of a certain biological spine, and also like a kind of strange ancient wood knots, and then jumped out of the Conferred God List scroll. Into Qin Heqing's other hand.

"Fighting the whip..." A certain well-informed fairy moaned weakly.

Because only the list of deities that exist with the whip is the true list of deities. Otherwise, the list of deities is only a roster of deities and positions at best. There is not much to be a new deity, to replace the old deity, or to punish the original deity. Way, because the technique is wrong!

But with the existence of the **** whip, the gods on the list of gods are no longer gods, but wage earners named gods! It's the kind of proper 007 career that has no rest time, and the most important thing is that if you don't do it well, you will be punished by various punishments-such as being pumped ~www.ltnovel.com~ and getting blown up.

Anyway, after the existence of the whip of the gods, the gods on the list of conferred gods should not think about sneaking around, playing tricks that do not listen to the announcement, or engaging with the Jade Emperor with a set of dramas behind the scenes, grinding foreigners and earning merit. Up.

"It seems that even God has recognized my status as the Emperor of Heaven." Qin Heqing, who holds the list of gods in hand and beats the whip, laughed proudly in the hall.

As for the immortals, they are also very interesting. No matter what they think, they bowed to Qin Heqing and praised them loudly, "Congratulations to Vientiane. Whip, since then, the gods will be respected, and thousands of immortals will return to their hearts and create greater glory!"

"I have a heart, I have a heart, now let's talk about the business that I called you together this time." Qin Heqing smiled, raised his hand, and the Conferred God List naturally disappeared into the void again, putting away the gods. Whip, reducing the smile on his face, said with a serious face toward the heavy **** in the hall.

"My purpose in calling you is twofold. The first is to declare my existence and inform you to return to the heavenly court, reshape the order of the heavenly court, and consolidate the rotation of the heavenly road. Secondly, the heavenly court is about to encounter the attack of the gods of the outside world. Go back to where you were and defend all directions to resist foreign enemies!"

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