High Priest in Japan

Chapter 199: The terrible power behind Judy

The equipment research and development room, as the name suggests, is the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Bureau, which specializes in the research and development of weapons that can be used by ordinary people and can be used against monsters and monsters. Is it the foundation for the establishment and maintenance of the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Bureau, otherwise it will only rely on the Onmyoji Department, the Special Investigation Division, and the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Office to suppress the country?

That pressure is not so big!

It is also impossible to limit the impact of supernatural events to a small area as it is now, so that the overall social environment can continue to progress in accordance with the materialist world outlook.

It is not an exaggeration to say that they have done so much.

As for the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Bureau named after the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Bureau, its tasks are naturally not simple. It is the department responsible for cleaning up those powerful monsters that the Supernatural Affairs Disposal Bureau cannot deal with!

That is to say, the entire Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Office, except for the Onmyoji Department, which seems to be an integrated, but actually some independent organization, is the department where the elite combatants of the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Bureau are located.

Therefore, in addition to the official name of the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Office, they also have other special titles such as special forces, thugs, etc. that are difficult to describe, and do not know whether to say good or bad. They have become the department that is yearned and admired in the entire countermeasures bureau. .

After all, people in island nations love to worship the strong, so as long as they are strong enough, even if that guy is a morally corrupt bastard, there will still be a group of guys with different values ​​to worship, imitate, let alone execute. Protecting the people is the front-line personnel for this difficult task. Except for the guys who are really salting fish, most of the staff in the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Bureau are proud to be able to enter the countermeasure room, and take the countermeasure room members as an example. Secretly working hard.

Then Qin Heqing put aside the information that didn't have much effect on him for the time being, put it behind his head, and asked about what he cared about again.

"There are two main forces behind Judy, one is her family, the Crowley family in Europe. The earliest opportunity for her establishment was her grandfather, who had the'world's most evil man','the king of beasts' or ' Aleister Crowley of the title "Beast of the Apocalypse"! There are a total of eight members in the family, including Judy's parents Howard Crowley and Jus Claudia Ochoa. Di’s aunt Mary Crowley and her lover Ales Yusumaer and Judy’s grandfather Aleister Crowley’s illegitimate daughter, Laura Crowley and Judy’s cousin, Pierce Geldof and Peles Geldof."

"Among them, Judy’s parents and aunt, her aunt’s lover, and two cousins ​​are all black magic practitioners, mastering the demon technique taught by Aleister Crowley himself, but the specific strength is unknown, but As far as the level is concerned, it should be on the same level as Judy, or even worse."

"The family holds a large-scale business group. Although it is not well-known in the watch world, the wealth it holds and the industries involved are less than the top 100 companies in the world's top 500 companies. It’s too much, so even if there is no magical power, the power that the Crowley family can use in the watch world is not something ordinary people can resist."

"To be specific." Qin Heqing said in a solemn expression.

"As far as I know, there is a mercenary force with a number of almost 200." Kitami Lihua replied, "not to mention the small Eastern European countries where the Crowley Group almost controls most of the economic industry. If all of them are moving, there shouldn’t be any problem in trying to bring the Eastern European countries into war again.”

"Then what is the second force behind Judy?" Qin Heqing was silent for a moment, suppressing the dignity of his heart, and asked again.

"It was a secret association created by Judy's grandfather, Aleister Crowley, the silver star! Although there are not many core members, there are only more than 30 people, and not all of them have the power of magic, but Almost every member’s identity is not simple. It is not the founder of a certain company, or a celebrity in society. The last time it may be the heir of an ancient family, the real power that can be used is very scary! Like letting a certain country It can be said that chaos and the like are easy things."

"No, I don't believe that some silver star will fully use their power for Judy's affairs!" Just as Qin Heqing's heart became heavier and he began to feel uneasy, Yue'er on the side suddenly interrupted. After Qin Heqing's thoughts, his voice was flat and cold.

"Yes! There are rivers and lakes where there are people! Not to mention that the Silver Star Organization is just an organization created by Judy's grandfather Aleister Crowley, not an organization owned by her Crowley family, just those core members. Presumably not everyone is at the same heart with Judy, right?" Qin Heqing turned around and immediately seized the loophole and asked repeatedly.

"Yes, as you said, not everyone is willing to follow the orders of the Crowley family, and even those who are willing to see the Crowley family continue to hold the authority of the Silver Star Club, but as long as one person is willing to use it for her Your own authority to mobilize the resources and relationships of the Silver Star Club is also a huge force that is not weaker than the Crowley family’s own power. Not to mention that the secret association with the Crowley family is not limited to the Silver Star Club. One, the potential influence can be said to be extremely amazing, so no matter what you plan to deal with Judy in the future, I advise you to think twice before making a decision." Kitami Lihua reminded.

"Are you interceding for Judy?" Qin Heqing was silent, before asking in a meaningful way.

"I'm insuring my own life! I won't let you lose your head and do anything irreversible, and even get me into trouble." Kitami Lihua retorted unceremoniously.

It's not a lie.

After all, her future life will be united with Qin and Qing, which is equivalent to saying that she is in disguised form of co-prosperity, loss and loss ~ www.ltnovel.com~ So if you don’t want to lose your life in vain, you still have to clarify the powerful relationship Better.

"I see, I will consider how to treat her." Then after a pause, I asked about the way to control people.

It is also the method he needs most now.

In this regard, Kitami Lihua also did not hesitate, and explained some of the black magic methods she could think of that even ordinary people can use and have good effects...

It's just the content, it's really dark magic, very immoral, and it feels like it's fooling people.

"Is there no way to be more harmonious?" Qin Heqing twitched the corners of his mouth and confirmed.

"Yes, but you can't use it." Bei Jian Lihua's expression remained unchanged, looking at him indifferently.

Yes, it seems that I can only follow the degeneration...

Although from the original point of view, Qin Heqing still liked those surgical release methods.

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