High Priest in Japan

Chapter 201: Jade face Shura?

Xia Zhiqiu gritted her teeth secretly, her expression changed, and a reluctant smile appeared on her face again. He said to Qin Heqing with a fake voice, "He Qingjun, I forgot to buy a drink, please go to the convenience store below. Can you help me buy a bottle of drinks?"

   The voice was sweet and greasy, which made Qin Heqing subconsciously get goose bumps, which was very unaccustomed.

   "Are you all right." Qin Heqing turned his head, looking at her with a weird expression, and asked.

   "Just say you are going or not." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was secretly angry, glaring at him and asked.

"Well, you are an uncle, can't I go and buy it? Let's talk, what do you want to drink?" Qin Heqing is helpless, after all, he and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu are so ambiguous anyway, and you can use it to show affection in front of her. Just joking, using bad taste to explain, and directly bashing people into hatred, that would be too unreasonable, and I had to put down the lunch box in my hand, stood up and asked.

   "As long as you bought it, I like it no matter what it is." Kasumigaoka Shiyu's face changed to the previous smirk again, and said with a very bad voice and attitude.


"Okay, I know. Hui, wait a while, I will go back." Qin Heqing was speechless, too lazy to deal with the obviously abnormal Xia Zhiqiu, turned his head to the side and looked calm, not even his boyfriend was being caught by a vixen Kato Ke, who was angry and nervous about the hookup, said.

   "Remember not to run in the school building." Kato Kee said calmly.

   "Understood." Qin Heqing learned the way of the U.S. military and bowed to Kato Kei. He turned to leave the rooftop and went to the vending machine at the commissary to help Kasumigaoka and him and Ke Kato buy drinks.

   So soon, Qin Heqing disappeared from the sight of Kasumigaoka and Kato Megumi.

   Then the scene became quiet, but a slightly embarrassing atmosphere filled it, so that neither of them spoke first.

   Until a moment later.

   "The behavior just now is not like Kasumigaoka-senpai's performance on weekdays. Is it in a bad mood?" Kato Megumi broke the silence and asked in a voice of concern mixed with small talk.

   "Ah, yeah, in the past few days, I have always used inexplicable things to come to the door. I am really irritable!" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu returned to his senses, her eyes wandering, and she responded insincerely.

"Senior elder sister should pay attention to your body, but don't hurt your body because of those inexplicable things, it will not be worth the loss. Moreover, and Qingjun should become very unhappy then... the midterm exam day will be soon When it's time to arrive, I don't want to affect the results with Qingjun because of these things, and even spend the entire summer vacation unhappy."

   "Thank you for your concern. My health is very good. I won't be let down because of these things. On the contrary, they will stimulate my fighting spirit and make myself stronger!" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said solemnly.

"Is that so? Maybe this is the reason why the senpai can become a popular writer at this age. I can't do it anymore. I can only take care of the things in front of me, and at most I can take some energy to take care of the affairs of Qingjun. I can't take care of more."

   "Really? That's not bad. It also saves me from restraining his hands and feet, so I can devote more energy to my own creation."

   "Has Kasumigaoka-senpai been **** by Kiyokun's affairs?" Kato Megumi turned his head and looked at Kasumigaoka for the first time.

"Well, after all, Kazuki-kun is the nephew of editor Machida, and a large part of it is because of my existence that he transferred to Toyonosaki High School, so I have the responsibility to take care of his studies and living conditions on campus. At the beginning, I was crazy for a long time, but I didn’t become more relaxed until he made friends on campus... Now think about it, I was really immature at the beginning."

   "It turns out that there is such a relationship between Kasumigaoka-senpai and Kiyoshi."

   "Didn't he tell you?" Xia Zhiqiu said with a certain suppressed pride on her face.

   "I never asked." Kato Megumi said calmly.

   Hearing this, Kasumigaoka twitched the corners of his mouth, and replied, "So please take care of me in the future, Kato-san."

   "My side is here." Kato Ke responded.


   Soon after, Qin Heqing rushed back with a drink.

After looking at the two of them, without thinking about it, they went straight back to their original positions-between the two of them, they distributed the drinks in their hands to Kasumigaoka and Megumi Kato, and only then took the rest of the drinks. Sit down, picked up the bento, and ate again.

   "By the way, since you can come to school, there must be no problem with Ying Lili, right?" Qin of Ying Lili suddenly thought of Ying Lili and Xia Zhiqiu next to Qing Dynasty asked.

"It seems that there is no problem, but for safety reasons, the countermeasures bureau decided to let her stay at the hotel. Until the countermeasures bureau determined that there was no problem, she would not be allowed to come to the school. "Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu swallowed the food in her mouth and replied without pause.

   "When will it be?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

   "Who knows? Maybe after the summer vacation, it will be okay." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu also opened her mouth to guess.

   "What happened to Ying Riri-san?" At this moment, Kato Kei, who didn't know what happened, asked curiously.

   "Oh, it's nothing big, but I just met a ghost." Immediately, Qin Heqing briefly explained what had happened to Yinglili and told Megumi Kato.

   Of course, it is a version with the cause of the incident hidden.

Although there was no special need, Qin Heqing did it subconsciously, and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu on the side couldn't help but glance at him, and a strange luster flashed in his eyes~www.ltnovel.com~ I would still consider it for others. Well. "Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu murmured a little joyfully in her heart.

After   , the three of them had lunch and rested together on the rooftop for a while, before leaving the rooftop together, returning to their respective classes to start the preparatory work for class.


   Nothing happened in the afternoon, and the time came again when the ministry was active.

  Qin Heqing and Kato Megumi packed their schoolbags, took the kendo uniforms for the upper and lower classes, and went to the activity room of the kendo department to start a new round of exercise.

   "Are you okay in late July?" Kiryu Cang walked to Qin Heqing who was instructing Megumi Kato in basic kendo practice and asked.

   "It depends on the day." Qin Heqing responded without moving his head.

   "July 27th or 8th." Kiryu Cangdao.

   "Jade Dragon Banner?" Qin Heqing turned his head and looked at Tong Shengcang's dark eyes.


   "There should be no problem. Then you can call me. If nothing happens, I should be able to spare time to participate in the competition." Qin Heqing thought for a while.

   After all, I had already agreed with Hinasaki Fukaha before, and agreed that as long as the summer vacation is over, I would go to Hyuga Mountain with her to find her mother.

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