High Priest in Japan

Chapter 203: Lu Yu classmates night collection

In Toshima district, in front of a laneway near the nearest tram station to Qin Heqing’s house, Qin Heqing and a long-haired girl wearing a Toyonosaki college uniform and carrying a black leather schoolbag stood opposite each other. The weird atmosphere surrounds the two of them...

Until a moment later.

"If you don't mind, I can accompany you right now." The girl grew out of breath, raised her head, and stared blankly at Qin Heqing, who was almost one meter away from her.


"Don't understand, or you're pretending to be stupid." A sarcasm smile appeared on the woman's face, and she said again in disdain.

"No, no, how good is it, you're going to accompany me? I don't mean that!" Qin Heqing looked at the girl opposite with anguish.

He knows the girls, although they are not very familiar, but they are also classmates of the same school and even the same class who can call each other's name and can speak when they meet.

The name is Kashii Yui. She is 16 years old. She has dark waist-length hair and fair skin. She has a tall and slender figure. Although the scale of her chest is relatively remnant, she also has a pure and upright temperament on campus. See the cute beauties.

The academic performance is very good, there are three in the class, and the family conditions seem to be very good.

After all, if you can go to a private high school on the island country, your home conditions are generally not bad.

What's more, the personal items that she occasionally reveal on weekdays are not brand goods that ordinary female high school students can use. The family conditions are average, and she really can't afford this kind of consumption.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that Kashii Yui would have such an unknown side--

Help sometime?

Qin Heqing wouldn't believe what Qin Heqing said if it hadn't personally seen her come out of a love hotel with a middle-aged fat uncle who was obviously not her relative.

"Could it be'Daddy Live'?"

But when you think about it again, after the so-called dad lives in that kind of business to some extent, it doesn't matter what it is. Anyway, the result is the same, which is surprising and incredible.

"Is it possible that you want to use this thing as a handle, and plan to use it to threaten me in the future, let me give you money, or become one of your slaves?" Kashii Yui said with a disgusting expression, "Really greedy. Insatiable man! But I persuade you to give up. Let’s not say if you took a picture of me when I came out of the hotel, what if you do? I can justify that it was my uncle or something Some relatives or something, although some rumors cannot be completely silenced, but you want it to threaten me, making me your cash machine and processor is a dream."

The attitude is quite strong, the mood is very calm, combined with this rigorous logic, there is no embarrassment of being caught by others after doing that unspeakable business, which makes people look at it—

It is a powerful and amazing psychological quality.

"Is my impression in your eyes so bad? I didn't do anything, so I was labeled as a scumbag..." Qin Heqing said with an aggrieved sigh.

Although he is indeed scumbag in terms of feelings, he is not so scumbag that his character is corrupted to such an extent that he can be classified as a badass at first sight, right?

He is not bad on campus.

"Isn't it?" Xiang Shii Yui tilted his head to look at him, and sneered.

"Of course not." Qin Heqing said decisively.

"Then why are you here at this time? Didn't you make a special trip to follow me and then guard here to capture the evidence?" Kashii Yui said with a face full of suspicion and mockery.

"I can only say that all of this is a coincidence." Qin Heqing said helplessly, "but you can rest assured, I am not a bastard, I can't do... well, I can't do things that threaten people with money or even force them to sell. And I’m not a long-tongue woman, I can chew on the roots of my tongue, so you can rest assured that I will not talk about your affairs everywhere."

"...Then what did you stutter just now?" Xiang Shii Yui looked at Hui Qin Heqing, and still questioned with disbelief.

Isn't that because he really did something that threatened people with the handle?

Although at first it was just to teach the other party and let Sayaka Kakehashi a long memory, but what about the latter forcing him to be a drug experiment object?

Since there is no way to confidently say that I have never done something similar before, I have to retreat to the next best thing, state my goal, and make a relative guarantee.

"In short, that's the case. I have something to do. Go ahead. Be careful." Qin Heqing, who didn't want to explain that kind of thing, turned to the topic and said to the end.

"Wait a minute." Xiang Shii Yui stopped Qin Heqing, who was about to leave.

"En?" Qin Heqing stopped and turned to look at her.

"Give me your cell phone." Kashii Yui half ordered.

"Why?" Qin Heqing frowned, but did not refuse, took out his mobile phone and handed it over.

Xiang Shii Yui reached out and took it, and then took out her own mobile phone. The two phones were placed in parallel, and Qin Heqing's phone number and her mobile phone number were entered into each other's mobile phones, stored, and set each other as friends.

So I also added each other’s LINE accounts.

Then Hou Xiang Shii Yuyi lost the phone and returned it to Qin Heqing.

"I hope what you said is true, otherwise...I don't mind taking you to **** with you!" Xiang Shii Yui stared at Qin Heqing's eyes with a serious expression and a slightly terrifying expression.

Then, without waiting for Qin Heqing's answer, he turned around, stepped quickly away from Qin Heqing's sight, and disappeared into the night.

"What's going on..." Qin Heqing looked back and said, looking at the newly appeared name in the contact interface on the phone, and said with a bit of laughter.

"Is this a modern young man... the style is really bold." Yue'er looked at the direction where Xiang Shii Yui disappeared, then looked at the hotel street in front of him, and finally retracted his eyes and sighed in a low voice.

"Okay, don't sigh, let's go back and fix the black magic."

Then the two of them did not stay~www.ltnovel.com~ quickly returned to the apartment.

All the way to safety, Qin Heqing was relieved without encountering a moth incident like Xiangshi Yuyi.

Then Qin Heqing returned to the bedroom with a thought, releasing the blue-haired witch Julis, one of Judy's two major followers.

——Compared with Lisa, the gray-haired witch who has been in contact with, Julius has more variables and more unknowns, and it may become a new breakthrough point.

Suddenly, the space changed, and she was naked, her hair was dry and lustrous, and Julis, who looked tired and weakened, appeared in front of Qin Heqing's eyes. She shook her body and fell directly on the ground.


"Water..." Julis shouted in a hoarse voice.

In the past few days, the dripping water has not entered for half a meter, and coupled with the mental torture of the small black house, it is no wonder that she will be so unbearable.

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