High Priest in Japan

Chapter 206: Terminate contact?

And after Gao Cheng Hiroko's teaching, Qin Heqing finally evolved from a little knowledge of black magic to a level of detailed understanding of black magic.

Knowing that the so-called black magic is not the demon magic that he and Yue'er understand, but all that is not recognized by the church, including African witchcraft black magic, witch magic and witchcraft, all scattered magic in the unorthodox system, The general term for all rituals with cruel release methods and weird effects!

Outside is the demon magic.

So in contrast, all magic recognized by the church and permitted to be learned or spread in a small area is either white magic or magic.

As for the real magic-elemental spells or all kinds of weird spells, it's not that there is no one at all, but under the church's two years of repression and suppression, there is not much left, and most of them are still there. It is only half-claw literature. The true magic content is not collected by the church and kept in internal circulation. It is all classified into the category of occult. Without the guidance of professionals, it is difficult for ordinary people to understand those materials. What are they talking about, or what are their effects.

Compared with one, the method is clear, the context is clear, and the source of learning is rooted. Practicing the onmyoji of the island country that can be traced is almost like opening the door. It is difficult to obtain it!

Qin Heqing, who was in this system, sighed, feeling that he was really lucky. Otherwise, the ghost knows how strong he can be based on the knowledge of the priests alone.

But correspondingly, the difficulty for Qin Heqing to learn about demon magic from Gaocheng Hiroko has also increased a lot, and there is no chance to complain--

After all, they only taught the basics and taboos, as well as the content of the defense and restraint against dark magic in advance. He agreed, and now I want to go back and say that I want to learn more taboos. Make sure that Gao Cheng Hiroko will immediately quit and blast him away.

Gao Chengkuanzi is kind, and being careful does not mean that she is really temperamental and easy to talk. She is still very persistent in principle, so she wants to make her break the precept...

Qin Heqing felt that it was no simpler than letting Yue'er understand the relevant knowledge by herself!

Fortunately, these basic knowledge are not completely useless. It is a good help for Yue'er to understand the rules of black magic and become familiar with the black magic system. Therefore, after the initial helplessness, Qin Heqing constrained his mind and really earnestly studied Gaocheng Professor Kuanzi’s knowledge broadens his horizons and enhances his own knowledge.


So after the first section of the course, which can be named the definition and concept of black magic and the basics of black magic semiotics, is finished, the time has entered late at night, about 12:30, and the last tram of the last class has also stopped. Fortunately, if I want to go home, I guess I can only walk and call a taxi.

As for staying?

Qin Heqing didn't care, but Gao Cheng Hiroko didn't have that idea!

Not to mention that the two are not familiar with each other, and they are even in the stage of mutual defense. Just a gender difference between men and women is enough to make any party of the two who have not reached a certain level to make excessive demands.

So after a simple greeting and agreed on a time to come and study tomorrow, Qin Heqing got up and left, walked out of the bamboo forest, came to the nearby street, and waited for the taxi reserved by phone when he came out.

The time was not too long, only forty minutes or so, and the reserved taxi stopped in front of Qin Heqing.

Qin Heqing got on the bus and drove back to the apartment.


The following is the usual daily routine, except for the normal going to school and guiding Kato Kesuke to practice kendo, and the final pre-test sprint with him, the rest of the time Qin Heqing spends all the time learning dark magic knowledge with Takashi Hiroko, and Assist Yue'er in the analysis and transformation of the mind-control black magic used by the non-black magic practitioner handed in by Kitami Lihua.

The life was calm and fulfilling. In a blink of an eye, it came to the weekend, July 13th, the day of the final exam in the first semester of high school.

Qin Heqing and Kato Hui cheered on each other and started the exam intently.

The time lasted for one day, and then transferred to the weekend, and because the 16th was the third Monday of the month, it became the statutory holiday of the Ocean Festival, so it was able to take three consecutive days off, allowing the students to relax.

Of course, it also gave Qin Heqing time to deal with some private affairs.

For example, meet with Sayaka Guaqiao.

"Okay, starting from today, the test drug work is officially over. Also, here are all the photos you have left with me during this period. You can see clearly..." Qin Heqing put the phone in front of her and waited to see clearly. Later, she pressed the delete button in front of her.

"From now on, we are both clear. You are you and I am me. There is no relationship between us."

After speaking, Qin Heqing raised his hand and called the waiter.

"What's your order, sir?"

"Pay the bill."

"Okay." Then the waiter reported a number, and Qin Heqing paid the money and sat there waiting for the waiter to send him the change he found.

"That is to say, I won't have to be pressed by you anymore, right?" Sayaka Kakehashi's expression didn't change much, but the straw that stirred the drink in her hand paused, and then she confirmed.

"Yes. Not only you don't need to be pressed anymore, even you and me don't need to be in contact anymore. I completely treat me as if I don't exist, and I won't be involved anymore." Qin Heqing affirmed.

"...You are still a man, it's really ruthless. When you can use it, you will be good. When you don't use it, you will kick it away. Sure enough, only money in this world is the most reliable. You will not betray. Losing can help me fulfill any wish I want to achieve." Sayaka Hangqiao was silent for a moment, and said with a bleak expression.

"Don't talk so ambiguously, it makes me seem to have abandoned you all the time." Qin Heqing said speechlessly.

At the same time the waiter came again ~www.ltnovel.com~ and handed him the change.

"Isn't it?" Sayexiang Guaqiao asked him back, squinting at him.

"Let's think about it, I'll have something to do later, let's go first, and then... you know how to do it yourself." Qin Heqing stood up, looked at the stylish and cute hanging bridge opposite Sayexiang and said quietly.

"Wait." But before he could leave, he was called by Sayaka Hangqiao again.

"En?" Qin Heqing stopped and looked at her with doubts.

"Do you sell that rich drug?" Sayaka Guaqiao inhaled the cold drink in his glass, calmed himself down, then looked up at Qin Heqing's gaze and asked aloud.

"Do you want to buy?" Qin Heqing raised his eyebrows, sat back in the chair and asked with interest.

"Of course." Sayaka Kakehashi said affirmatively, "It's rare to encounter such a powerful drug with such a remarkable effect. As a girl with a more serious career line, it doesn't make sense to be indifferent."

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