High Priest in Japan

Chapter 208: Get fat after one bite?

After some simple negotiations, Qin Heqing and Guaqiao Sayaka reached a final agreement-

That is, the trainee’s head is 10,000 yen each, the low-popular regular members are 50,000 to 100,000 yen each, and the popular members range from 200,000 to 1 million each based on their popularity and commercial value.

The potion commission is 15%. That is to say, no matter what kind of purity the medicine is sold, 15% of the sales profit must be given to her!

Although it is not much, it is also not a small number when the accumulation of less is more.

Of course, this agreement is only limited to the Naituan and Non-Naituan members she brought over. As for other guests, they are not included in the agreement and belong to Qin Heqing's complete source of customers.

Then the two briefly discussed some things, and Sayyaka Hangqiao got up and left, letting Qin Heqing fly.

"Tsk, it seems that it’s time for some things to be put on the agenda..." Qin Heqing sat alone in the empty deck for a while, and checked the deposit in his bank account-21 million... He sighed and got up. Leaving the coffee shop.

what? How did you come out of 21 million?

Thanks to the behind-the-scenes owner of that amusement park and the producer of Ryuichi Shimokawa of TV Asahi. If it were not for them, Qin Heqing would not have received a bounty for the removal of spirits, and still earn so much!

Even if the three million earned by the TV station has been deducted...

But it still made Qin Heqing feel very excited, with a sense of unreality of becoming a multimillionaire.

Unfortunately, the money will fly out again soon.


"Is there time after the filming of the show." In TV Asahi, taking advantage of the gap before the filming of the show officially started, Qin Heqing asked Hinasaki Fukaha who was resting beside him.

"Something?" Hina Saki Shenyu asked in surprise.

"Well, I would like to ask you to accompany me to Sandao City in Shizuoka County to help me investigate some things there." Qin Heqing did not hide his thoughts, nodded and said it out.

"Is it related to the supernatural incident again?" Hina Saki Fukaha asked with a tangled expression.

Okay, I'm almost becoming his personal assistant. It's too bad for this helper to ask me?


"Can I refuse?" Hina Saki Shenyu met Qin Heqing's gaze.

"Yes, this is your right and your freedom." Qin Heqing replied very simply.

"Forget it, I have a few announcements to rush tomorrow. I want to take the opportunity of not going out on the scene today, so I'm sorry." Hinasaki Fukaha shook his head and replied apologetically.

"Okay, then." Qin Heqing also sighed with regret, then turned to other things, "Right, do you have money?"

"What?" Hinasaki Fukaha asked in a shock.

Just as the Chinese are unwilling to find people to borrow money, island people are unwilling to involve money in personal relationships in the process of interpersonal communication. Therefore, whether it is borrowing from or being borrowed, it is a very challenging issue. The basic relationship does not reach a certain level. Even when it is really in crisis, it will not borrow money from so-called friends.

What's more, Qin Heqing's semi-cooperative and semi-friend relationship with her is really abrupt.

No wonder Hina Saki Fukaha was so surprised and surprised.

"I'm going to make a private club so that I can manage some special items like bracelets sold by you, but I don't have the money, so I want to ask if you want to invest or lend me personal loans. , Eat some gross profit." Now that the words have already been said, Qin Heqing also suppressed his discomfort, and said to Hina Saki Fukaha with a serious expression.

"How much money are you short of?" Hina Saki Fukaha asked with a strange expression.

"I don’t know the specifics either — huh? — Because I want to directly buy a building and transform it into a clubhouse, so I don’t know what the price of the building is, plus the subsequent renovations... I guess it should not be. A decimal." Qin Heqing said in a self-conceited statement regardless of the inconceivable expression on Hina Saki's face.

"...Your ambition is not small...but it is a bit too exaggerated to buy a building or something. The money to be spent is not a small amount, and it will not come if it is not a billion! That's it, or the building is far from the heart of Tokyo. It’s a good place. If you replace it with prime land like Shinjuku and Minato, it’s estimated that tens of billions of dollars can be used to buy a suitable place. I don’t have that much money, so please ask Gaoming.” Hinasaki Fukaha opened his mouth. Finally, he was full of unreasonable expressions.

"I also know that my thoughts are a bit whimsical, but...Forget it, let's say something practical, how much money can you lend me?" Qin Heqing shook his head, suppressing what he wanted to say, and turned And talked about more practical content.

"Probably ten million. After all, our relationship is not very familiar. I can't just lend you all the money I've earned in these years without thinking about it." Hinasaki Fukaha tilted his head and thought. Asked about his financial situation, he replied.

"It's already a lot, and it can even be said to be beyond my expectation. Thank you, Shen Yu. You are such a good person." Qin Heqing shook his head slightly, and then expressed his gratitude with Saki Asahina with a serious face.

Ten million, although it is Japanese yen, it is not much to change to RMB, about 630,000, but it is also equivalent to the total annual income of the average elite middle-class family in the island country! It's not that anyone who opens his mouth can borrow it from Hinasaki Fukaha.

Especially when the relationship between the two parties is not very close, it can be said that it is the best of benevolence and righteousness.

It was impossible for Qin Heqing to be in the current position of Hina Saki Fukayu.

It is more likely to refuse directly, so as not to lose your money.

"It's fine if you know it." Hina Saki Fukaha was not polite to this, and calmly accepted it. Then after a meal, I asked again "When do you want it?"

"Wait for me to finish dealing with the matter at hand and find the place of my favorite clubhouse." Qin Heqing replied.

"You haven't started looking for a place yet?!" Hinasaki Fukaha asked in shock.

"Well..." Qin Heqing smiled awkwardly.

"Forget it~www.ltnovel.com~ How do you like it, anyway, it has nothing to do with me. You can call me directly, so I can go to the bank and transfer the money to you." Waved his hand, interrupting what Qin Heqing had originally wanted to say, and said decisively.

Anyway, she was not afraid that Qin Heqing could not repay the money, so naturally she borrowed it simply and simply.

"Okay. Besides, I am going to ask you one more thing." Qin Heqing smiled embarrassedly, turned to look at the busy TV station staff over there, and said softly.

"What?" Hina Saki Shenyu frowned, feeling that today's Qin Heqing is a little abnormal, and it feels like a mother--

Where did so much trouble come from! !

Correspondingly, Hina Saki Fukaha's heart also became uncomfortable.

"I am going to ask you to help me recommend to those celebrity friends you know the special rich and fierce essential oil that I will launch in the clubhouse. The method is the same as that of bracelets. I ship you to earn commissions. What do you think?" Qin Heqing did not notice When Hinasaki Fukaha's emotions were reached, or he noticed it and ignored it, he said his plan to himself.

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