High Priest in Japan

Chapter 210: Brain hole

"Sorry, you may have found the wrong person. I don't understand the situation of the two people you mentioned. Please leave here, otherwise I will call the police." Kaedeko Ando was stagnant after hearing this, and then caught. Staying on the cell phone, called up the emergency phone number, stared at Qin Heqing and said solemnly.

"Don't you want to know what happened to your brother Takanori Ando?" Qin Heqing frowned and looked at Kaede Ando again.

"That kind of thing has nothing to do with me!" Ando Fengzi was extremely cold.


"Well, please leave now, otherwise I will really call the police."

While speaking, Kaede Ando raised the phone and put his thumb on the dial button.

"...Well, this is my business card. If you change your mind, Miss Ando, ​​you can contact me through the number above." Qin Heqing was silent for a moment, and helplessly took out the recently printed business card from his pocket and took it out. One handed it to Ando Fengzi.

"Okay, you can go now." Kaede Ando took the business card impatiently, and turned his body sideways to give way.

"excuse me."

After that, Qin Heqing did not wordy, saluted, turned and left the apartment where Ando Fengzi was renting, until he disappeared within the sight of Ando Fengzi.

Kaede Ando returned to the house with a loose palm, letting the bag in her hand fall to the ground, her body leaning on the door panel, as if unable to support, and sliding slowly along the door panel to the ground.

"Brother..." Ando Fengzi stared at the empty room in front of her eyes in a daze, whispering a little sadly.


"By the way, what are you investigating." On the way back, finally couldn't bear to ask Yue'er, who was curious in his heart.

"I'm investigating YUO's information, the reason for Zhenzi's resurrection, and her post-resurrection state, looking for favorable conditions for us to use." Qin Heqing did not hide it, replied concisely and plainly.

"Then what does this have to do with Akane Ayukawa and Takashi Ando?" Yue'er became more puzzled.

"That's because the two of them are the key figures most likely to know all this."

"Huh?" Yue'er was stunned and turned to look at him.

"According to the internal information of the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Bureau sent to me by Mr. Spencer, Akane Ayukawa was the last witness of the curse video incident, so she is very likely to be the first witness or insider of Sadako's resurrection! Especially! Combined with her abnormal behavior after the curse video incident ended, I have reason to suspect that something must have happened to her that caused her to suddenly change her temperament. Not only did she break up with Takanori Ando, ​​but also resigned from her original passion. As a teacher, she suddenly disappeared from the sight of people she knew without making any notice."

"And Takashi Ando is the insider of Akane Ayukawa's changes. So as long as we can find any of them, we can let us know what happened in Mishima City back then, and what we desperately want to know. The answer."

"That's not right... If it's really like what you said, that Ayukawa Akane is the witness of Sadako's resurrection, how can she survive? You know Sadako is the evil spirit among the resentful spirits, but there is no human three views and harmony Cognitive, she won't be kind to the living people around, and she will be merciful to let her go." Yue'er shook her head, still skeptical.

"But you overlooked one situation." Qin Heqing retorted with a calm expression.

"What?" Yue'er asked back.

"Ayukawa Akane herself is a superpower, and she is also a mental superpower like Sadako, plus she is a female..." At this point, Qin Heqing paused and stopped.

"What's the matter?" Yue'er was puzzled, turned and looked at him.

"As a person with similar superpowers, do you think it is possible for Sadako to rely on the relative factors of superpowers and directly use Ayukawa Akane's body to fake birth and live again?!" Qin Heqing asked Yue'er with burning eyes.

Don't say it's impossible!

After all, even he can go through rebirth. Why can't Zhenzi, who has powerful soul power and superpower, take away the body of a living person for regeneration like the ghost in the fantasy fairy?

At the same time, this can also explain why Ayukawa Akane's temperament has changed drastically.

Even though Sadako might still be a demon after her resurrection, her temperament is not like a human being, and she should not have the idea of ​​respecting social rules...

But what if?

In the unlikely event that Sadako's seizure was incomplete, Ayukawa's temperament dominated at that time. What if other factors affected the progress of the incident and did not let Sadako retaliate against the society immediately?

This is perfectly reasonable!

Just like the younger sister Daisy of Ryoko Gomi, who was taken over by Inu God, she is also a demon who resents human beings. He also plays the role of Gomi Daisy well, neither at home nor outside. It doesn’t expose its fierceness, yes. Unrelated ordinary people harm.

"Well...it's not impossible." Yue'er groaned for a moment, recalled what she had seen and heard in the past, nodded, and echoed thoughtfully.

"If this is the case, is she now considered a human or a ghost, or a demon?" Qin Heqing asked curiously.

"It should still be a ghost, but it may be special. Not only is it not afraid of the sun's damage, but it can also transform between humans and ghosts, and do things that ordinary ghosts can't do." Yue'er thought for a while.

"That means we can continue to use the original plan and use that cursed CD to actively attract her?" Qin Heqing confirmed.

"It should be possible." Yue'er said unsurely.

After all, it’s not uncommon for this kind of ghost to take the human body and live again, but in the past years when she awakened, she didn’t see too much, and she basically fought face-to-face, not like Sadako, as long as there is a curse. , With a TV or screen, you can move directly and instantly, from somewhere a thousand miles away, to come closer, so she is not sure whether the Sadako who will be attracted by then is a clone or a real body.

Then Qin Heqing went to the Undead Chuan Library.


"Why are you here?" In the editor's office, Machida Yuanzi asked, looking at Qin Heqing, who was sitting on the sofa and feeling comfortable.

"Come to pick you up from get off work~www.ltnovel.com~ Qin Heqing smiled.

"Oh? Are you so kind?" Machida Yuanzi asked Noyu in response to her unbelief.

"It just happens to have time and free time, so can't you come to **** Yuanzi?"

"Are you sure?" Machida Yuanzi smiled.

"It's certain and certain, absolutely correct." Qin Heqing assured.

"Okay, then, I will assume that you didn't come to me for other reasons. You came to the company to pick me up from get off work because you were really worried about my safety." Machida Yuanzi smiled noncommitantly, looked at the time, and stood up." It just so happened that my affairs are almost handled, so I can just work hard to work for our priests and **** me home."

"It's a great honor!" Qin Heqing was also the actor who stood up, learning from the Europeans and Americans in the TV series to act a gentleman's courtesy.

Then the two left the Undead River Library and drove back to Machida Yuanzi's apartment.

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