High Priest in Japan

Chapter 214: Body as bait

At night, after dealing with personal and daily chores, Qin Heqing, who was temporarily relieved and lightly dressed, called Shang Yueer, brought a newly purchased laptop and other messy things that might be needed later, and went to a nearby neighbourhood. public lawn.

At this time, it was already around ten o'clock in the evening. Except for normal night owls, it is basically impossible for anyone to stay in the public green space!

Unless, they are going to get something.

Therefore, it can be regarded as a temporary private territory for some more dangerous activities.


For example, watching Sadako's horror film there.

As watching a cursed CD movie, Qin Heqing didn't want to harm others because of his negligence.

As for that, why not just stay at home and watch it?

Naturally, Qin Heqing was also worried that Zhenzi would be called out in the process, and a battle between humans and ghosts would be launched directly in the house! The influence and destructive power is scary to think about.

Therefore, out of considerations such as avoiding the destruction of the house, the destruction of the furniture, and the impact on the neighbors, Qin Heqing decided to watch Sadako’s horror film outside, so that even if she really interfered and disrupted her murder action before When he came to the door, he didn't have to be restrained, he could directly break out to suppress it.

As for whether this is really not the factor of distressed money at all?

Qin Heqing said...

Smart people don’t usually live long!

Ten minutes later, Qin Heqing arrived at the public green space closest to the apartment he was renting. He walked into it and looked around. He saw that besides a sporadic couple, a street idler and a suspected night run Outside of the exercising girl, when there were no extra people, she consciously walked aside, avoiding other people, and then found a bench to sit down, took out the newly bought laptop, opened it, and played it before going out. He put the curse CD in the CD-ROM drive.

In an instant, a familiar black-and-white picture appeared, and the image of the well from which Zhenzi was born came into Qin Heqing's eyes.

The picture flickered frequently and distortedly, and a noisy rustle came from the computer's PA equipment.

After all, a horror video is a horror video, not a horror film, but it will not really look like a Sadako movie. Once it comes up, it will give you an explanation of the cause and effect, interpretation of the plot, and so on. Instead, it will directly go to the core content and run to kill people.

For this, Qin He was prepared early in the morning, his face was still, and he quietly watched the screen changes.

Detecting hand-a fierce knuckle claw came out of the well abruptly in a terrifying atmosphere, and buckled the edge of the well.

Emergence-the picture flashed, and the small half of Sadako with long hair and covered face suddenly emerged from the mouth of the well.

The gloomy breath spread, and the invisible curse power drifted out as the movie was playing, rushing to Qin Heqing.

However, Qin Heqing still did not stop this, and even in order to better allow the power of the curse to attach to him, he specially took all the amulets and barrier bracelets he wore before he came. Come down, meet all this with oneself alone.

Therefore, after the power of the curse floated, there was no resistance to Qin Heqing's body, allowing it to attach to his body, forming a mark, which was recorded by Zhenzi.

Then Sadako's body completely emerged from the well, swaying, walking out of the screen step by step...

Until the last moment--Sadako's head suddenly lifted, spreading some hair, exposing the eyes under the long hair--

The pitch black forest was cold, without emotion, and people couldn't help but feel a sense of fear. The whole body was cold, and goose bumps appeared from Qin Heqing's body in an instant.

However, the situation that Qin Heqing expected Zhenzi to appear in person to kill him did not appear, as if the horror video was really an ordinary video film, after Zhenzi exposed his eyes, it went black. The whole film came to the end and automatically exited from the player.

"Knowing that I'm not easy to provoke, so I shrink?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

Only when his voice fell, the familiar cell phone ringing suddenly rang.

Qin Heqing raised his eyebrows, took out his mobile phone and looked at the display above—unreviewed notification call.

In other words, unknown call!

A hint of thought flashed across Qin Heqing's face, without speaking, he unlocked and put the phone to his ear.

Sure enough, the next moment, there was a hoarse female voice on the phone who knew, "Now in two days, you will die!"

After speaking, there was a silent tone on the phone, and then the phone was hung up, and everything returned to calm.

"Death call... It's becoming more and more in line with the setting." Qin Heqing put away the phone and muttered a little funny.

The horror video is followed by a death call, which is exactly the murderous routine of Sadako in the movie version. I have forgotten this before.

"In two days...I'll wait." Qin Heqing closed the laptop and put away and stood up.

"What?" Yue'er asked in confusion.

"It's Zhenzi, saying that I will die at this time in two days, so let's see how she is going to tell me how to die in two days." Qin Heqing replied.

Yue'er frowned, did not speak, and went forward to check Qin Heqing's body.

"There is no trace of being infected by a curse. It seems that it is not a life-destructive curse, but a simple gimmick, a means to cause ordinary people to panic and stimulate them to produce more resentment." After a while, there was no in Qin Heqing's body. Yue'er, who sensed something abnormal inside, breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed.

As long as it wasn't a real curse, she really didn't worry about what Sadako could do to them.

She's not stupid, but wouldn't she let this intelligence advantage not be used, and stupidly fight in her current state?

Then her fighting experience for so many years can be directly fed to the dog~www.ltnovel.com~ so we have to prepare well so that when the time comes, we will give our lady Sadako a big surprise. "Qin Heqing smiled.

Then the two did not stay longer on the public green space, nor did they wander on the street again, and went back to the apartment to rest.

Nothing happened overnight, and time came to the next day, Monday.

However, because of the Ocean Festival, today is still a holiday, you can continue to stay at home to sleep in, or where to go out to play.

However, Qin Heqing has no appointment with anyone today-no way, after all, he has a curse on his back. Although Zhenzi said it was two days later, that is, to trouble him at around ten o'clock tomorrow night, can you believe what the ghost said? Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to avoid harm to others and yourself.

Therefore, Qin Heqing didn’t go anywhere in the morning, and the honest house was making various preparations at home. It was not until after noon that he took Yue’er out and went to Xiaozhulin to meet Hiroko Gaocheng, and continue to learn from her about dark magic. Basic knowledge.

After all, he still has Judy waiting to be dealt with, but it is not too procrastinating.

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