High Priest in Japan

Chapter 216: Demon Hunting in the Park

At night, around nine o'clock, Qin Heqing and Yue'er appeared in a park.

I looked around, and finally stopped in an unobtrusive corner. I took out the things I brought and arranged them in the park.

What are they all?

Infused with rope, Yuzhu, Yubi, refined sea salt and the highest quality pure grain sake!

It is arranged around the corner in the same way as the clean altar, encompassing the area under the feet with a radius of about 100 square meters, forming a field, which will be used as a battlefield against Sadako later.

The process was very simple, except that it was a little troublesome when painting stars, sprinkling salt, and toasting. The whole process only took about half an hour. Then Qin Heqing walked back to the middle of the field again, took out the laptop containing the cursed disc, placed it on the ground, opened it, and withdrew a few meters, and finally stopped at a position almost four and a half meters away from the laptop, and sat down on the ground. Quietly waiting for Sadako's arrival.

"I hope everything goes well, otherwise I want to set up this kind of trap next time, but it won't be that easy." Qin Heqing glanced at the time displayed on the phone and sighed in a low voice.

"Don't think so much, it will be successful, let's wait patiently." Yue'er, who was guarding near Qin Heqing, said softly.

"Oh." Qin Heqing sighed, looking at the laptop screen not far away and fell silent.

One minute.

Two minutes.

five minutes.

fifteen minutes.

The laptop entered the screen saver state because of the screen saver settings. The screen was completely dark, and only a small indicator light flickered there, indicating that the computer was still running.

Then time goes on...

Finally, at about the same time as the day when the horror video was watched, the screen of the laptop that should have been turned off and put into power saving mode suddenly turned on, and the player without any video playing started by itself, and a snowflake flashed across the screen. , The familiar image of Zhenzijing appeared in front of Qin Heqing again.

Qin Heqing's eyes narrowed. When he jumped from the ground, he didn't rush to turn off the laptop or do other things. He just put on a stance of waiting, staring tightly at the person playing the horror video. laptop.

A palm appeared in the picture, clasping the edge of the well and lifting the body.

Half of the body came out again, Sen Leng's gaze through the screen, as if he was really looking at him, locked Qin Heqing's figure.

Then Sadako climbed out of the dry well, stood on the ground covered with fallen leaves, lowered her head, and walked towards the screen lens with a sway...

The only difference from the last time is that the picture did not suddenly end and shut down because Sadako walked closer, but was under the influence of a sudden tossing surging Yin Qi, as if breaking the barrier of time and space, with a pale and hideous hand. Then he slammed out of the screen.

With five fingers clasped on the ground like a hook, he bent his arms and pulled, pulling Sadako's body from the screen again.

But what about Qin Heqing at this time? But there was still no reaction, as if she was shocked, watching Sadako's actions blankly until she crawled out of the laptop.

"It's now!" Qin Heqing shouted suddenly!

At the same time, a bright aura appeared on his body, and in an instant he repelled the grievances and barriers in his body that had become active because of Sadako's appearance.

At the same time, Yue'er shot, and instantly took the mission-completed laptop away from the center, closed the screen, and flung it aside.

As for why not just ruin it?

Naturally, to guard against the possibility that Sadako is not Sadako's body, but a clone!

After all, the purpose of his trip is to solve Sadako's problem once and for all, not to add fuel to the fire, and to keep Sadako's hatred of him deepened, so that he will live in the trouble of evil spirits in the future. .

That was not the day he wanted to live.

Then Qin Heqing stomped his feet on the ground, forming seals on his hands, activating the pure altar realm he had arranged beforehand.

In an instant, a powerful psychic beam gushes out from the pentagram pattern painted with sea salt and sake under the feet, spreads, and comes into contact with the surrounding pillars, and then invades and infects until it is connected. The entire Yuzhu and the Zhuren rope used for the consecutive Yuzhu and the Mizusui hanging on the Zhuren rope were also activated by infestation, forming the power of the law world, and turning the entire space and the external park environment on a non-physical level. Separate.

Afterwards, Qin and Qing’s finger art changed and they chanted the mantra of slaying the devil. The tail gaze Nan Hun Tan Luo Hah regret!"

In an instant, the majestic crimson flame burst out of the void, turning into a high-speed rotating flame tornado, pushing it horizontally towards Sadako and burning it.

The heat wave swelled the air currents, and instantly blew away Sadako's hair covering her face, and for the first time her face clearly appeared in Qin Heqing's sight——

Except for the black eyes with no whites at all, Sadako turned out to be a rare beauty!

And the most important thing is that I don’t know if he really took away Akane Ayukawa’s relationship as he had guessed. Sadako's appearance is quite similar to Akane Ayukawa, which is quite similar to being called a wife by domestic fans in her previous life. The island actor'ten yuan'!

Qin Heqing was a little surprised.

However, Sadako didn't stop, and the majestic thought momentum broke out, very powerfully colliding with the Fire World Curse released by Qin Heqing.


The huge explosion sound spread, even if it is blocked by a barrier, the wild mandarin ducks and homeless people who are still doing bad things in the park were startled. They got up or turned their heads to look in the direction of Qin Heqing, curious about the sound. origin of.

However, Qin Heqing is not in the mood to pay attention to this now, because he suddenly discovered that although something like Yin Qi will be restrained by the power of the Fire Curse's Yang Gang to ward off evil spirits, the superpowers such as the Power of Mind have little effect. Even if Sadako is a ghost, the counterattack he made is still not weak~www.ltnovel.com~ It does not threaten the curse of the fire world, but has a slight advantage, with a wicked smile on his face, forcibly turning the sea of ​​fire to Qin Heqing He pushed over.

Qin Heqing felt very worried and couldn't help shouting his assistant "Yue'er!"

Yue'er didn't hesitate, and immediately appeared behind Sadako, waving his hand to a heavenly scripture thunder method "Nine Heavens Ying Yuan Thunder Sound Puhua Tianzun!"

The lightning bolt hit Zhenzi's body instantly.


The yin and yang qi aroused, like a sky thunder descending into the world, a stronger roar erupted.

Zhenzi's accidental injury caused the Nian Power Barrier to be turbulent, allowing Qin Heqing to seize the opportunity to push the fire tornado to Zhenzi again.

"You are all going to die!" Zhenzi roared as he looked at Qin Heqing with a black anger.

Then the earth shook and the mountains shook, and the entire surface was shaken by Zhenzi's thoughts. The soil cracked, ignoring the influence of the Jingtan Dharma realm, and flew up strongly, facing the Fire Curse and crashed into Qin Heqing and Yue'er. ...

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