High Priest in Japan

Chapter 218: No increase in volume

   Soon, under the nervous gaze of Qin Heqing and Yue'er, a figure passed through the dark vortex of Yin Qi and appeared in front of the two of them——

   A white one-piece nightdress with loose hair, but it did not cover her entire face like a clone, so Qin Heqing was able to see her appearance more clearly——

   is as good as a living person, with white eyes and eyeballs, but her eyes are rather cold, without emotion, making her look cold, like a dead thing.

   The face is white and red, as if he has painted makeup. Under the influence of the surrounding yin environment, it exudes a strange beauty.

   But what is more noticeable is her image, which is basically the same as the Ayukawa Akane in the materials, and the sheer ten yuan image made Qin Heqing a little surprised.

what is this? Does the image shine into reality?

  Qin Heqing calmed his mind, squeezed the sake bottle in his hand, carefully guarding against Sadako's next possible attack, and at the same time raised his voice very desperately, "Should I be called Yamamura Sadako or Ayukawa Akane now?"

   "Mage? Damn it!" Zhenzi did not move, turned her head slightly, looked up and down Qin Heqing for a while, suddenly her complexion changed, and she said with a ferocious hate.

Then, without giving Qin Heqing a chance to speak any more, the dark hair-like lines formed by the power of thought mixed with Yin Qi surged over at once, like a sword, like a sword, and wiped out everything he touched along the way. Both are divided in half.

   Qin Heqing was taken aback, and instinctively ran to the side to avoid it.

   It’s just that the speed is obviously not as good as that of the grievances under the force of Nian Mo, almost in the blink of an eye.

   Qin Heqing did not dare to hesitate, immediately jumped forward and squatted on the ground, Yu Qianjun escaped the grievances shot from above his head!

   Then Qin and Qing Tuan rolled to the side, raised their heads and took a sip of sake from the bottle, glaringly wide-eyed, and sprayed out the grievances that came after turning around again.

   Suddenly the liquor was in the air, and it suddenly burned like a phosphor bomb, releasing a strange blue light, colliding with the oncoming resentment.


   The flame soared into the sky, as if it had encountered the fuel at the mouth, burning violently.


   The onlookers were taken aback by the magical scene in front of them, and subconsciously uttered low voices filled with exclamation in terror.

   Of course, whether it was Qin Heqing, Yue'er, or Sadako who fixed his gaze on Qin Heqing, none of them paid any attention to this. They were doing their own things, making their own preparations for this life and death contest.

   Just like Yue'er, while Qin Heqing was entangled with Zhenzi, she exploded her spiritual power and summoned dozens of palm-sized emerald birds. With one finger, she shot Zhenzi with electricity.

   At the same time, Sadako noticed the anomaly, and the resentment that seemed to be prolonged forever had a long hair. Like a bulging wave, she took the initiative to hit Asuka with a terrible momentum.

   The two hit each other, making a crackling sound similar to the popping out of a firecracker.


   Qin Heqing was able to take out the space, and cooperated with Yue'er to launch a counterattack against the powerful Sadako——

Get up, sprinkle the little sake left in the bottle on the ground, use the wine as ink to sprinkle a semi-arc moist mark in front of you, then throw the bottle away, and shout loudly, "Dawei Brewer, God bestows on the world! With wine as your master, the power of God will appear!"

   Suddenly, strong divine holy spirit light spewed from the half-arc trace drawn by the sake and water on the ground, forming a golden yellow transparent energy light curtain, protecting Qin Heqing behind the light curtain.


Then Qin and Qing held the seals in both hands, and chanted aloud the Mantra of Fuwei, "All the worlds are under control, and I promised that the king of Ming is righteous, and I am willing to descend upon this evil spirit and evil spirit! Rahimori Suo Po He!"

   Then the majestic mountain-like invisible power erupted from the void, slammed down suddenly, and blasted on Zhenzi who was restrained by Yue'er.

   Immediately, Sadako's figure shook, and the original clear eyes turned into black eyes without white eyes!

The terrible and gloomy prestige that even affected the celestial phenomenon erupted. In Zhenzi's sudden silent shout, a strong sense of backlash followed the spell to Qin Heqing's body, causing his hands to aches, and he could no longer maintain the structure of the seal. , His arms flicked and staggered backwards.

"How can this be!?"

   Bear the brunt of the brunt, Yue'er couldn't help being forced by Zhenzi's sudden eruption of power, and quickly backed away, her little white face was solemn.

   "This kind of power is not much worse than the legendary big demon." Yue'er muttered secretly in her heart.

   The powerful mind force expands and explodes, like a shock wave from an explosion, directly pressing the ground down for more than a centimeter, and the soil rolls and spreads around under the thrust of Sadako's mind force.

   "Mom, it's terrible!"


The onlookers finally knew that this was not a battlefield that they and others could set foot in. They exclaimed, and they wished that parents would run away with two more legs, and disappeared from Qin Heqing’s sight in a blink of an eye. .

   As for whether there will be people watching further, that is not what he needs to pay attention to.

  "Heqing, prepare for God's surrender~www.ltnovel.com~ The next moment, through the mystery of the Shiki God contract, Yue'er, who suddenly appeared next to Qin Heqing by means of space transfer, said in a low tone.

   "God descended?!" Qin Heqing's expression changed, and his expression hesitated.

As mentioned in the previous article, the gods of the gods are similar to the gods of the Maoshan school. Although the process and the method of use are different, it is indeed a very orthodox magic of the priest system. The requirements of the descendants are relatively high, not only need to have adequate physical fitness, but also have relatively strict regulations on the spirit.

   For example, non-believers cannot accept God's surrender.

   Non-Goddess cannot accept God's surrender.

   And those who are subjugated after accepting the surrender also have an upper limit of time. Probably depending on the individual's physical and mental state, they can withstand the surrender for five minutes to half an hour, and the longest can not exceed one and a half hours. No matter how long it grows, it will burden the surrendered people as recipients, causing their bodies to appear in various conditions, and even the consequences of death.

   And this is only a record in a non-combat or general combat state, as for the current high-intensity combat...

   It is difficult for Qin Heqing to guarantee how long he can bear it and whether he can achieve good results during the period of God's surrender.

"Her thought power is very difficult to entangle. With onmyoji alone, it is difficult to seal her power, coupled with the current environment..." Qin Heqing looked at the sky over the park like a cloud, and had to admit that it occupied the sky. Sadako with a favorable location is really not a cruel role that can be handled directly by a priest like him in his training. She couldn't help but nodded, and agreed with a cruel "Okay, I surrender!"

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