High Priest in Japan

Chapter 221: Leave a gift

   An enemy who was still beating alive and killed ten minutes ago, became friends ten minutes later.

   Not only friends, but also subordinates, servants, if this kind of thing is not seen or experienced personally, who would believe it?

   It's hard to believe Qin Heqing anyway.

   But no matter how awkward it is, the matter has reached such a point, it is impossible not to find a solution.

   So after another moment of silence, Qin Heqing coughed lightly and took the initiative to open the topic, "Since it has already happened, let it all pass, let's start again."

   Yue'er and Sadako, who is controlled by Ayukawa Akane's personality, did not speak, but they all raised their heads together and turned their eyes to him to express their concern.

   "By the way, we don't know each other's situation yet, so let's start by introducing ourselves."

   "I'll come first..."

   As he said, Qin Heqing took the initiative to pick the head and introduced his own situation.

"My name is Qin Heqing and I am seventeen years old. I am currently studying at the private Toyonosaki High School in Tokyo. I am a sophomore student, but besides that, I am still a priest. I live in the nearby Shinza city and have a family temple. The private shrine is not very large, but it can barely be used to sustain life..."

   "I am Ji Ru Chitaki, you can call me Yue'er, which is Heqing's shikigami." Then, Yue'er also introduced her identity. Only compared with Qin Heqing's almost complete information, her introduction was much simpler, except for her name and identity, no information was revealed.

   Then the two of them turned their eyes and fell on Akane Ayukawa.

"I am... Now I am Akane Ayukawa, from Shizuoka Prefecture. I used to be a teacher by profession, but after encountering Sadako, which is my other personality consciousness, I have resigned. I am currently unemployed and need help from society. People.” Speaking of this, Ayukawa paused for a while, looked at Qin Heqing, and continued, “Parents are dead, there are no relatives or friends, and no home to return... So I will inevitably interrupt the second place in the future. At that time, if there is something wrong, please bear with me."

   "In addition, it is the first time that I have acted as someone else's servant. I don't know what I should or shouldn't do. So if there is any improper service, please forgive me, Master."


   After speaking, Ayukawa lowered his head and bowed to Qin Heqing.

   I have a fairly clear understanding of my identity, and I have not made any noise because of the disappearance of Qin Jiu Gong, clamoring for human rights and respect.

   "About this, I will explain to you later." Without Qin Heqing's words, Yue'er on the side seemed to swear his status and particularity, said Okinawagawa.

  'S posture is very good, a high-handed attitude, but not too domineering, it is not difficult for Ayukawa to accept.

   But the scene still changed due to Yue'er's words, and again became silent and embarrassed.

   "Let's talk about this kind of thing later, for now, let's talk about your business first." After a while, Qin Heqing smiled and looked at the silent Ayukawa Qian opposite.

   "My business?" Ayukawa questioned.

"Yes, about why you became like this, the guy who resurrected Sadako through an inexplicable way, and the things that happened after you were robbed of Sadako's body. If you can, I hope you can elaborate. Explain." Qin Heqing nodded slightly, staring directly at Ayukawa and said in a deep voice.

   "This... there is nothing left to say, since the master..."

   "Forget about the master or something, it sounds weird. You should call me Qin Jun or Heqing just like Yue'er." Qin Heqing interrupted Ayukawa's words and corrected.

   "Okay, Mr. Qin." Ayukawa glanced at him, secretly exhaled, and changed his name to Qin Heqing in a kind-hearted manner.

   Then, without talking nonsense, he talked about herself and Sadako's information she knew.

Generally speaking, it is very similar to Qin Heqing’s brain-hole conjecture. Akane Ayukawa was indeed used as a recipient, and she was taken away by Sadako. She also used a tactic that could be called a despicable tactic—the students of Ayukawa paid back. With the safety of her original boyfriend Takanori Ando as a bargaining chip, she forced Ayukawa to give up resistance and give up her body for the resurrection of Sadako, who was still weak at the time and was temporarily unable to move freely in the world.

   And it turned out... Ayukawa has already explained the result by sitting here.

   Ayukawa, in order to prevent the students and Takashi Ando from being harmed, reluctantly gave up his body for Sadako to devour.

However, it has also produced obsessions and resentments. Coupled with the creature's instinct for survival, at the last moment, Ayukawa activated superpowers to resist Sadako's complete swallowing, forming a kind of entanglement and inextricability with her. The special life form that died together allowed Sadako to resurrect while also allowing her personality to survive.

   It’s just hard to last.

   Basically 24 hours a day, or even a few times a week and a month, only a few times can take the opportunity to wake up, other times are controlled by Sadako.

   And the time of existence is getting shorter and shorter, the hope of existence is getting less and less...

Even if it weren’t for Qin Heqing’s incident, it is estimated that it would be completely swallowed by Zhenzi in another half a year or so, completely integrated with it, and become a grudge against the world, only knowing the horror of killing. Evil spirits have become a major evil in the world!

   But because of this, she learned some secret information that was completely unknown when she was a human.

   For example, the guy who set about resurrecting Sadako——Kashida Kiyoshi~www.ltnovel.com~ is a powerful spiritual ability person. The reason why he resurrected Sadako was to turn Sadako into his psychic spirit body, to help him open up a so-called kingdom of the dead, establish the underworld on earth, and gain control of the world.

   It’s just that, obviously, he miscalculated the strength of Sadako, who had robbed Ayukawa's body and gained the blessing of mind power after the resurrection. After a battle between the two sides, Kiyoshi Kashida escaped his life and disappeared the island country!

Sadako turned into a lonely ghost. Using a secret real estate left by Kiyoshi Kashiwada as a base, she continued to make and disseminate horror videos and CDs, spreading her horror, and killing ordinary people in order to gain more For a powerful force.

until today.

   "In other words, you don't know the whereabouts of Kishiji Kashiwata?" Qin Heqing looked at Ayukawa and confirmed again.


   Qin He Qing nodded and turned to look at Yue'er next to him, "By the way, what did Jiu Gong leave you before he returned?"

"A strange yin and yang technique called Wanye Feihualiu. What about you? It should have left you something too, right?" Yue'er didn't hide it, and said the name of the information she had digested and then asked rhetorically .

   "Well. Jiu Gong left me a set of Bacchus Blessings, and also, it seems that my blood has been purified?" Qin Heqing thought for a while, and said with some uncertainty.

   After all, there is really no definite value for the bloodline, and the ghost knows the difference between its purification or the purification.

   "Is it purified?" Yue'er was surprised on her face, she reached out and grabbed Qin Heqing's arm, conveying her strength, and feeling it carefully.

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