High Priest in Japan

Chapter 227: The strange ghost and the strange cause of death

"His name is Tujianyuan, and he is one of the tenants here, and that Jun Qin's current location is the room when Tujianyuan rented here, but that was all four months ago!" Katayama My administrator did not hesitate and immediately replied.

"Four months ago?" Director Dazhi Hirayama thought thoughtfully.

"Yes, four months ago, he died of a sudden myocardial infarction. It was a funeral that I helped him deal with, so I remember it very clearly. I didn't expect..."

Probably he didn't expect that in four months, he would still see the former residents in this state, right?

"Then, when did the spiritual situation on your side begin?" Director Hirayama nodded and asked again.

"Uh... it seems to be three and a half months ago... Hey, I didn't expect that if you didn't mention it, it turned out that it was this kid who made the ghost..."

At this point, the administrator Katayamago had another meal, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Isn't it a ghost? If it's a living person, why is there such a situation now?

Immediately, Katayamago stopped, and silently read the Buddhist scriptures in his heart.

As the most powerful faith group in the island country, it can be said that no one on the island country is a believer!

In this respect, even Shintoism as a local power cannot compare, let alone other factions. Basically, as long as they enter the island country, they can only operate as a second-rate group.

The reason is that there is no other person, just because the Buddhist group holds the funeral business.

Therefore, as long as mortals are still dying, they cannot do without dealing with monks, or even convert after death, and become so-called Buddhist children.

Dazhi Hirayama didn't say much when he saw it, and once again looked at the monitoring screen in front of him——

On the screen, Qin Heqing, who was standing at the door, gave a light cough and stepped into the room.

Then the male otaku ghost named Tamamaru was taken aback, and subconsciously turned around and looked at him.

"Ah! Who are you!" Tu Jianyuan raised his pants in shock, and asked Chao Qin Heqing, who looked nervous and alert. Then he blinked and suddenly relaxed again, even letting go of his hands, no matter what his pants...

Obviously, he remembered that he was a ghost, an existence that ordinary people could not see.

"I'll count three. If you can't wear your pants well, I don't mind burning them for you." Qin Heqing frowned and declared with a cold expression.

"Ah?! Can you see me?!" Tumayuan suddenly froze and asked blankly.

It's just that Qin Heqing didn't want to pay attention to him at all, his expression was still, and he counted without expression.




"Wait, wait..." The earth panicked, and instantly exposed his nature, panicked and re-tied his pants. This was when he stood by the side with an anxious look, and looked at Qin Heqing with care and fear.

"Well, who are you? Grim Reaper?" After a moment, the curiosity Tumayuan asked in a weak voice in a weak voice.

"I am not a **** of death, but a priest." Qin Heqing said indifferently.

"Priest? Are you here to fight against me?" Tumayuan's expression changed slightly when he heard the words, and a fierce color flashed in his eyes without a trace, and asked again.

"Yes." Qin Heqing glanced at him and nodded affirmatively.

No way, the first impression Tumayuan gave him was really bad, and it was even so bad that it aroused the disgust of him and even Yue'er and Akane Aykawa, so even if it was obvious that he could be expelled or superpowered by a gentler way, Qin Heqing I don't plan to do that anymore.

Even if Tujianyuan is the only ‘clean’ ghost that Qin Heqing has seen so far with more humanity than ghost, and maintains a human form and has not harmed others.

It is a rare species that can be cultivated in a targeted manner.

"Um, I haven't harmed anyone." Tumayuan said cautiously.

"I can tell." Qin Heqing nodded.

"Can you let me go, then?" Domamaru's eyes lit up, and he asked with a little excitement.

"Yes." Qin Heqing nodded again.

"Really!?" Tumayuan asked in surprise.

He thought it was impossible to convince Qin Heqing.

"Really. But you need to be under my supervision." Qin Heqing replied.

"Supervision means..." Tamamaru hesitated.

"It was sealed by me, and then taken to a designated place for care. Of course, during this process, I will also try to send you into reincarnation and see if I can reincarnate you." Qin Heqing said.

"Reincarnation... Is the legend of **** true?" Tuma Yuan asked in surprise.

"You have become a ghost, why can't the legend of **** be true?" Qin Heqing asked rhetorically.

"Yes." Tu Jian Yuan was stagnant, and said in a chattering way.

"Okay, tell me your choice, is it to surrender and be taken away by my seal, or to resist to the end and be suppressed by me?" Qin Heqing didn't give him too much opportunity to think, and directly showed the show.

"Is there no third choice?" Domamaru hesitated.

"No." Qin Heqing said decisively.

"Then... I choose to refuse!" Tujianyuan's eyes flashed red, and his face shouted fiercely.

Then the Yin Qi flew, and the household items in the house seemed to be under control, blasting at Qin Heqing quickly.

However, Qin Heqing was extremely calm and did not move even a moment, and an aura shield stood in front of him.


Seeing that the round eyes of the earth shrank, he immediately chose to admit it after the explosion. Without saying a word, he directly took advantage of the spirit body and disappeared toward the ground.

"Where to escape!"

Qin Heqing sneered, and when he stepped on the ground with one foot, the invisible power spread out——

However, it was not Qin Heqing's own power. At least he will not be able to draw the ground as a prison for the time being and designate a spell like steel, so the source of this power is Ayukawa. Under the command of Qin Heqing, he restrained the earthen circle that was about to escape with a very obedient mind force. Cooperating with Qin Heqing's imaginary grasping movement, Tu Jianyuan was sent to Qin Heqing...

"I surrender, I surrender, and forgive me!" Tumayuan looked shocked and yelled in panic.

"It's late!" Qin Heqing said coldly.

Then the power of the demon refining pot opened and swallowed the earthen circle.

Then Qin Heqing glanced around the room~www.ltnovel.com~ after making sure there was nothing wrong with it, leaving a piece of talisman as a finishing touch, then left the room again and searched for other single rooms in the low-rent house until the whole building The building search is complete.


"Okay, the problem here has been solved, and after you clean it up, you can re-rent." Qin Heqing said to the Katayama administrator who had suddenly become respectful.

"Okay. Excuse me, please." The Katayama administrator said respectfully.

"By the way, Mr. Katayama, how did that guy die?" Qin Heqing nodded, and then asked curiously.

Such an insignificant fellow could actually hold back and not harm others, and Qin Heqing was more interested in his situation.

"Uh...According to the autopsy report, what kind of excessive myocardial infarction was caused..." Administrator Katayama replied with an embarrassed expression.

The surprise of the answer is also jaw-dropping, but it is also very consistent with the first impression that the guy gave-it is a dead house.

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